What is the proper way to maintain temperature in a water cooler Mash tun by adding hot water?
I bought the 10 gallon water cooler from Home Depot. The hole in it is about 3/4" diamater. After discovering that Home Depot, Lowes, Ace Hardware, and etc. did not sell all the components (hose barbs, coupling, pipe nipple, ball valve) in stainless steel or brass, I went to my LHBS, where they only sold 1" pieces. Getting frustrated, I widened the hole in the Home Depot water cooler with a titanium drill bit to 1" diameter and put it together.
The temperature drops significantly over 60 minutes. For example, the test I just concluded with 5 gallons of water resulted in the following (Of course, opening the cooler to measure the temperature will change the outcome by some degree):
Minutes | Temperature (F) | Change
00 | 163 | 0
15 | 158 | -5
30 | 153 | -5
45 | 153 | 0
60 | 151 | -2
Oddly, the temperature dropped 5 degrees in the first 15 minutes, another 5 in the second 15 minutes, didn't drop at all in the third 15 minutes, and dropped two in the final 15 minutes.
Test 2:
Minutes | Temperature (F) | Change
00 | 163 | 0
15 | 160 | -3
30 | 160 | 0
45 | 160 | 0
60 | 169 | 9
Ok the brand new digital thermometer that I just bought today is obviously incorrect as the temperature spiked upwards 9 degrees. I'll have to repeat with a new thermometer.
There is a slight leak in the water cooler. I'll probably plaster the outside with silicon and test again tomorrow. However, I think I need to plan for a temperature reduction.
I've read that people typically add hot water to the mix if they are having trouble like I am having. How much should I add, at which temperature, and what time increments? Is this something that I'll just have to experiment with?
Should I just chock this up as a loss and buy a different cooler with a 1" hole?
Topic mash-tun mashing temperature-control mash temperature homebrew
Category Mac