Pale Ale All Grain, FG not achieved

I would like your input as to why my FG was far from the theoric on from brewer's friend calculator.

All Grain Pale Ale:

  • Maris Otter 4.7k
  • Roasted Barley 94 gr
  • Chinook 12 aau min 60
  • Cascasde 5 auu min 5
  • S-04 re-hydrated in one cup of water at room temperature

Batch Size 20L
- Wort: 12.9L
- water ph:6-7 I didn't have the machine yet, only with the papers
- Sparge:14.7L
- ph_wort_preBoil: 6
- ph_wort_postBoil: ~5

I use brewer's friend calculator and got these numbers for theory:
- OG_theory:1.053
- FG_theory:1.013

These are my real gravity numbers:
- OG_real:1.058
- FG_real:1.027

I use refractometer with ATC to meassure gravity.

Fermenting temperature was between 18°C and 22°C. I didn't have any problems during boil temperature-wise

From what I read, it could be the yeast so I was hoping you will have any input as to why I didn't get closer to the FG (I understand theory is only theory but still I'm far I think)


Topic final-gravity all-grain yeast homebrew efficiency

Category Mac

Your pH of 6 preboil indicates that your pH was off the target during the mash. This likely favored alpha amylase activity over beta amylase. This led to a more dextrinous wort which would increase the amount of non fermentables, contribute more body and finally lead to a higher than anticipated/desired FG.

Refractometer does not read correctly when alcohol is present. It is important only to measure in Brix, never specific gravity. Then use the following conversion calculator to determine the true final gravity and alcohol by volume. Very very important fact that many people miss!

Based on this calculator, I'm willing to bet the actual FG is very close to 1.009-1.010.

I would suggest using a temperature of 22-23 C, especially towards the end of the fermentations


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