[embed width="28"]http://audio.itunes.apple.com/apple-assets-us-std-000001/AudioPreview91/v4/e7/e0/fb/e7e0fbfb-5582-ee65-6a81-823b5ecf9186/mzaf_5076836927047056840.plus.aac.p.m4a[/embed] Since WordPress was updated to version 4.7, the audio player changed: after pressing the play icon, the play button now comes with other options, "download" and "mute". I want to hide those, and turn back to the simple play - pause Below is the image: In the past, after playing 'play', only the 'pause' button appeared as seen in the image below: I want it back. Any idea on how to do this?
I want to include backend buttons css on frontend in a plugin? This is how its inluded in backend: http://localhost/wp-admin/load-styles.php?c=1&dir=ltr&load=admin-bar,wp-admin,buttons,wp-auth-check&ver=3.6.1 How to include it in the frontend?
Actually i need such a function , when we click on the "publish" button of the post in word press, after publish automatically go this page on the desired link().. 2nd :if we add a button "return link " just bellow the "publish" button ,then also i can get this function.. my question is how how to solve this problem and how we add button on the wordpress post under the publish button?
i need the user to send 2 forms with one button-click, so i'm basically trying to merge two buttons into a third one, in order to pass data along, but don't know what i'm doing wrong here. i've been trying to get this solution to work, but i get console-error "uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'submit' of null at SubmitForms" one of the forms is generated with ninjaforms, the other one by another plugin... i'm not sure if i can …
So i'm trying to add a button over the text editor which on pressed lets the user paste in a youtube link which is then covered in shortcode something like this [code]youtube.com[/code]. Following this guide lets me show the button however pressing the button does northing. nothing afterwards pops up. See screenshots for clarification. And here's my code: jQuery(function($) { $(document).ready(function(){ $('#insert-my-media').click(open_media_window); }); function open_media_window() { if (this.window === undefined) { this.window = wp.media({ title: 'Insert a media', library: {type: …
I'm trying to redirect customers, who are not logged in, when they push the "proceed to checkout button" on my cart page but nothing happens. Here's my code: function custom_redirect_checkout(){ if ( !is_user_logged_in() ){ wp_redirect( 'https://www.domain.co/login/', 301 ); exit; } } add_filter( 'woocommerce_proceed_to_checkout', 'custom_redirect_checkout' );
I'm trying to give link to one button in Elementor like this (for sharing the post on a social media site): https://eitaa.com/share/url?url={url} by {url} I mean the current post url. but when I put this as link for button it doesn't work anyone can help?
I am trying to change the text of the publish button to save function change_publish_button( $translation, $text ) { if ( $text == 'Publish' ) return 'Save'; return $translation; } add_filter( 'gettext', 'change_publish_button', 10, 2 ); I am trying to run the above code but it doesn't change the text of the publish button, can anyone please tell what is wrong with this code or suggest any new method. Thanks in advance Update I want to change the publish button …
Hey guys I am a noob to wordpress just trying to make it out here doing some basic home automation project. I have a group of sensors that read data and send it to a MYSQL database that I then graph or display it this part is fine. But I also want to be able to press a button on my webpage and send a binary signal to a MYSQL database. Once I get my binary signal logged in the …
I have created 3 buttons in a row with Gutenberg. On Desktop I have them all in the same row. I can get that to look okay. The problem is that on mobile it doesn't center the buttons (they all float to the left) and a second but separate issue is that the buttons don't have the same width. I've tried this three ways: made a column block and divided it into 3 columns. I put a button in each …
I have buttons with no text in my design which has icons designed in :before of the a tag. It was working fine with the WP 5.5, but now I have updated in live and when I save any page it removes all those buttons. I understand that because it is empty WP removes it on save. Is there a way that I can skip a block or skip this removing block stuff because most of my blocks have empty …
I want to add a button to product page when those products are in the category"expire". This button has to add a category. I search on web a solution and I found a code. I modified this code in order to work in my website but it doesn't. Here is the code : add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'extra_button_on_product_page', 22 ); function extra_button_on_product_page() { global $post, $product; if ( has_term( 'expire', 'product_cat' ) ) { ?> <button type="submit" name="in_metrology" class="button" value="yes"><?php echo __( …
I'm trying to adda custom button to my editor following this guide Can't get it to work. I've added the following code to my funcitons.php add_action('admin_head', 'gavickpro_add_my_tc_button'); function gavickpro_add_my_tc_button() { global $typenow; // check user permissions if ( !current_user_can('edit_posts') && !current_user_can('edit_pages') ) { return; } // verify the post type if( ! in_array( $typenow, array( 'post', 'page' ) ) ) return; // check if WYSIWYG is enabled if ( get_user_option('rich_editing') == 'true') { add_filter("mce_external_plugins", "gavickpro_add_tinymce_plugin"); add_filter('mce_buttons', 'gavickpro_register_my_tc_button'); } } function …
I have an issue with sending an e-mail on address with the link with disliked post. So, when a guest click on "Dislike" button, link of the post must be submitted to a given e-mail address. My blog_likes.php file looks like this: <?php $likes = 0; $dislikes = 0; if (get_field('post_score_likes')) { $likes = get_field('post_score_likes'); } if (get_field('post_score_dislikes')) { $dislikes = get_field('post_score_dislikes'); } ?> <section class="blog-likes" data-id="<?php echo get_the_ID() ?>"> <div class="blog-likes__title">Did you find this post helpful and interesting?</div> <div …
Is there a way to set the default border-radius for buttons in Gutenberg using a theme? For example, I would like any time a user adds a button that it defaults to border-radius=10, but still allows them to change it with the slider.
How do i remove some of the buttons in from a block toolbar in the gutenberg editor? I thought there was a similar api to removing blocks for the paragraph block, something like but there is 0 documentation on how to remove this stuff: wp.domReady( () => { // wp.data.select( 'core/rich-text' ).getFormatTypes() // ^ tried with 'core/image' but throws an error wp.richText.unregisterFormatType( 'core/image' ); wp.richText.unregisterFormatType( 'core/strikethrough' ); wp.richText.unregisterFormatType( 'core/keyboard' ); wp.richText.unregisterFormatType( 'core/text-color' ); wp.richText.unregisterFormatType( 'core/code' ); });
On button click, I want user to download a file which is an apk file. On that same click, at the same time, I want to scroll to a div. Is it possible to add two actions in a button? Note: I'm using elementor.
I am a beginner in creating Gutenberg blocks. I want to create a custom block for a button. It should have an input field inside for the button text and the user should be able to choose between two button styles and the target URL in the InspectorControls area. But somehow my code doesn't work. The editor refreshes when I am inside of the input field and I am not able to access InspectorControls. Here is my code: const InspectorControls …