How to get bbpress sticky topics

I want to get bbpress sticky topics using query like this: $sticky = get_option('sticky_posts'); rsort( $sticky ); $sticky = array_slice( $sticky, 0, 2); query_posts( array( 'post__in' => $sticky, 'caller_get_posts' => 1, 'post_type'=> 'topic' ) ); if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); //do something endwhile; endif; How can i make query something like this work?
Category: Web

Custom Post Type Archive Title Lowercase

Is there any reason that my custom post type archive title is all lower-case even though 'name' is defined as sentence-case? Here is the post type function I'm using: function resources_post_type() { $labels = array( 'name' => _x( 'Resources, Help & Support', 'post type general name' ), 'singular_name' => _x( 'Resource', 'post type singular name' ), 'add_new' => _x( 'Add New', 'resources' ), 'add_new_item' => __( 'Add New Resource' ), 'edit_item' => __( 'Edit Resource' ), 'new_item' => __( 'New …
Category: Web

How to remove related post from home page

I am using thesis i am displaying related post using bellow snippet code.My problem is that i dont want load related post on home page.with the css trick we can make it display none but it loads so i dont want load related post on home page. i tried this condition if ( is_home() ) and is_front_page() to load function for specific page but its load the related post on home page. can any body tell how do i prevent …
Category: Web

Related post by category throws internal server error

I am using thesis in wordpress 4.1 i am trying to display related post by category with bellow function but when i go to the post detail page it throws internal server error.i have used same code in another website and the code is working good on that site and each word of code is same on both site i am stucked here i was increased the wordpress memory limit ,in php.ini file memory limit but that also not taking …
Category: Web

plugin's script and style enqueing not working on Thesis

I've published a plugin on WP repository that allows some theming for Gravity Forms. This plugin as been tested with Twenty Ten, and Twenty Eleven. When I've tried to test it in a site that uses Thesis 1.8.5, I've found out that something wasn't working. What this plugin does is to extend the Gravity Forms shortcode with a new action. When this action is called, the whole form is wrapped in a div with an appropriate class, then in this …
Category: Web

Weird Code Being Added to Wordpress Site [Thesis]

Ok, so I'm totally confused on this and am looking for help. I have a site that is loading really slowly. I tracked the source of the slow load time is this call right here: <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> Funny thing is that it's getting added right after the html code. I've looked all through my code in the Thesis theme, and I can't find where that code is being added. While looking at my thesis code, in the /lib/html/header.php …
Category: Web

Removing Submenu from Menu

Thesis appears to automatically add the sub-menus (sub-menu ul) to menu parents if childs exists. I have a specific need to remove this html from a particular menu. The menu name is: second_level Not sure if there a hook to do this. I'm trying to remove these from the menu name above. <ul class="sub-menu">...</ul> I'm not trying to remove the class but the UL's.
Category: Web

Random order of posts on each request

I want my testimonials to be shuffled everytime someone clicks on my testimonials page so that it is not the same one on top all the time. How can I do this? Where should I put the code? I am building using Thesis for WordPress. Also, i assume that each testimonial will need to be inside a div and I will give an ID to each div so that they can be shuffled? I still want them all to be …
Category: Web

Header and nav menu problem on Thesis site

Unfortunately I managed to make the header image disappear and the horizontal nav menu distort on this Thesis themed Wordpress site I'm helping a friend with I've pasted the code from Thesis custom.css and custom-functions.php below. Any help is much appreciated. Cheers, Les File: custom.css Description: Custom styles for Thesis More Info: */ #header { border: none; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 208px; padding: 0; position: relative; } .custom #header #logo a { text-indent: -9999px; width: 450px; height: …
Category: Web

Thesis RSS hook?

New to customizing Thesis for WP so things are going slow. I was wondering if there is a hook for removing the rss subscribe on menu li? Trying to put this in footer. Thanks.
Category: Web

the_content returns blank when adding SEO details

I am using the Thesis theme and wanted a custom style for my pages. So I created a custom template while using thesis hooks and functions where applicable. I am doing this with a solution similar to the method described here so other contributors can use the themes in their pages as well. I am getting the post's content by using the function the_content(). While this works normally and returns the contents of the pages, if I specify the SEO …
Category: Web

How to develop child theme for thesis

I have thesis theme but for that thesis I want to create a child theme but I am not find out any help for starting. even i have search on Internet but nothing found Hey any body have any idea regard this then please help me. I am waiting for your reply Thanks
Category: Web

Threaded Comments Feature not working

If a reader posts a comment on my blog, I'm able to reply to it. But the reply is not appearing on the post page, even after approving the comment. Number of comments to that specific post is 3, i.e., 2 from Readers + 1 Mine(Reply). Here is the example: . Note: I have enabled Threaded Comments. Please help me out.
Category: Web

Slideshow control for use in Wordpress Thesis theme - non flash

I want to use a good elegant slideshow control in my website. The website is created in wordpress and I am using the Thesis theme. I did find a Nivo slider but am stuck at the integration with Thesis (using the custom functions and custom css files). Can someone suggest a good non-flash slideshow widget which I can easily integrate with the theme (and also how to integrate it) Thanks.
Category: Web

Improving the Thesis built-in dropdown menu via javascript

The dropdown menu that Thesis creates is 99% fine, except that it's very unforgiving to users that don't master the use of mouse very easily - old people and people with average to bad vision. I would like to improve its usability using a bit of javascript, allowing the mouse to be a few pixels offside and still keep the submenu open. I tried this in my custom javascript file: var hoverConfig = { over: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $.log("launch menu"); $('.sub-menu',$(this)).show(); …
Category: Web


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