Debug a WP install: how to find which functions write post updates during a process (a woocommerce checkout in my case)

I hope this question is not too broad or not the right format. But the subject at hand is one of the vaguest: debugging. For the TLDR crowd out there, the actual question is in bold in the 'What I am missing' section :) Context: I have to debug a weird occurrence on a large woocommerce WP site that I have not built, and that uses around 40-ish plugins, most of which are woocommerce add-ons. I cannot go the plugin …
Category: Web

How to stop WordPress from removing & from URL?

So I have a URL which has a tracking link applied to the end. For some reason WordPress is removing the & which is causing the tracking to fail. You can see the URL example here: When you go through this, you then get redirected in a way to: Note the & has been removed. Also, this only happens on internal pages. Does anyone know how to stop this?
Category: Web

Gravity Forms redirect based on conditions

I want to redirect based on conditions in Gravity Forms. //REDIRECT BASED ON GRAVITY SELECTIONS add_filter( 'gform_confirmation_17', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\redirectfilter', 10, 4 ); function redirectfilter($confirmation, $form, $entry, $ajax) { GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): started.' ); session_start(); $laatste = $entry['1']; if(isset($_SESSION['form'])) { GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): SESSION[form] is set.' ); $result = array(); foreach($_SESSION['form'] as $row){ $result[] = $row; } if ($result[0] === 'Diesel' && $result[1] === 'Mobiel' && $laatste === 'Kunststof' ) { GFCommon::log_debug( __METHOD__ . '(): Diesel and Mobiel …
Category: Web

Saving widget gets an undefined variable

I am developing a widget for cached feeds. The widget itself works exactly as I want but I noticed that if I were to delete the widget and then add a new one (or simply just add a new one) on the first save I get an undefined variable error. This is in the admin Appearence->widgets section. Notice: Undefined index: cached_feed1450-3 in D:\Sites\\wordpress\wp-admin\includes\ajax-actions.php on line 1578 It looks to me that this may be a WordPress issue since that line …
Category: Web

How to Integrate Trac and WordPress (as done on the WP Development blog)?

Back in May, I recall seeing a post on the WordPress Development blog by Alex M ( where he added functionality for Automatic Ticket/Revision/Diff Linking which allows for linking to Trac tickets, Trac revisions, and Trac diff comparisons. I am wanting to do the same thing with an internal WordPress blog and Trac that I have for my business. I haven't seen where this was released as a WordPress plugin so I was hoping that people could point me in …
Category: Web

Integrating WP as a CMS with a Bug Tracker

First of all, I can't use Trac, which is what the WP dev community uses to track bugs. However, my consulting company is using WordPress as a CMS for just about everything - product information, sales portal, news site, etc. I'd like to set it up to integrate our plug-in listing with a bug tracker ... Right now, I have Flyspray set up as a standalone bug tracker. It works alright, but it's a separate domain ( so that it …
Category: Web


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