This is my first time posting to this forum, so if I make some edict mistakes I apologize in advance. I have brewed this recipe,, for the second time and this time there are white splotches coming up on top. I am fairly certain this is contamination but I am not sure what I should do. My instinct is to bottle it now and see what it tastes like when it is carbonated. This is only my second contamination …
One of my friends told me that if you brew a lambic with lambic yeast (e.g. the WLP one) you shouldn't be re-using that carboy for anything else. I thought the whole purpose of cleaning was no yeast stays behind? Can anyone confirm this?
I'm familiar with the science behind light contamination, skunking, and why most beers are bottled in brown bottles. What I'm curious is why some breweries are choosing to bottle their sours in green bottles. I've seen this for 250mL up to 750mL bottles.
I'm making my first lambic beer, a kriek lambic with a one month old, last week I dropped 1lb cherries. Today, I noticed this white thing in top: Should I concern about this? Or just let it go...
I have a Wyeast smack pack of Lambic blend in my fridge that I bought a month ago before I understood the complexity of brewing a Lambic. I had it next to some beers that I have really enjoyed previously (L'infusée by Brasserie du Monde, and an Imperial pale ale homebrew) and when I opened them both were not as good as they had been. I'm wondering whether having the Lambic pack in with them for a long period could …
I am anxious to start a batch of lambic, but have some reservations timing wise about the temperature in my basement currently. My basement goes from around 45 in winter (now) to 60-65 at the end of summer. If I keep the fermenter at ale temps for the first 10 days or so and then (slowly) lower the temp to ambient, am I going to stall/stunt the wild cultures too much? Would I be better off waiting until the ambient …
I'm a beginner when it comes to brewing but have two batches of lambic beer coming up. My question is if they have to be aged in a glass carboy or if they can be poured straight into a bottle along with the priming sugar. Best Regards And thanks for the answers in advance
I got a good deal with some White Labs yeasts, including one Brettanomyces bruxellensis (WLP650), and I really don't know how to brew with it. Should I use it only for secondary or could I made a fruit lambic with an ale yeast? EDIT: OK, simple question, do I need an ale yeast to ferment a Lambic with Brett?
Normally I ferment beer in my basement, which varies in temperature from 50-70 degrees, depending on the season. These temperature swings can be bad for fermentation, especially in winter. So when I brew ales, I use a heater + temperature controller to keep the beer at fermentation temperature for the 5-10 days it takes an ale to finish. Soon I plan on making a lambic, which will stay in the carboy for several months, if not years. Do I need …
I've got about 3oz of cascade hops that spent 2 years in the freezer before I decided around January 2011 to take them out, put them in a paper bag, and let them sit at room temperature to age so I can brew a lambic. Over the course of the last several months, anytime I opened the closet that I was storing them in I would get smacked in the face with a cheesy aroma. However, a couple of weeks …
I am about to try a Kreik beer. This is a step beyond a Lamic, and I am having trouble locating actual sour Morello cherries. Will any variety of a sour cherry get roughly equivalent results?
I'm considering trying to brew a simple lambic, which requires some open-air time for wild fermentation and souring of the wort prior to pitching yeast. I'm wondering if I could use a carboy as the vessel for this, or if its small mouth would prevent the desirable bacteria and wild yeast from making it into the wort.
I made a saison earlier this summer. After primary fermentation was complete I took 3 gallons of it and added Wyeast Roeselare Blend. Two months later I added cherries and pecan chips. It formed a thick crusty pellicle and has been going for about 6 months. The pellicle still has not dropped. How long will a pellicle typically take to drop?
I'm looking to make a sour beer for the first time. I'm open to any sort of all grain recipe, fruity, malty, whatever. All I request is that you've already made it, and really like it. I'm also open to any mashing technique.