Background image not appearing

I'm trying to add a custom background on a child theme. In the child theme's functions.php, I add add_theme_support( 'custom-background'); and the background option appears under the "Appearance" menu as expected. I add the image that I want, save, and nothing happens. The image won't appear as the background. What am I doing wrong? Using version 4.3.1. This is all that's in my child theme's function.php" <?php add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'theme_enqueue_styles' ); function theme_enqueue_styles() { wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' ); …
Category: Web

Jumbotron not showing up on Firefox or Safari

I just want to start out by saying, that I have tried multiple things before I resorted to writing this entry. You guys are my only hope. My site works in Chrome, but disappears in Firefox or Safari. Things I have tried: Added register script then enqueue; In hopes that my grid-12.css is loaded before frontstyle.css(grid-12.css has jumbotron code; bootstrap.css just has my modal.) Moving the end of my while/endif; wp_reset_postdata to the bottom of my jumbotron. Put my jumbotron …
Category: Web

Background image no longer fits to screen now that project is in php files

When my project was still coded as html files, the background images of my sections of my landing page fit the screen, but since changing it to php files to upload to wordpress these sections leave blank space on either side as well as above. This is the CSS corresponding to it #landing-section { padding-top: 0; margin-top: 0; background-image: url(images/landing-section-image.jpg); background-size: cover; background-position: center; height: 100vh; background-repeat: no-repeat; }
Category: Web

@wordpress/create-block image url in css

how to include image URL to css "style.css" in custom block? Both these not work: background-image: url("images/imagename.png"); background-image: url("./images/imagename.png"); Image was compiled with hash like imagename.asdasdasd.png but the path on frontend is bad (not aiming to plugin). Gutenberg editor link (in administration - working): http://webname.test/app/plugins/wwb-key-properties/build/images/line.d71a3edf.png Frontend link (not working): images/line.d71a3edf.png Thanks for help
Category: Web

Fullscreen Page Background without Plugin

I am using the Advanced Layout builder for editing pages in the Enfold theme. I've seen many solutions via code editing or plugin additions, but I am behind a controlled environment and do not have access to FTP (access to functions.php, files, etc) nor WP plugins. The home page can be set to a fullscreen background via the Theme > Customize > Appearance , but I want to add a fullscreen background image to other pages. The only option I …
Category: Web

How to handle a background-size: cover image in Wordpress?

Designer new to wordpress here. I want to take the featured image on a post and make it a hero image for the post single page. The way I would normally do this is to create a div, set width to 100%, height to whatever vh I want, and then set background to the image url in the CSS with background size set to cover. So how I'm trying to do this in Wordpress is like this: <section class="hero" style="background: …
Category: Web

FireFox Inspector :: find CSS file related to <div>

I'm creating my new website and I would like to change the background colour. Through FireFox Inspector I nailed the CSS line that manages the colour, it's background-color: #fff; I now have to change that #fff to #f3f3f3 but I cannot find the right .css file. The .css files are 4: block-editor-style.css editor-style.css theme-help.css customizer-style.css Inside those files I find several background-color: #fff; but none manages that header background. Any idea what .css file manages the header background?
Category: Web

Placing background image over section divider

I'm looking for a solution that will allow me to add an image that will sit over a section divider, but then be hidden behind the section its self. If you look at this section on the website you can see the image disappears beneath the divider. I'm trying to make it sit on top of the divider then hide underneath section like the mockup I've created below. Desired Outcome I'd appreciate any guidance or help that can provided …
Category: Web

featured image as background image on pages

I'm adding a featured image on my page through the dashboard and I want to use it as a background image on the container div of the page. I want to apply the background image through css, so I am thinking to put a style attribute inside my markup. I'm thinking to make something like this: &lt;div id="&lt;?php echo $post_name; ?&gt;" class="page&lt;?php echo $post_id; ?&gt;" style="background: url(&lt;?php wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'large' ); ?&gt;) !important;"&gt; But unfortunately this is not working. When …
Category: Web

Custom Background not Appearing

I have a very simple theme to which I need to add custom-background support. When I go into appearance -&gt; customize, I am able to select a background image. However, the background of the site never actually changes, and I can see that the output html contains &lt;body class="home blog logged-in admin-bar no-customize-support custom-background"&gt; But there are no &lt;style&gt; tags to be seen. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what may be going wrong? header.php &lt;html&gt; &lt;head&gt; &lt;title&gt;Tutorial theme&lt;/title&gt; …
Category: Web

Inserting a background-image

I would like all my site pages to have a background-image, such as: body { background-image: url(; background-size: cover; } Using additional CSS field does not work. What can be the solution, please? Thank you
Category: Web

Change background image based on tags

I'm in a great need for little php script help. My dyslexia makes me dependent on already written scripts and help from others. I've found a site that has a short script that changes the background based on what tags the post have, but they want $55 bucks for it and I don't have so much money. So what I'm after is a script to add to the functions.php that if a post has the tag "red 001" it will …
Category: Web

Structuring Nav Menu and Background Custom page (Help)

i´m creating theme is my first theme and i have a problem with panel nav menu of wordpress, I´m creating the order of nav menu in the panel wordpress and does not order, i was make page and automatically the page add to nav menu, i need delete a page of menu and doesnt not eliminate. this is my header.php &lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt; &lt;html lang="&lt;?php language_attributes () ?&gt;"&gt; &lt;head&gt; &lt;meta charset = "&lt;?php bloginfo ('charset');?&gt;"&gt; &lt;meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"&gt; &lt;title&gt;&lt;?php wp_title …
Category: Web

I would like to set a FULL SCREEN background image to all my pages (same way it is on my home page)

hopefully you can help. My website: I am trying to set a full screen background image to a number of specific pages (about 5-6 other pages) The link to the image I want to use: An example of a page I would like the full screen background image to be on: My plan is to remove the featured image you see on the header of these pages and replace it with the background image but in a …
Category: Web

Section Background Images?

First time poster here... I'm creating a new site on the hosted Wordpress site with a friend. It's going to have each blog post divided into 4 'sections' (we're titling them: bramble, thorns, paths, fruit). We would like to have a background image for each section (separated by an image and heading title). So my question is two fold - first, are there some themes out there that support this? Or is this something I can do in the admin …
Category: Web

Custom Background by Page IDs

I use TwentyTwent theme and want to change its background colour by page IDs. I'm not sure but when I check the functions.php, I see below lines which are related to background colours: // Custom background color. add_theme_support( 'custom-background', array( 'default-color' =&gt; 'f5efe0', ) ); // Add the background option. $background_color = get_theme_mod( 'background_color' ); if ( ! $background_color ) { $background_color_arr = get_theme_support( 'custom-background' ); $background_color = $background_color_arr[0]['default-color']; } $editor_color_palette[] = array( 'name' =&gt; __( 'Background Color', 'twentytwenty' ), …
Category: Web

How to change background image

I am new to wordpress and although searched all over I cannot seem to find an answer for my question so any help would be appreciated: I have the following code: [vc_row row_type="parallax" content_width="grid" full_screen_section_height="yes" vertically_align_content_in_middle="yes" parallax_background_image="2407"] I need to change the parallax_background_image="2407" to another file. I have already uploaded the new file in the Media library but cannot find how to reflect the change. I assume I have to edit some css code but have no idea where to …
Category: Web

Change background image page header overlay for each category

this is my site: and I'm trying to change the background image page header overlay for each category. I have been looking at many forums but I didn't get with the correct answer. For example: on this page it should show a different background image page header overlay than this one: If anybody could help me with this I will be very grateful.
Category: Web


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