i want to get authentication to my website like to be the page with name and password as a file reference to log in as visitor with detected authorization to each person want to visit the website how i can set up the file user to check in and how can give authorization to each one can access .
I have custom post types that I would like to make editable by several users. I created one custom post type using the Toolset plugin. wp_update_post only allows us to set single author: $user_id = array(); $userIds = get_field("agency_to_author",$_POST['post_ID']); // Get Multiple User assing using acf field. foreach ($userIds as $key => $value) { $user_id[] = $value['ID']; } if(!empty($user_id)){ $arg = array( 'ID' => $_POST['post_ID'], 'post_author' => $user_id, ); wp_update_post( $arg ); }
I'm trying to set up co-authors plugin in order to show articles authors function inl_users() { if ( function_exists( 'get_coauthors' ) ) { $coauthors = get_coauthors(); //array_shift($coauthors); foreach ( $coauthors as $coauthor ) { $autArray[] = '<a href=' . get_author_posts_url( $coauthor->ID ) . '>' . $coauthor->display_name . '</a>'; echo implode(", ", $autArray); } } The first author is shown twice in the first element, like this: for $autArray = (John Smith, Joe Blogs); it returns John SmithJohn Smith, Joe Blogs …
I currently have a WP_query where I am getting posts from a specific set of authors. To this, I want to add specific categories as well. $args = array( 'author__in' => $authors, 'posts_per_page' => 12, 'paged' => $paged ); $authors is an array containing users' ids. So, I need to query posts from both, authors and categories. I was thinking about using something like this: 'tax_query' => array( 'relation' => 'OR', array( 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => …
I'm running a multi-author wordpress. Recently I've changed username of one of my authors (using Easy Username Updater plugin, and verifying it in the database). Now, in the frontend the author page doesn't show all of his posts (only some of them), though all of these posts can be found in the backend. What went wrong?
I am using a function to create new user roles and delete some defaults. However, they are not showing up in the post author box! Only the admin shows up because they are selected as an admin. Any user with a custom role does not show up. Any idea why this would be happening? Here is my function: // Add New User Roles function add_new_roles() { // New Roles To Be Added $new_roles = array( array( 'role' => 'senior_pastor', 'display' …
I know I can add users and I already have the Co-Authors plug-in and it's letting met add two authors but only one is displayed on the page. for reference, this is what displays at the top of my post, but I need another author to show up as well
I am managing multiple authors blog, I have issues of editors taking over the stories that someone else is currently editing. The default wordpress warning will display but some of them ignore it and still proceed to takeover the story. I need a way of locking such stories to prevent editing unless unlocked by the user who locked them or a user of higher role/capability.
I have been researching how to automatically tag a post by author, so if "Peter Parker" authors a post, that post would automatically show up with a tag "Peter Parker." This is because I will have a multi-author blog with custom post types picked up by various blog rolls, and don't want to leave it up to users to remember to tag themselves in every single post. I came across this thread that seemed to be asking the same thing …
I have a site that has multiple authors for a single post, requiring multiple author box bios after the article. I previously used get_the_author_meta() to pull the user's social media hyperlinks as clickable icons beneath the author description, but when using a foreach loop with co-authors only the first author's social media links are used. I've tried changing the arguments $author_id to $coauthor_id, but this does not seem to work. Using get_the_co_author just pulls all the css sprite icons without …
I want to start a blog with multiple author. But, an article will be published only if it has been approved by 2 or more authorised author(or admins). Which means an author can never publish an article directly. Thank you.
Is there a feature or plugin that will allow me to have multiple authors on a site. An author must be able to specify which user group they want to be able to read the post. Ideally users will be able to belong to more than one group.
Is it possible to assign many authors to a post and specify the contribution type of each one with some labels like: writer, translator, author, reviewer etc. I tried the plugin Co-Authors Plus, but it assumes every user assigned to an article is an author. PS: The contribution type of a user may differ from a post to another one, for example, he may be a translator for post X and writer for post Y. I need to attach a …
i own blog which me and some of my friends write posts on it and i allow guests to write there own posts put under evey post we shows Author name i want to add me and all my friends to a group and every post one of us write display ower group name not Author name. how to achieve this.
Does anyone know how to assign multiple Users as authors of single individual posts (even single custom post types)? I want more than just displaying as tags the list of authors. I am looking at the plugin Groups and do not know if you can set the Author of a post to be a group. Has anyone used this setup before? I need roles and permissions in place where Users of a Group have EDIT capabilities for a single post. …
On multi user sites when authors select images from the media library they can choose images that other authors have uploaded. The problem is that they can edit the caption and it changes it for both the post they're making and any previous posts that have the same image and caption, this doesn't make any sense. Is there a way to stop authors from user images uploaded by other authors or fixing the image caption problem?
My first question here; please forgive any protocol lapses. I manage an academic journal that publishes on Wordpress. We use Co-Authors Plus to allow collaborative articles. Each article also has two or more peer reviewers, who currently have entries as “Speakers”, a custom post type created by the theme we use: The Keynote from Goodlayers. I want to attach metadata to each article to identify its reviewers, ultimately to display that information to readers on the front end. (For now, …
I want to add an inline word(s) after comments of post author's name. Suppose, my name is Tiger and i am the post author, so Post author will be printed after my name every time when i add a comment on the post. I don't want to edit comment.php file. I want custom functions for functions.php