I'm trying to create an offline estimator for how long it would take to get from one lat/long to another. Two approaches I have come across are the Haversine distance and the Manhattan distance. What I'm thinking of doing is calculating both of them and then using the average between the two as the distance and then use some average speed to calculate time. Since this value will be used as an estimator for drivers in a city a straight …
I'm storing sentences in Elasticsearch as dense_vector field and used BERT for the embedding so each vector is 768 dim. Elasticsearch gives similarity function options like Euclidean, Manhattan and cosine similarity. I have tried them and both Manhattan and cosine gives me very similar and good results and now i don't know which one should i choose ?
I don't understand this picture, which says if we change the coordinate system, we would have the same result for $L_2$ distance, whereas, our result would differ for $L_1$ distance. What does it mean by coordinate system? $(0,0)$ if yes, the assertion is not true. I mean, suppose we have a picture with this matrix A, and another with B, for calculating their L1(Manhattan) and L2(Euclidean) distances, we would have the following code, how is this slide applied to the …
In data science we have "Manhattan Distance" as a slang term for Level 1 Distance and "Euclidean Distance" as a slang term for Level 2 Distance. Is there an accepted term for linear distance in memory of cells in different rows in a matrix? That is, given an 8x8 matrix, the "linear distance" from [3,2] to [4,5] is: (4-3) * 8 + (5-2) This is the distance in memory addressing. "Level 0 Distance" doesn't really work as a technical term, …