Welcome to BrewAdvice.com Frank.
This question is honestly a little too broad and all-encompassing for this site, but I'll try to give you some leads. Your best bet is to start reading, start researching, and start talking to people.
A word of caution before diving into craft beer, as the market isn't as fertile as it used to be thanks to the plethora of new breweries hitting store shelves. Many entrepreneurs are having feasibility studies performed to see if their local market can support and grow a brewery. Brewery Business Plan and the Feasibility Study Company are both run by the same company, but their studies are so accurate, they've been used by commercial lenders to issue pre-approval letters for loans.
If you're just getting started, check out the Craft Brewery Network
or the Brewer's Association. They're a good jumping off point. They also have a long list of links and other resources.
There are a few million blogs on the topic. Mine is one. Brian's is another. There are a lot more.
Do you currently have homebrewing equipment? Chances are it won't be enough to start a brewery. It's just not cost-effective to brew 5 gallons at a time. But sharing with friends is a good way to get feedback on your beer.
As far as laws and licensing go, check out Anda's blog - Legal Libations
Some books you might want to check out:
Lastly, ProBrewer.com is a great resource for articles, a forum, etc.
That should get you started. Come back and ask more questions as you learn. There's a wealth of knowledge out there.