What wattage element is needed for hot liquor tank/heat exchanger, and what about brew kettle?
I'm completely captivated by www.theelectricbrewery.com, love their directions, and have ordered the parts, so I'll have my experience soon, but what is your experience with selecting hot water heater elements for boiling/heating?
Edit: For anyone looking at this considering a move to electric, use the directions in www.theelectricbrewery.com as much as you can afford to. They ended up spending upwards of $5k on their whole setup, but their directions are really good, and you can make do with some of their setup without using it all. I highly recommend the 5500 watt ultra low density elements. The HLT can simply be plugged in and unplugged when it reaches the desired temperature. The brew kettle, on the other hand, really needs some form of control. Directly plugged in, my boil was extremely vigorous, and on a day when the temperature was below freezing, with a large fan directly on the boil, it was barely maintainable.