Pale Ale All Grain, FG not achieved
I would like your input as to why my FG was far from the theoric on from brewer's friend calculator.
All Grain Pale Ale:
- Maris Otter 4.7k
- Roasted Barley 94 gr
- Chinook 12 aau min 60
- Cascasde 5 auu min 5
- S-04 re-hydrated in one cup of water at room temperature
Batch Size 20L
- Wort: 12.9L
- water ph:6-7 I didn't have the machine yet, only with the papers
- Sparge:14.7L
- ph_wort_preBoil: 6
- ph_wort_postBoil: ~5
I use brewer's friend calculator and got these numbers for theory:
- OG_theory:1.053
- FG_theory:1.013
These are my real gravity numbers:
- OG_real:1.058
- FG_real:1.027
I use refractometer with ATC to meassure gravity.
Fermenting temperature was between 18°C and 22°C. I didn't have any problems during boil temperature-wise
From what I read, it could be the yeast so I was hoping you will have any input as to why I didn't get closer to the FG (I understand theory is only theory but still I'm far I think)
Topic final-gravity all-grain yeast homebrew efficiency
Category Mac