Lowering Est FG before Brew

I am planning out a Saison and trying to hit the traditional guideline numbers.... I need to get the East Final Gravity down below 1.008 - I am currently way too high. The changes I keep thinking to make aren't changing things how I was hoping and was hoping for advice to get the correct adjustment. Was going to use Wyeast #3724 Belgian Saison. Currently have a 1.061 Est OG and 1.015 Est FG. Grain Bill is currently: 6 lb. …
Category: Mac

Batch size affecting my Final Gravity?

So i recently fermented a pale ale but only was able to transfer just under 4 gallons of my planned 5.5 gallons into my fermenter due to transfer issues. My final gravity is shooting past my 1.018 estimate and is creeping towards 1.010 and is finally slowing down. So my question is with my lower amount of beer the reason my fermentation is going that direction?
Category: Mac

What do you do about high cider FG?

I went ahead and tried one of Mangrove Jack's cider kits — the raspberry and mango one if anyone is interested. Shoved the fermentation bucket into the garage, and checked in after a couple of weeks. I noticed quite a bit of the infamous rhino farts, which was unpleasant, and the SG was around 1.011. Realising that the temperatures were probably a bit low (nothing too extreme, around 17–18 degrees Celsius) for the yeast at this point, I moved it …
Category: Mac

Is my final gravity to high for bottling?

I am making an Irish Red Ale, unfortunately I forgot to take a starter gravity reading before putting the beer into primary fermentation (primary fermentation was done at 68 °F +/- a few). Unfortunately this means that I wont be able to calculate the final ABV of the beer. I let it ferment for 16 days now, on the 14th day I read a final gravity of 1.028 and the same same thing on the 16th day. Do you guys …
Category: Mac

How low can a beer's final gravity be?

Approximately how low can the finishing gravity of a beer be? I've been brewing from kits for about 10 years, and went all-grain last year. I wouldn't expect to see anything lower than 1.006 or so, but my latest blew me away -- it was somewhere around 1.000! I couldn't believe my eyes. Has anyone else seen an FG so low? (BTW, the yeast was Wyeast 1762, and the SG was 1.066, and table sugar contributed probably only about 1.010-1.015 …
Category: Mac

Chocolate stout stuck at 1021

I'm brewing a bulldog chocolate stout 'Easter brew' as per the instructions. 4.2kg of malt extract alone, 23L, one packet of dried yeast. OG 1058, the generic bulldog instructions just say get it to 1014 or below. Everything started fine just like my previous two brews, then after day 7, I can no longer hear bubbling (although I know fermentation can still continue and air can escape elsewhere). On day 10 I take a reading and it's at 1021. I …
Category: Mac

Didn't reach expected FG. Should I postpone bottling? Also: It looks weird!

I'm a newbie brewer currently trying his luck with an irish red ale kit. I've followed the instructions (which weren't complicated since it's a kit), and I've let it brew for about 6 days now (instructions claim 4–6 days to completion in 18–20°C). First question: The inctructions say the ale should read constantly below 1.014° when it's done, but I measured it to a bit above 1.017° both yesterday and today. I checked the temperature today, and it was 17°C. …
Category: Mac

Low attenuation beer good enough for bottling

I recently brewed a new 5 gallon batch of hefeweizen. Measured OG was 1.054, I then racked to secondary fermentation after a couple of weeks, the last week of that had had no visible yeast activity. Measured gravity at that point was 1.014. Based on back of the enveloppe calculations, I am looking at an apparent attenuation of 74% which is a bit on the low side. I am debating whether it is good enough to bottle or whether I …
Category: Mac

specific gravity too high to bottle?

I recently brewed the Brewer's Best Milk Stout, which uses LME plus lactose and maltodextrin. The original gravity was 1.060, which is within the specs for offered in the instructions. Now after about 1 month in secondary, the beer is is holding steady at 1.030, which is apparently too high (specs indicate 1.020 - 1.024). I'm nervous to bottle in case they will explode. I tried adding some dry ale yeast (Safale US-05) to try and kick the fermentation on, …
Category: Mac

Having doubts about my first stout

I just had an issue with an oatmeal stout. I'm just starting to brew beer at home (BIAB) and I think I made some mistakes. I had my water at 80°C hoping for the decrease of temperature to 72°C when adding my grains. So I just kept at it not knowing this was a problem. So my OG was at 1.070, recipe indicated it should be at 1.068. Then I put the beer in the fermenter and after 7 days …
Category: Mac

Fermentation time for APA with 1.080 OG

I brewed my first batch (APA) and while boiling I lost way too much water which resulted in higher OG. Expected was 1.050 but I got 1.080. I added Safale US-05 (1 pack) and left it to ferment at 20°C (68°F) for 17 days. Being impatient, after 17 days of fermentation, I started cold crashing my beer without measuring my FG. It's now on 3°C (37°F) for 36 hours (it took me 12h to bring it down from 20°C to …
Category: Mac

Adding yeast to secondary

Okay, I am making a strong (imperial-ish) red ale. My original gravity was 1.081. I intended to bring it to a final point at most of 1.020, or if I can even lower. I was using 2 packs of WLP004 (Irish Ale Yeast). According to reviews it is possible to reach 8-8.5% of ABV with it. After 5 days fermenting process stopped and for last 5 days there was no activity. The gravity stopped at 1.030 and the ale a …
Category: Mac

Final gravity too high

I have an IPA that I've brewed in five gallon batches before. OG at 1.065 and FG at 1.010. Those were hydrometer readings. I scaled it down for a one gallon batch, and pitched half a packet of yeast (Safale US-05) instead of a full packet. My OG was 1.060 using a refractometer, but my FG is reading 1.041 after 2.5 weeks of fermentation. Is something throwing the refractometer off? I haven't had this issue before. Maybe I under-pitched? But …
Category: Mac

Pale Ale All Grain, FG not achieved

I would like your input as to why my FG was far from the theoric on from brewer's friend calculator. All Grain Pale Ale: Maris Otter 4.7k Roasted Barley 94 gr Chinook 12 aau min 60 Cascasde 5 auu min 5 S-04 re-hydrated in one cup of water at room temperature Batch Size 20L - Wort: 12.9L - water ph:6-7 I didn't have the machine yet, only with the papers - Sparge:14.7L - ph_wort_preBoil: 6 - ph_wort_postBoil: ~5 I use …
Category: Mac

Measuring alcohol when using ginger bug

I have recently started to get my feet wet by making some ginger beers using a ginger bug to start the fermentation. I would like to know the alcohol content of my final product, but as the ginger bug has both bacteria and yeast eating the sugars I can not figure out how I would measure the final alcohol content! 3 questions: Is there a way to figure out how much sugar has been consumed by either the yeast or …
Category: Mac

How many gravity points will explode a bottle?

If a difference of around 3 gravity points (between primed and final gravity) will carbonate a beverage (yes, depending on style), how many gravity points will make a bottle bomb? No, I'm not trying to make one - nor am I trying to trying to carb with residual sugar and the difference between measured and target gravity. I'm just one more paranoid n00b, curious about the effects of missing my final gravity and wondering how much wiggle room there is. …
Category: Mac

Low FG due to cacao nibs?

I recently brewed an oatmeal cream stout from the Mashmaker book (recipe here https://growlermag.com/homebrew-recipe-oatmeal-cream-double-stout/) with the intention of adding some chocolate & hazelnut flavours. Main difference initially is that I added some cacao nibs to the mash. I hit the OG, however the FG has come out at 1.032, rather than the expected ~1.015... I had read the yeast I was using is highly flocculant, so I pitched some more after 2 weeks, to no avail. Fermentation schedule looked like …
Category: Mac

cider stopped at 1.016! Is this ok?

So this is just my second year of home brewing cider from the apples in my property. Last year I had 16L and everything went as it should. Thus year though with a bumper crop I've ended up with 87L in 4 different batches and 3 of them have stopped fermenting at 1.016 after 2 and a half weeks and the 4th is still going at the moment as it was started around a week and a half later. So, …
Category: Mac

How do I predict final gravity?

I've been taking the original gravity and multiplying the apparent attenuation of the yeast. For instance: 1.040 OG x 75% apparent attenuation = 1.010 expected FG But I never seem to get there. My fermentations look really healthy. Are my expectations realistic? Is this just hard to get right? Here's a real world example: I made a beer using this recipe: 0.5 lb 40L Caramalt 3.3 lbs extra-light LME 1 lb extra-light DME 1 oz Fuggle @ 60 mins 1 …
Category: Mac


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