I have a WordPress Multisite installed (single domain + subfolders - each instance for a different country - so multiple languages but for now single currency - euro) Users are automatically added to all instances (using "Join my site") - so you can use your login on all instances. Now the problem is: We want to launch a premium subscription-based membership (which would then active discounts). When a user purchase a subscription on one site, he is granted a membership …
In one of the project I am working, I need to capture user data (infact the members data). On the homepage the visitor who want to be a member will click on register which will show a registration form with 22 fields. Once they submit, I want an automated email to be sent to them with a Unique auto-generated membership ID. (I do not want the members to get a user ID and password for login) The admin should be …
I have a membership site. I need to disable the admin bar for the subscribers. I have used this code below: add_action('after_setup_theme', 'remove_admin_bar'); function remove_admin_bar() { if (!current_user_can('administrator') && !is_admin()) { show_admin_bar(false); } } which removes the admin bar from the frontend for the subscriber, but when they go to their profile page wp-admin/profile.php, the admin bar is still showing there. I am using Paid Membership Pro plugin which I think made the code not working on the backend for …
I am currently working with PaidMembershipsPro, so I wanted to simply add a field with a phone number using register helper and check if the phone number has already been registered on the website. To do so, I used the hook “pmpro_after_change_membership_level”, and ran into a problem that writing print_r( get_userdata($current_user->ID)) doesn’t show the phone number at all. I guess I have to use the dome special function from PMPro, but I cannot find it anywhere. So how do I …
I have added a custom field into the registration for in pmpro (https://gist.github.com/travislima/391c0db4121366a40eaa1bb5f8d18978), and now I am trying to retrieve that data using php. The problem is that not only I could not find a way of getting user info from php (except for the membership level), but also in the member profile this field is shown as empty. What can I do to get this data?
How do I create a relationship between custom post types and registered users? So, I can display posts related/associated with that user on their account page. Please, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I'm building a medical lab site, I'd like to link a custom post type - results to users. How can I link results CPTs to a user? The idea is to be able to associate multiple test results to a single user/member. Currently using woocommerce membership to power the membership. Please, any idea(s) or just point me in the right direction would be helpful. Thank you in advance!
I am currently trying to get the current username to add it to the url. The user should be able to navigate to his own dashboard wich is located under domain.com/username. Is there a way to retrieve the username and add it as variable to the url? Thank you!
I wanna built a membership page, which does have the regular stuff for non-members like Landing Page, One-Pager, Contact stuff, imprint etc... and than there should be some sort of registration and if you are registered and paid via Paypal, you can access premium content. I came up with the idea to use Wordpress, because I can create the overall external website with it, and it has already the whole user management framework like registering, login, stay-loggedin via cookies, authentication …
I am creating a site to manage a rugby club, which has the following structure: Disciplines> Categories> Divisions> Teams> Players I was able to create the structure using JetEngine, CPTs and relationships between the CPTs. What I need now is to find a plugin for player registration, which allows me to: Request personal information from the user. Request the type of partner (as "player" or as "partner"). If the user chooses as "player": he must choose a discipline> category> division> …
Here's the scenario: A client is selling a product which allows for ONE use of a Web App. The Web App has a simple URL, like www.company.com/app/the-awesome-tool (it's not publicly accessible) I've been thinking on how to resolve this but can't wrap my head around it... the only thing I can think of is that after the purchase, the client is sent a UNIQUE URL that forwards him or her to www.company.com/app/the-awesome-tool (with masked URL), which then expires after accessing …
I am in the process of building a membership/subscription based site for a client of mine and they are using woocommerce subscriptions (https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-subscriptions). Now the problem is the client is building a few promo pages which basically allows the user to purchase an upgrade. Now, this is fine but the client only wants a customer to only have one subscription (and associating membership [https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-memberships/]) at any one time. So the agreed solution is that, on a purchase of any new …
Is there a plugin for Wordpress to define sort of a membership program? My requirement is to have registered users, basically members, and according to their (paid) plan, they can have access to some specific areas of my website. Currently I found https://wordpress.org/plugins/wishlist/ but I was wondering if there are other plugins on the market. So I can evaluate pro and cons of more than one plugin and target my best choice. Thanks in advance
Ultimate User allows you to create custom fields in the register page. I have added address and phone. Where do they go? You cannot edit or even find them in the back end user interface. I added them so that they could appear in the user directory listings and cannot find any way to edit that listing or find the fields.
I want to logout with browser closing. Actually my account seems logged out in front-end but appears logged-in in back-end. How can I logged out when I close browser?
I know it´s not clearly a technical question, I did not find on the Web (maybe my location makes the job harder). I have to develop a private member space. It´s easier for me to use the wordpress backup (wp-admin folder) with reduced rights(capabilities) for subscribers (eg. access to his invoices ) but I´m little scary to make problems of security (like from subscriber, create a door to enter in administration and hack the website finding easier the admin login/password). …
I would like new users to be redirected to a page with a form until they have filled out the form and submitted it, so that their profile information is complete. I guess this would be considered a membership site although I am not sure yet if I will use any dedicated plugins. I am only using woocommerce so far. What would be the right approach for this? If there are already plugins that do such a thing I did …
I have created custom roles and registration forms by using ultimate member plugin. Mr. Y Mr. X I've assigned Mr. Y to my purchasable services (I am using ez form calculator plugin for this). Now the problem is with Mr. X How to assign task which submit by Mr. Y to Mr. X? How can Mr. X earn some rewards as real currency (lets say $5 which withdrawable by PayPal) by completing his task?
New to wordpress I have been assigned to write the code for a club post type where each of the club has number of attributes or e.g. Club Number , Name, Short Name, Division, Region, County and the staff of the clubs like president, vise president, secretary and 40 other fields. Each of the club is linked to a Division, Region and County My query is: How do I implement it in Wordpress i.e. shall I add a custom post …
I'm trying to allow url-redirection (from /dl urls) only if user is logged-in to wordpress site. Otherwise don't allow. However it went "page not found" when i click these urls with or without logging in. I've used this .htaccess code on public-html level: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} ^.*wordpress_logged_in.*$ [NC] RewriteRule ^dl/?$ https://external.com/directdownload- [L,R=301] I expect to allow logged-in users to redirect to https://external.com/directdownload- links and don't allow redirection (and redirect them to login page) if they are not logged-in to …