I have a local WordPress setup in the Turkish language. I have a post title like ... MAMASI .... When I search by keyword maması in lower-case it doesn't find post. I try the table Character set utf8mb4_unicode_ci, utf8mb4_general_ci, utf8_unicode_ci, utf8_general_ci, utf8_turkish_ci but it gave me same result. How can I solve Iı sensivite problem?
I am working on a website where I am using a custom template. My site having German character. When I use the visual editor(without template) it displays perfectly. Link But when I am using a custom template for static content it won't show German characters. Link
I'm working on a site that contains passages in old spellings of the Luxembourgish language. This means that it contains an extreme assortment of weird diacritics, strangely placed apostrophes and mixtures of characters, in order to create the various "Umlauts" that the language contains. (Our grammar and orthography were standardized very late.) My problem is that for some reason the letter û (u circumflex) is not accepted and throws an error however I enter it. I have tried to insert …
I have a problem with my blog https://blog.solaga.fr/ There is some letters with special characters (accents and ñ) which have been replaced by a ? In this article you can see it: https://blog.solaga.fr/musee-de-malaga-decouvrez-ladn-de-la-ville/ This is pretty weird because it doesn't happen in all the words with special characters, just in some of them. If someone could help me to find a solution, it would be great! :)
Please guys I need help on how to remove special characters in POST TITLE - Certain SYMBOLS LIKE < > { } Please Note: I am a beginner coder, kindly make the solution very simple for me to understand
my problem is this. There are posts with string "ÖZYALIN" When I search it as ÖZYALIN results appear without any issue. But when I do that search as Özyalın or özyalın results doesn't show. It doesn't happen when string doesn't have any unique Turkish character. Forexample if you search for sting MAYAN you can use MAYAN, Mayan or mayan and results appear without and issue.
I need to migrate a wordpress database to another server but first i need to change all old url's, stored inside any table, to new ones. To do that, i'm using wp-cli search-replace function with --export flag. Everything regarding the search-replace method is working good except the encoding of all text of the entire dump. Is there any way to preserve the initial encoded text on the export process ? Like --default-character-set=utf8mb4 or something ? Heres an example of the …
This is regarding a Wordpress site, v4.4.2. The issue has been occurring for some months. It use to only occur on Firefox (no idea why). As of very recently it occurs on all browsers (I've checked Safari, Chrome, and Firefox, on two different computers [both Mac]). Symbols such as some of the icons in the left side-bar in wp-admin don't display, and then all icons in the theme I use (Divi, by Elegant Themes) show up as numbers and other …
Not sure why this thread was closed, but this is the same issue inflicting many people. All my WP config settings are in order: //define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'); //define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8_unicode_ci'); //define('DB_COLLATE', ''); I even tried enabling them one by one. None worked. When I save a post, weird characters appear in place of apostrophes and spaces. This happens whether I type content manually or I've tried a few plugins. UTF-8 Sanitize Convert WP to UTF-8 ..etc. None of them work. The problem …
I'm having font problems, or maybe character encoding on wordpress. I am building a Thai website, most of the articles are in the correct language and there is no problem. But there are a number of articles posted when posting errors in the article letters. Such as: https://prnt.sc/vswh8j or https://prnt.sc/vswi15 As in the picture I have given, some of the first characters can be Thai, but the following characters are like: "ี่๠€ ภ£ ๠‡ วà¸" and I …
I would like a Greek word (Ἀπὸ) to render on a page like it rendered right here. If I copy Ἀπὸ directly to a page via the Wordpress interface, it shows just fine in both the interface and on the actual page. However when I use some PHP to read it out of a MySQL table and add it to a page, it renders ??? instead of Ἀπὸ. Before you think it is messed up in the database, it renders …
Hi guys I've searched this for too long and I am getting tired now. I need to set a limit on my post titles but I don't know how to do it. On google there are snippets of 300000000 codes to do the same thing but I don't understand where to put these and HOW. I am a total newbie. I am building my website with Elementor and I need the title to trim at an exact character limit. How …
Apparently a lot of people complain that they only see random letters and characters: My biggest problem is that I can't reproduce the problem on ANY of my devices! Not on my Windows XP laptop, not on my Windows 7 laptop, not on my Android phone or my iPod Touch. It doesn't matter which browser I'm using. The only time I see the problem myself is when I try to share one of my blog posts on Google+, because the …
I observe that a copy-paste containing the control character '^L' (ie FF) causes an error with 'vimrepress'. Wordpress publishes the page but vimpress cannot load it. I would like to replace this '^L' character with a space in one and, if possible, several pages either with "adminer", or with a plugin, or from the editor. Any ideas ? NB: WP 5.4.1; mysql 5.7.28; PHP 5.6.39
I'm showing little pieces of example HTML/PHP code on the frontend (with syntax highlighting). The entries are displayed as FAQ custom posts, and have a plugin (CMS Tree page) to alter the menu order, at which these are displayed. Whenever I change the order, it calls a wp_update_post, updating ID, menu_order, post_parent, post_type. For debug, I output the post_content property right before updating, and right after, and it gets changed in a horrible way. Before (correct): [html light="true"]&lt;/body&gt;[/html] After (messy): …
Whenever adding an empty line between paragraphs using TinyMCE, the &nbsp; character entity is added. How can I strip the content of all instances of this character whenever an author updates their post (save_post)?
I install the plugin on the site for registration in Russian(Allow Cyrillic Usernames) and now I need to change in the sql database, in the table wp_users, in the column user_nicename permission to write more characters from by default 50 to 255. How to do this? Tried, did not work: ALTER TABLE wp_users ALTER COLUMN user_nicename varchar(200) NOT NULL -error ALTER TABLE wp_users CHANGE user_nicename user_nicename VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; -error #1067 Found in net tip: show variables like …
I have imported posts from RSS Feed and then on word press default search if i search Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum – Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum It shows me 0 result. But on changing special character – to - my keyboard minus sign it will work fine and shows desired result Please anyone help me out there for that issue.
I am using the Dutch special characters like ï and it is being converted to u00ef. I have tried ut8_unicode_ci in wp-config and in the database tables where the value is saved but it is still saved in the database as encoded characters. I want to display it as Dutch characters.