Beer left fermenting 2 months

Brewed beer in 5 gallon bucket in my nyc apt then had to leave town bc of covid. Been sitting there 2 months. Will it be smelling up my apt or building? the water on airlock has surely evaporated. What to expect for smell ? Wont be able to go there to ditch it for 1 more month. Should i worry?
Category: Mac

I got a strong, chemical-vinegary smell when I opened the plastic fermentation bucket I use to store all my brewing stuff. Is it still safe to use?

Essentially what the title says. I use that bucket to store all the measurement equipment, hydrometer, etc. but also yeast nutrient, stabilisers and chemical sanitisers. The smell that came out from the bucket was pretty strong and sharp, leaving a tingly feeling in my nostrils for some minutes after getting a big whiff of it. I have a bunch of strawberries I have just thawed for wine making and I wanted to check that this wasn't a product of some …
Category: Mac

Worried about oxidation

I'm brewing my second batch and had a bit of an accident yesterday. I brewed 20l two days ago and when I checked my fermenter (bucket) yesterday it had overflown. I don't know what possessed me to open the lid and clean in, instead of just cleaning the mess and airlock, but I did. The bucket was open for maybe 10-15mins. I did clean and sanitize both lid and airlock, so hopefully there's no contamination, but I am worried about …
Category: Mac

Green apple taste with beer that used bucket with lid with no gasket

I kegged a black porter, from an extract kit 4 days ago, it is still carbonating. It has a green apple taste to it. I let it sit in the primary for 7 weeks, a midwest supplies 6.5 gal bucket w/ a lid that does not have a gasket. I transferred to a big mouth bubbler for 7 days and then kegged. I recently brewed another beer, using the same bucket and lid and you can tell there is pressure …
Category: Mac

Best way to clean moldy fermentation bucket

I've just had a major house move. During the move, I noticed my fermentation bucket had developed mold. Quite large mounds (to me anyway) of perhaps 0.25in diameter, in the corner of the base. Clearly I didn't do a good job of cleaning it last time I used it. So far I've only rinsed with high pressure water - basically to remove the odour for the move. How should I best kill and clean this stuff ready for brewing? Is …
Category: Mac

Pressure inside mash tun, lid popping up

I have just finished building my mash tun using an insulated plastic barrel. Everything works great but when I pour hot water into the barrel and put a lid on, pressure builds up inside and eventually "blows up" the lid. My question how do you deal with this? Do you let the steam slip away (make a small hole or something like that) or do you just fix the lid so it won't budge?
Category: Mac

Plastic Bucket - Primary & Dry Hopping

I will be brewing an IPA this weekend and fermenting in a much easier to clean afterwards. Once fermentation is complete, I am going to dry hop for 7-10 days in the primary. That would keep it in the bucket for about 2-2.5 weeks. I have never kept anything in the bucket for this long (usually I would transfer)...will it produce any off flavors or is the time short enough that there is no need to worry?
Category: Mac

Adding a spigot to a fermentation bucket what is a good height?

I'm brewing on board a boat, so nothing here is ideal. I'm just trying to reduce some equipment and simplify the process. I want to add a spigot to the fermenter that will hold about 3.5 - 4 gallons. Since I've never tried to brew this big of a batch all at once, I was hoping to get some advice on how high off the bottom should I place the spigot to ensure it will be clear of the sediment? …
Category: Mac

How to know if a bucket is good for fermentation

I bought a bucket on craigslist that was for fermentation. When I got it, it looks like a mess and has no labels on it. I want to be 100% it is safe to use for fermentation. How can I tell? Is there a particular plastic or symbol I am supposed to look for?
Category: Mac

105 Day Fermentation?

I am half dozen or so batches into my homebrewing "career" (Saison du Buff, Jasmine IPA and Midas Touch among my highlights) I found a recipe for a darker saison. I made some modifications (chocolate malt & vanilla bean), but I am confused/nervous about fermentation. Recipe says 105 days in primary, but that seems ABSOLUTELY INSANE to me. I am thinking about going standard 2ish weeks in the bucket then transferring to carboy to ride out the remaining 90ish days. …
Category: Mac

gamma seal lids and B3 buckets

Last year, I bought lots of 6 gallon buckets for storing grain. They were from morebeer, and look like this The buckets do the job, but the lids are tricky to get on and off. I'm thinking of buying gamma seal lids which look like they are easier to remove. As you can see in the photo, the morebeer buckets have some 'rings' near the top, I'm wondering if these interfere with the gamma seal adapter that goes on the …
Category: Mac

Orange juice stain the brew bucket, or even worse?

Hello fellow home brewers! I am looking to begin an orange melomel tomorrow using this page as inspiration. After making some orange juice from the same oranges as the one's I will be using, I noticed that it already took a bit of extra effort to clean the plastic pitcher afterward. Considering I am considering leaving 6+ gallons of orange juice and honey in a brew bucket for a month, I can't help but wonder if should instead just go …
Category: Mac


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