Rack onto yeast cake then fast rack to secondary?
I'm reusing my yeast for a while, and my procedure now is to have a wort ready when I want to bottle or keg a previous batch. So I drain the finished beer out of fermentor, and then collect some yeast slurry to a vessel, wash and sanitize the fermentor, put the yeast in it again, and pour the new wort onto it. Since I'm reading about it, I know that is possible to rack directly onto the previous yeast cake, but it should be avoided to don't overpitch the wort and becouse it's easier to clean the fermentor after one fermentation cycle than after two cycles.
So, I was thinking about rack the new batch onto previous cake and wait just the time to hops, break material and dead yeast decant then rack it to a clean vessel with only healty yeast in suspension. Inicially thought to wait just one day to rack.
That seems a good/safe procedure?