Organizing datasets, dataset version control, MLOps and other questions

I am currently looking into structuring data and work flows for my ML end to end pipeline. I therefore have multiple problems, and ideally I am looking for one platform that can do all: Visualize and organize multiple datasets. ideally something like the Kaggle datset webinterface Do dataset exploration to quickly visualize errors in data, biases in annotations etc. Annotate images and potentially point clouds commenting functionality for all features Keep track of who annotated what on what date dataset …
Category: Data Science

Dynamic Images in Tableau

A Tableau Workbook I'm working on has different users logging in to see the data for their company. In the dashboard I have created a dynamic image that shows the customer logo depending on who is logged in. I created this by going to the Map drop down and using Background Images. The field that controls which image is seen, is a customer dimension which lists all of the customers in the database. The issue I'm having is that some …
Topic: image tableau
Category: Data Science

Generate profile face from front face image

How can I generate profile face image, based on an input of a front face image? specifically, I'm more interested in doing it for illustrated characters. For example, given the input of the front face (left) of Homer Simpson, we'll generate his profile face (right): (source) I'm sure that that the technology exists, as evident by many "2D to 3D Avatar" results (here's one for example), so I figure what I'm looking for should be possible (and maybe easier, since …
Category: Data Science

Jupyter, Python: the kernel appears to have died while training a model on a big amount of data

I am training my model on almost 200 000 images, i'm using Jupyter and now after 3 days of training ( i used 800 epochs and batch-size = 600) I have this " the kernel appears to have died. It will restart automaticaly" And this appears after 143 epochs only. Can anyone help me to solve this, and also can anyone advise me something in case of using big amount of data, because i am struggling with this dataset and …
Category: Data Science warning messages

I got the following warning messages when calling the 'model.fit_generator' function on keras: Warning_1: Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\PIL\ UserWarning: Palette images with Transparency expressed in bytes should be converted to RGBA images Warning_2: Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\PIL\ UserWarning: image file could not be identified because WEBP support not installed What these messages mean and how to get rid of them?
Topic: image keras
Category: Data Science

Improving the pix2pix Architecture for Sketch to Image Translation on a Dataset of Sketches of People to Photos of People

For a university project, I need to create a neural network that translates sketches of people into images. In order to implement such a neural network, I decided to implement a pix2pix GAN architecture. The neural network is trained and evaluated on a modified version of the CUFS dataset provided by my professors. While the neural network is able to perform image translations, as shown in the image pair below, I wonder if there are ways to improve the quality …
Category: Data Science

CNN for image classification with two outputs

Is it possible to classify my images (cars parts) by the type of cars part(door, window ...) and also by the view of the image( front, back, right, left, top and bottom). My pictures are labelled like this: View_idPart, the view is a number from 2 to 7. I want to use a CNN model, but i don't know if this is possible? I hope that I will have some answers, I will be so grateful
Category: Data Science

Why Uniformity of subpixel in image analysis ensures correctness

I don't know if its right place to ask this question. I was working on particle tracking of series of pictures (.tiff) of colloids. And I was Using trackpy in python. The code gives me the position of particles to subpixel accuracy. There is another step involved is of checking the subpixel accuracy. In this method we check the uniformity in the decimal part of the position a quick way to check for subpixel accuracy is to check that the …
Topic: image
Category: Data Science

How to replace the clothes of person using GAN?

I have one source video, let us say if the person is standing or walking in the video, the person's clothes should swap with the destination image (contain the picture of any clothes). I would like to use a GAN, like StyleGan for it. I am trying to find out the repository on Google if somebody has implemented it but I am not finding it. If you have an idea kindly share the link with me.
Category: Data Science

What computer vision task does describing the features of images comes under?

I have a very noob question - Is there a computer vision task category for the task when you describe the objective feature of the images like - brightness, focus, artefacts and hence classify the image in a certain category. It would come under classification with localisation if we were drawing the bounding box around the object but in this case one can't physically locate brightness, focus and artefacts, these are features of the images. Is there a task category …
Category: Data Science

Image parameters for SRGAN

In some implementations of SRGAN I've noticed, that datasets consist of the high-resolution images and the low-resolution images are created later by, e.g. resizing (decreasing the size) hr-images. However, e.g. I have a dataset of both hr-images and lr-images, all of them are of the same size but lr-images are of lower quality (less details, blurred). Is it proper to use SRGAN in such case or should I use another way of image enhancing?
Category: Data Science

How important is the channel order in deep-learning computer vision tasks?

I stumbled across this question while working with OpenCV, which stores color images in BGR order in memory, while most other libraries I know of use RGB order. How important is this difference? Would I be able to use BGR images for an RGB-trained network? Obviously, a fire truck is red in most regions, and not blue. But don't CNNs look for texture rather than simple colors? Even assuming there is a difference - could it still make sense to …
Category: Data Science


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