What contamination do I have and is it salvagable?
This is my first time posting to this forum, so if I make some edict mistakes I apologize in advance.
I have brewed this recipe, https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/homebrew-recipe/beer-recipe-of-the-week-crabapple-lambicky-ale/, for the second time and this time there are white splotches coming up on top.
I am fairly certain this is contamination but I am not sure what I should do. My instinct is to bottle it now and see what it tastes like when it is carbonated.
This is only my second contamination so I do not have a lot of experience with this. Any advice is appreciated.
Update: The beer that I brewed did have a sour pitch added, https://torontobrewing.ca/products/lallemand-wildbrew-sour-pitch-10-g. It is a lactobacillus plantarum bacteria and looking online a lactobacillus contamination can look like what I'm seeing. I'm concerned though cause I do not remember seeing it last year and I am wondering if I should bottle it early.
Topic lambics contamination beer homebrew
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