Modify "View" in admin panel for custom taxonomy
Fristly, sorry for my bad english.
Secondly, I can't find a solution for my problem since 2 weeks. It's a simple things but I can't find how to do it.
I explain my problem :
I got 2 custom taxonomies call in a function "my_custom_init" :
register_taxonomy( 'directors', 'video', array( 'hierarchical' = true, 'label' = 'Directors', 'query_var' = true, 'rewrite' = true ) );
register_taxonomy( 'clients', 'video', array( 'hierarchical' = true, 'label' = 'Clients', 'query_var' = true, 'rewrite' = true ) );
I would like to edit the link "View" like on the print screen :
I think I have to use the post_row_actions to edit it but I can't get the taxonomy.
If you know how to solve my problem, thanks in advance for your help.
I made this for my categories "post" and "video" and it works ! But I can't do the same for my custom taxonomies :/
I don't really understand I tried but doesn't work :S
add_filter( 'post_row_actions', 'remove_row_actions', 10, 1);
function remove_row_actions( $actions )
if( get_post_type() === 'post' )
unset( $actions['view'] );
if( get_post_type() === 'page' )
unset( $actions['view'] ); //doesn't work ?
if( get_post_type() === 'video' )
unset( $actions['view'] );
// Adding a custom link and passing the post id with it
$permalink = get_permalink();
$permalink = explode(".tv", $permalink);
$actions['customedit'] = "a href=\"/#$permalink[1]\" target=\"blank\"View Get Url/a";
return $actions;
Topic row-actions taxonomy custom-taxonomy admin wp-admin Wordpress
Category Web