Choosing between buckets, glass carboys, etc is always a matter of personal choice.
The ease of use on buckets is high, but the durability is poor and they are much harder to keep sanitary over multiple uses. Any tiny scratch will make the bucket hold microbes you can't see or kill with a simple acid rinse, and now your fermentation vessel is a ticking time bomb, waiting to go off and ruin a batch. There is also no way to get into a bucket without opening a giant hole to the outside world for any old thing to fall into. Fermentations are also not something you get to watch.
Glass carboys are the "classic" choice, and they don't have many of the drawbacks mentioned above. However, they are harder to clean than buckets, and there is risk of serious injury if you break one. However in terms of long term durability and sanitation, they can't be beat by anything but a conical.
My personal choice is plastic carboys. I use 6gal "better bottles", which have the advantage of weighing pretty much nothing, they are nearly unbreakable, you can watch the ferment, and you're not going to get hurt by one. They are easier to clean than glass carboys if you use a bottle washer attachment for your sink. They are lightweight, easy to hold upside down, and easy to see when they are clean. One lesson I learned the hard way however: If you are used to using a bottle brush on your glass carboys, do not put that brush in the better bottle! You will scratch the inside, and ruin it just like you would a bucket. Use hot water and a good cleaner like Five Star PBW, and you've got an easy to maintain system that will last a very long time.