Can quantitative data be calculated from a neural network?

The only success I've seen or had with Neural Nets, is taking whatever input, and outputting Boolean results, yes/no, in the form of a range between in the case in question $0.5$ and $1.0$, with $0< Y_n\le0.75 = $No and $0.75<Y_n\le1.0 = $Yes. But what if I want a usable value? Like a true blue regression of a complex equation? I see examples of this but I don't see proof. But for sake of argument let's say that I have …
Category: Data Science

Mean Accuracy and Standard Error of the Accuracy for KNN Classification algorithm

The given below code snippet is from the assignment of online course IBM ML with Python. Here's the assignment. The used variable names :mean_acc and std_acc are ambiguous for me. So, I am thinking from the point of Inferential Statistics but it conflicts. Ks = 10 mean_acc = np.zeros((Ks-1)) std_acc = np.zeros((Ks-1)) for n in range(1,Ks): #Train Model and Predict neigh = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors = n).fit(X_train,y_train) yhat=neigh.predict(X_test) mean_acc[n-1] = metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, yhat) std_acc[n-1]=np.std(yhat==y_test)/np.sqrt(yhat.shape[0]) Visualisation plt.plot(range(1,Ks),mean_acc,'g') plt.fill_between(range(1,Ks),mean_acc - 1 * std_acc,mean_acc + 1 …
Category: Data Science

Estimating related metrics using Maximum A Posteriori

English is not my mother tongue; please excuse any errors on my part. I've recently faced a problem for which I haven't found any solutions after investing a lot of time. Here is the summarized problem statement: Imagine our dataset being the history of matches of a football team, and each point in our dataset is either zero (lost) or one (won). Here we define four metrics that we want to estimate; winning ratio (# of wins / # total …
Category: Data Science

estimate user's satisfaction of a video based on how much of it they watched - normalization

I am trying to estimate how much a user liked a video using how much of the video they watched. Let's say, on the scale of 1 to 10, 1 means that the user didn't like it at all, and 10 means they enjoyed it a lot. For instance, if a user watched 8 minutes from a 10-minute video, it means the score of 8. If they watch 18 minutes of a 20-minute video, it means the score of 9. …
Category: Data Science

what other metrics can i use to estimate quality of the model predicting income range - interval estimation task?

I trained a model that predicts customer's income given the features: age, declared income number of oustanding instalment, overdue total amount active credit limit, total credit limit total amount The output is a prediction: lower-upper bound for a customer: e.g. [8756-9230] Metrics used: NIRDM - not in range distance mean - how far the value is from the closest bound (on average) for values out of range(similar to true negative) in-interval - percent of tested values that actually happen to …
Category: Data Science

Sparse Covariance Selection

I was reading this article, whose goal is to estimate the covariance matrix from a the sample covariance matrix drawn from a distribution $X$. ' Given a sample covariance matrix, we solve a maximum likelihood problem penalized by the number of nonzero coefficients in the inverse covariance matrix. Our objective is to find a sparse representation of the sample data and to highlight conditional independence relationships between the sample variables.' The likelihood problem is only for the case where …
Category: Data Science

Estimating average daily consumption with samples randomly scattered in time

I want to estimate my daily water consumption. I have taken pictures of the water meters (total m3 used since last reset) every now and then, but without any regularity. There can be a difference of a few days to several weeks between samples. What would be the best way to estimate this? I have thought of the following approaches: Create a double-entry table with the sample dates in the column and in the row headers. Each cell is the …
Topic: estimation
Category: Data Science


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