I'm planning to use recycled Corona bottles to pack some juice I'm producing, but to put my own logo on these bottles, I want to remove the original printed brand. In my city, and even in my whole country there is no recycling plants so there is basically nowhere to get help. I tried using paint thinner, paint remover, acetone, and brushing, only the last one worked but the bottle was unsuable after that. So, the question: HOW TO REMOVE …
I find myself baking a couple loaves of bread just about every weekend. Has anyone tried reusing their yeast from brewing for baking bread? I've heard that using some of the spent grain in bread recipes works well, but I'm curious if brewing yeasts are significantly different from those used baking that it would produce some not-so-great tasting bread?
I just made a nice pot full of wort with expensive malt and hops. I pitched the yeast and two days later, no action. I'm pretty sure the yeast is dead, expired, no good. There is no brewing supply near me and the online stores require minimum purchases, minimum S&H and are a week away. Yikes! Can I buy a bottle of beer where the final fermentation was done in the bottle and use the sediment? If so, what's a …
I tried to make dog biscuits with my spent grains, but it was not a big success ;-) I read that we could make more beer reusing the grain again. I liked the idea of making a lighter version of the beer this way. If I make an all grain stout, what can I expect to be able to do by reusing the grain? 1- Can I only add some more 2-row to a new mash to raise the OG, …
My brew kit came with 750mL plastic (PET) bottles & screw-on caps, which I've used. The "safety seals" are broken, but I thought they were more an indicator of product tampering than a functional device. Am I able to re-use the plastic caps in future brews if I sanitise properly?
I'm reusing my yeast for a while, and my procedure now is to have a wort ready when I want to bottle or keg a previous batch. So I drain the finished beer out of fermentor, and then collect some yeast slurry to a vessel, wash and sanitize the fermentor, put the yeast in it again, and pour the new wort onto it. Since I'm reading about it, I know that is possible to rack directly onto the previous yeast …
I have been wanting to make a sour, and it turns out that I have about 5 gallons of beer in my kegs that I'd like to dispose of prior to a long vacation. I was thinking I might be able to get a sour going with these beers following these steps, so anyone with experience, please chime in and let me know if this is a complete waste of time. Dispense the beer from the kegs into a carboy …
the Simply Ginger Beer kit I've brewed and just part-bottled is horrible. The chemical sweetener taste is overpowering and even though I have bottled 20 500ml flip-tops (more for practice than anything), I fully expect to be poring this thing down the sink soon. BUT... before I do, is there anything else I can do with the brew? I.e. an ingredient for something else or convert it to something. I hate the waste!