Hello I have a trained model on credit card fraud detection, however I want to find a solution so I can update the model parameters with new input records to simulate the pattern changes, is there any repository or ideas to help me.
Can anybody explain Apache Kafka for me in a plain language? I'd appreciate an explanation with a practical example instead of abstract theoretical definitions, then I can understand better. What is it used for? What does messaging mean? Messaging between what?!! At which stage of a BigData analysis is it used? And what are prerequisites for learning it? PS: Please explain as you would explain for a non-technical person
I am a beginner in Apache Kafka. I am reading now some architecture documents and I find in a diagram 2 components: Kafka Channel Kafka Broker What is the difference between these 2 components?
Does Apche Kafka support sockets-based communication? Example: After running both Kafka producer and consumer.if I send a message through putty(TCP/IP client), will the consumer receive it or not?