What difference does the crush make for steeped grains?
I'm wondering if I need to be mindful of how well my grains are crushed if I'm just using them for steeping.
Do I need to get my LHBS to crush my grains or use the rolling pin / bag method? Or can I just whiz them in my coffee grinder? Does it matter how crushed they are? What harm could I cause if I end up with a fine powder?
In this question, Denny mentioned a couple of things: that the crush is less crucial, but also that sticking to 1.5 qt/lb (~3L/kg) is important to regulate the pH for steeping. Does this change up or down based on how the grain is crushed? My coffee grinder is fairly inconsistent with it's grinding, so if I over / under crush I'd like to adjust if it's necessary.