Pitched dry yeast into 57F wort, underfilled the fermenter with water... have I ruined my batch?
So, I was brewing my Brewer's Best Kolsch LME kit, and I made four errors. First, I skipped rehydrating, yielding to the boxed instructions instead of the packet. Second, I overestimated how cold my bottled water jugs were (i left them in the freezer to cool) and after cooling the wort, I ended up cooling it down to 57F when I pitched it. Didn't realize my mistake until I affixed the thermometer strip to the fermenter. To top it all off, I filled to the 5 gal mark initially, but once the head settled, I can see it's at ~4.33 gals. And I skipped checking the OG, so I can't tell how off I am.
After 24 hrs, the airlock is bubbling at a rate of 4 bubbles per min and is now 68-69F.
Have I ruined my beer?
Topic mistakes first-time-brewer fermentation-temperature primary-fermentation homebrew
Category Mac