Stuck Mash -- New LHBS
I recently found that there was a home brew store much closer to my house than the one that I had been visiting. The new store has a larger selection of grains, yeast, and hops; but I've been having a lot of trouble with slow or stuck mashes since I started going to the new store.
I don't have my own mill, so I rely on the LHBS to mill my grains. I thought that the mill at the new store might be too tight, but they assured me that opening it up any more would cause a lot of the grain to fall through totally un-cracked.
My current setup is a 5 gallon round igloo cooler with a false bottom. I'm generally mashing at 154° F for about an hour. If I fill my mash tun with only water if flows freely.
I've now had two batches that we so stuck that I had to abandon them, even straining through a colander wouldn't work.
- What would you recommend I do?
- Is there some way I can verify that their mill is set properly?
- Should I be using a bazooka tube instead of a false bottom? A grain bag?
- More rice hulls?
- My own mill?