WordPress and plugins can't update ("inconsistent file permissions" error)?

I have a problem - when I click on "Wordpress update", I receive this message: Downloading update from https://downloads.wordpress.org/release/wordpress-5.1-new-bundled.zip… Unpacking the update… The update cannot be installed because we will be unable to copy some files. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions.: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php Installation Failed I changed permissions: WP-admin and WP-includes to 755 WP-content to 777 All files in WP-admin are 755. What can be the problem? I am trying to solve it, but I can't do it.
Category: Web

Wordpress installation on digitalocean eating the server storage

I run a wordpress installation on digitalocean vps. the server desk space is 80gb, but only 11gb left. here is the space used by wordpress: WordPress directory size 46.12 MB Uploads directory size 1.58 GB Themes directory size 49.79 MB Plugins directory size 77.86 MB Database size 212.83 MB Total installation size 1.95 GB what happened to the rest of the desk space? i run on Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu)
Category: Web

Setting wp_temp_dir and permissions not working for "Missing A Temporary Folder" error

I have a problem uploading files to my main webpress site (e.g. www.main.com) and all the other pages that live in it (e.g. www.main.com/anotherpage). I know there is a method to set a temp folder like define( 'WP_TEMP_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-content/temp/' ); but I have already put this line in the wp-config.php file but I did have any success. Also I have already changed all permissions to the folders using (maybe is better to use 775, but I wanted to …
Category: Web

wp_temp_dir does not change the /tmp temporary default directory

I have a problem changing the temporary folder. I have have define the new temporary folder using define( 'WP_TEMP_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-content/temp/' ); before the line /* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */ but without any success. I have created a small test.php script to checking the success of changing to the new temporary folder such that <?php echo sys_get_temp_dir() . PHP_EOL; ?> with the output /tmp I have checked the permissions of the wp-config.php, wp-content/temp/ and wp-includes/functions.php files …
Category: Web

Serve contents from Nextcloud / WebDAV

I am looking for a solution to show the contents of a folder in a Wordpress site with the folder being hosted on Nextcloud. Since Nextcloud and Wordpress both support WebDAV I thought it would be straight-forward to find a plugin that provides the functionality to list files in a certain directory and make them accessible (via WebDAV). However, the only WebDAV-related plugins I find are about Wordpress backups. Any ideas?
Category: Web

How to prevent users to view server files using WP File Manager plugin?

I'm developing some plugins to an website, but I don't want the users to see the code (or download it). If the user install the plugin WP File Manager, all files in the host will be revealed to him. Plugins are an essencial part in the WP ecossystem and I don't want to remove the ability of the users to install. I just don't want the users to access the core files. I tried this approach: Change the file owner, …
Category: Web

"dashboard"-named PHP file doesn't get included

I've made a simple "test plugin" to demonstrate the issue: my-test-plugin/ ├─ includes/ │ └─ dashboard.php └─ main.php <?php // dashboard.php echo '<h1>Dashboard</h1>'; <?php // main.php /** * Plugin Name: My Test Plugin */ add_action('admin_menu', 'myTestPlugin_onAdminMenu'); function myTestPlugin_onAdminMenu() { add_menu_page('My Dashboard', 'My Test Plugin', 'manage_options', 'my-test-plugin', 'myTestPlugin_displayDashboardPage'); } function myTestPlugin_displayDashboardPage() { require_once 'includes/dashboard.php'; } This plugin only adds a menu item labeled My Test Plugin, that displays the "dashboard" page. It works perfectly on my development Windows machine; but surprisingly, …
Category: Web

Theme, Wordpress Version, MySQL Version, PHP Version Update affected files and folders

I noticed that my custom files and folder was gone after theme update, and I dont really know what is the exact scope of the affected custom files and folder: How do I keep my Files during Wordpress and Theme Updates? During Wordpress Update does the custom tables I made will also be gone? Does MySQL Version Update remove my custom Tables in wordpress?
Category: Web

Can WP plugins access files outside the installation folder?

If I have multiple WP installations in let's say /var/www. Can a plugin be developed to access files outside its own directory? I want to host multiple installations for different customers in the same chroot. But those customers will have admin access to their instance. Can they theoretically develop a WP plugin to access the files (or even WP config, including DB credentials) of another WP installation? For example, can the WP located at /var/www/wordpress-customer-1 access files located at /var/www/wordpress-customer-2 …
Category: Web

List of files/folders writable by the web server?

New to WP. I soon realized there are some files that need to be writable by the web server, otherwise various operations fail. Moreover, the lists seem to be different for different tasks. Not sure I'm in love with the concept, but okay, I'll work with it. The trouble is, I can't figure out a simple way to determine which files / folders could be written to by the web server during the course of various actions. The documentation I've …
Category: Web

Securing a multi-user permission structure

I'm currently working on a team that needs two distinct users from the same wpadmin group to be able to modify the wordpress files. Following the guide at Hardening WordPress (Codex), the following commands would give 755 and 644 access to directories and files respectively: find /path/to/my/wordpress/install/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; find /path/to/my/wordpress/install/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; But the lack of the g+w permission would make this unusable on a multi-user environment. What best …
Category: Web

External pages redirecting back to wordpress

So I've created a folder under my wordpress root directory containing simple vueJS html files and assets such that anyone can access them from a url like: Mywordpress.com/externalfolder My external folder however contains its own routes and url params so going to a url like Mywordpress.com/externalfolder/about should be handled in the page logic itself, entirely seperate from wordpress, but instead, wordpress redirects to 404. How do i remove this behaviour and get the server to use whatever my external folder …
Category: Web

Save media files (images) to database instead of the filesystem

I have an out-of-the-box installation of WordPress with WooCommerce. I see that uploaded images (e.g. when I create a product) are saved in the filesystem under wp-content/uploads/. I would like the images be saved in the database instead. Is that possible? I am aware about cons on saving media to the database instead of the filesystem.
Category: Web

What dependencies should I load and to use the WP_Filesystem?

I'm building a Wordpress theme which has a WP_Filesystem call in it: <?php $wp_filesystem = new WP_Filesystem_Direct(null); echo $wp_filesystem->get_contents(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/assets/images/Search_Glyph.svg'); ?> I know that the WP_Filesystem needs some dependencies. I load them now like this in functions.php: require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-base.php'; require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php'; I don't know if this is the correct way to load the dependencies for the filesystem. I found an other question for plugin development and after some research I made the following code, which …
Category: Web

File ownership for file tree php user ID - Folder permission 775

I have the same issue as the below topic, where all my folder are set to 755 but I am unable to run updates or upload new media due to folder permissions. Once I set it to 775, the problem is resolved. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/folder-uploads-permission-to-775/ However, in this thread above it mentioned to "set ownership of your file tree php user id". In my namesco account I have the below FTP accounts: example.com example.com_thisisme The website was uploaded using the example.com_admin The …
Category: Web

How to replace file_get_contents() with a Wordpress Filesystem call

I'm using the PHP file_get_contents() function to retrieve and echo the contents of an SVG-file. <?php echo file_get_contents( get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/images/Search_Glyph.svg' ); ?> I checked the theme with the Wordpress.org theme checker and I am currently resolving all the issues. One of the issues is the use of file_get_contents. It gives me the following warning: WARNING: file_get_contents was found in the file header.php File operations should use the WP_Filesystem methods instead of direct PHP filesystem calls. I tried finding information …
Category: Web

How to first edit in local Wordpress editor on page and the add code?

I started a local WordPress site using DesktopServer. (Atom for coding). And I want to start creating the new website by first creating a "page" in local WordPress and creating a basic layout, and then to find the file and edit it in my code editor. BUT I can't find the file of the new page I created (don't even know what it would be named) in the folder where my local Wordpress installation is. How can I find it? …
Category: Web


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