I notice when visiting my blog https://www.datanumen.com/blogs/ via iPhone. Sometimes the first click to the blog title, such as "11 methods to fix...", will not open the blog article. I need to click for the 2nd time, to be able to bring out the blog article. I have used Lamdatest real devices to make the tests, and below are the results: In Canada, Australia. The click will always bring out the article body. In US. The problem will occur, but …
How to add a button to the bottom of the Mobile Menu. The way I'm currently implementing it, I'm using the last item on the Menu as my Button(after styling it with CSS) Have made it position Absolute and made the height of Mobile 100vh Now on different browsers(Safari/Chrome/Firefox) & different mobiles(iPhone/Android) the actual viewable screen size is different than the Device Screen Height (100vh) So I have set the Bottom value of the Bottom button with an offset of …
I have the following problem: I have a Wordpress page that contains a Woocommerce store. This page is embedded in an iframe on a typo3 page. If I visit the typo3 page with Google Chrome it is not possible to add products to the shopping cart. There is no error message, but the cart remains empty. The same problem occurs when I open the page on my iphone. When I open the page in Firefox, Internet Explorer or Edge it …
I've had a request from my client to convert their WordPress website into an App for Android and iPhone. I've looked around at a number of options and it seems doable especially for just the blog section as it's the rss that can be used as the db but I'm using the WP site as a customer and want to know if it's possible to pull all of the site's content out to save as RSS and use as the …
I have broken images on iPhone, it happens only on the home page where I added new images about a week ago (the new images are exactly the same format and more or less the same size as the old images) this is the site: cartoonmaster.co.il Thanks in advance,
When using "add to home screen" in ios safari, the wordpress sites I build for my clients are being saved as discreet apps rather than links that open in the browser. I tap the newly created icon, and the site opens as an app rather than a new tab in mobile safari (my default browser). This seems to be semi recent behavior. Maybe in the past 2 years at the most. I've tested a number of sites, and it seems …
I use Chrome and an Android phone, and only just looked at my site on a friends iPhone. On my homepage there is no logo in the header, and the parallax image on the homepage doesn't load. Site: https://www.obsidianurbexphotography.com/ Other images load on the site fine. There looks to be the correct @2x images there. Website also uses WebP images, but from what i understand the image format will default to jpg/png if the device can't display WebP. Any suggestions …
I was creating a responsive design theme from underscores I was trying to format the header text .css file to make smaller text when it is opened up on an iphone device. I used @media screen and (max-width 600px) as the rule set to change the size. it works perfectly when I view it on safari browser, however when I open it on google chrome app it ignores the rules that I had set. very frustrating, I tried resetting the …
I'm having an issue on my website. The speed is perfect on desktop - really fast. However - it is really really slow in Iphone/Ipad. THe thing is im using the same connexion wifi - soit's not related to the 3G/4G connextion. ( tried in different place e- also tried in 3G / 4G ). Do you have any idea why is this happening ? I'm using W3 Total Cache and it doenst change anything .. . Hope to have …
When visiting the url http://symbius.nl/juridisch/ on an iPhone or iPad the images inside the page dont show.. I have disabled all plugins (except for visual composer) but the problem seems to stay. Any thoughts? EDIT: iPhone Screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wxdsz3i8hpvmwpo/Foto%2019-08-14%2013%2056%2056.png
I have a WP site. Now wanna create an iPhone app base on the content from my site so that the visitors can read my site easier. I wanna create one just like the iPhone app by Mashable (the Mashable should be based on WP) http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mashable/id356202138?mt=8 Anyone can advise me how should I start? Or any template of such?
metaWeblog.getRecentPosts is returning nothing in my iphone app, follwong is my objective c code to call that method,xml-rpc wordpress methods like wp.getUsers are working fine, but the methods which are used retrive commets,posts(wp.getComments ,metaWeblog.getRecentPosts ) are returning null NSArray *arrParameters = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"1", @"username", @"password", nil]; NSString *strServer = [[[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"http://abc.com/xmlrpc.php"] autorelease]; // the server NSString *strMethod = [[[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"metaWeblog.getRecentPosts"] autorelease]; // the method XMLRPCRequest *objXMLRPCRequest = [[XMLRPCRequest alloc] initWithHost:[NSURL URLWithString:strServer]]; [objXMLRPCRequest setMethod:strMethod withObjects:arrParameters]; how can i resolve …
I created 1 custom post type with 2 custom taxonomy. Installed http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/json-api/ and tried to reach result with: http://example.com/api/get_recent_posts?dev=1&post_type=myposttype well it gives me custom posts but not giving those post's custom taxonomies "categories": [], "tags": [], How can i query custom taxonomies with json api? Actually i am trying to create a simple iphone app with jquery mobile + phonegap. Maybe you know a better way then json api?
In my iphone app i am trying to list out all the users using the wp.getUsers XML-RPC method, but its not returning all the users, in that blog i have around 180 members , but it has returned only 50 users in the list,,how can i get all the users ?? i am passing these following 3 parameters blog_id, username and password ,,should i pass any other parameter to get all the users in the list?? plas help me out …
With the advent of responsive design, it's beginning to simply make sense that we could make a site into an app. The concept is simple: When the user is on the site, remove the browser around the site so that it appears to be like any other app Provide the appropriately-sized icons for devices (tablets, smartphones, etc.) Meet all criteria necessary to distribute the app via the Apple app store I'm curious if anybody has the hacks, tutorial, or information …
I'm using the WordPress iPhone app, and when I upload video clips to a blog they show up in some browsers and in others not. I'm using a HTML5 video markup as a container for the clips. While mpeg-4 doesn't work in Firefox and Opera I would really expect the clips to work in Apple's own browser Safari, which they don't. The only browser I can currently view these clips in is Chrome. Here's my markup for the uploaded clips: …