What is the Purpose of Adding Malt Sugars Towards the End of the Boiling of the Wort, as Opposed to the Beginning?
I am in the middle of brewing a Phat Tyre Amber Ale from Northern Brewer. After boiling the water and steeping the grain, I took the pot off and added the liquid 6lbs Munich malt syrup and the dry 1lb Pilsen malt extract, as I am typically instructed to add the malt sugars at the beginning of the boil.
Only after this point when I needed to check the hop schedule did I bother to read the instructions, where I learned that I was supposed to add the 6lbs liquid Munich malt syrup 15 minutes towards the end of the boil, as opposed to the start of the boil.
What is the purpose of this instruction -- to add malt sugars towards the end of the boil as opposed to the beginning?