plugin's script and style enqueing not working on Thesis
I've published a plugin on WP repository that allows some theming for Gravity Forms.
This plugin as been tested with Twenty Ten, and Twenty Eleven. When I've tried to test it in a site that uses Thesis 1.8.5, I've found out that something wasn't working.
What this plugin does is to extend the Gravity Forms shortcode with a new action. When this action is called, the whole form is wrapped in a div with an appropriate class, then in this case the plugin includes a skin's function.php for further customizations.
Basically the plugin checks two directories:
- /themes
directory inside the plugin directory
- /mgft-themes
directory inside /wp-content
For both directories, it lists all subdirectories and consider them as available themes
When a GF shortcode has a 'theme' action and a 'themename' value, my plugin check what is available in the selected theme folder: - It enqueue all *.js and *.css files located in theme's root - It includes all *.php files located in theme's root
For the moment I always have a functions.php file like this:
wp_enqueue_style("misamee-themed-form-$theme[name]", "$theme[url]css/misamee.themed.form.$theme[name].css");
wp_enqueue_script('tooltipsy', "$theme[url]js/tooltipsy.min.js", array('jquery'));
wp_enqueue_script("misamee-themed-form-$theme[name]-js", "$theme[url]js/misamee.themed.form.$theme[name].js", array('jquery'));
This function.php is included as such (you can grab the full code here):
add_filter("gform_shortcode_theme", array($this, "misamee_themed_form_theme"), 10, 3);
The misamee_themed_form_theme method:
function misamee_themed_form_theme($string, $attributes, $content) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'title' = true, 'description' = true, 'id' = 0, 'name' = '', 'field_values' = "", 'ajax' = false, 'tabindex' = 1, 'action' = 'form', 'themename' = '', 'cssclass' = '' ), $attributes)); /** @var $themename string */ /** @var $selectedTheme string */ $selectedTheme = $themename; /** @var $id int */ $theme = $this-misamee_themed_form_setTemplate($selectedTheme, $id); $additionalClasses = ($theme['name'] != '') ? " class=\"themed_form $theme[name]\"" : ""; //$newString = str_replace('action="prettify"', 'action="form"', $string); $attributes['action'] = 'form'; $formString = RGForms::parse_shortcode($attributes, $content = null); //$formString = do_shortcode($newString); if ($additionalClasses != '') { return "div$additionalClasses$formString/div"; } return $formString; }
private function misamee_themed_form_setTemplate($themeName, $formId) { $theme = $this-misamee_themed_form_getThemeByName($themeName); //echo "pre"; if (strtolower($theme['name']) != "none") { if ($theme['name'] == 'default') { wp_enqueue_style('misamee-themed-form-css', $theme['url'] . 'css/misamee.themed.form.css'); wp_enqueue_script('tooltipsy', $theme['url'] . 'js/tooltipsy.source.js', array('jquery')); wp_enqueue_script('misamee-themed-form-js', $theme['url'] . 'js/misamee.themed.form.js', array('jquery')); } elseif (is_dir($theme['dir'])) { //get all files in specified directory $files = glob($theme['dir'] . "/*.*"); foreach ($files as $file) { $fileData = pathinfo($file); switch ($fileData['extension']) { case 'css': wp_enqueue_style($fileData['filename'], $theme['url'] . $fileData['basename']); //echo "wp_enqueue_style('$fileData[filename]', '$theme[url]$fileData[basename]')\n"; break; case 'js': wp_enqueue_script($fileData['filename'], $theme['url'] . $fileData['basename']); //echo "wp_enqueue_script('$fileData[filename]', '$theme[url]$fileData[basename]')\n"; break; case 'php': include($theme['dir'] . '/' . $fileData['basename']); //echo "include($theme[dir]/$fileData[basename])\n"; break; } } } add_action("gform_field_css_class", array($this, "add_custom_class"), 10, 3); } return $theme; }
It works, at least with the default theme, but with Thesis, this php file doesn't seem to work. It doesn't raise any error: simply id doesn't do anything.
If I add a echo 'OK';
in this file, I can see the "OK" string in the HTML, but enqueuing doesn't work.
With other themes my code works though, so I can't see how to solve this issue.
I've tried any other option, including hooking the three lines to 'wp_print_footer_scripts', 'wp_print_scripts', 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'init' (I know I should user wp_print_* or init hooks, but desperate times, desperate measures): nothing helped.
Right now the only way to "make it work" seem to replace the wp_enqueue_*
function with straight rendering of the 'script ...'
and 'link ...'
tags: something I really don't like.
Topic wp-enqueue-style theme-thesis wp-enqueue-script plugins Wordpress
Category Web