How is the Page Splitting implemented in the theme?

I am studying how the page splitting is implemented, after inserting in the post. Currently in my theme, all split pages will show the content of the first page. So I think the issue comes from the single.php template. I check it and below is the codes to display the post content: <main id="main" class="site-main single-page" role="main"> <section class="wrapper"> <?php /* The loop */ ?> <?php if (have_posts()) : ?> <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" …
Category: Web

Using <!--nextpage--> within a shortcode

Here's one issue I am currently trying to solve and it concerns using &lt;!--nextpage--&gt; within a shortcode. I'm developing a plugin using a shortcode (unfortunately I don't have any URL to share since I'm currently developing this locally using a MAMP environment). Depending on the parameters used when calling this shortcode, it will display different kind of products in the post. Since there can potentially be a large number of products to display, I'd like to paginate the post so …
Category: Web

Next Page Link shows same posts on custom template

I have a Page, with Custom Page Template to display 6 "Posts" with a specific category on that page. I have tried: &lt;div class="navigation"&gt; &lt;div class="alignleft"&gt;&lt;?php previous_posts_link('&amp;laquo; Previous Entries') ?&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;div class="alignright"&gt;&lt;?php next_posts_link('Next Entries &amp;raquo;','') ?&gt;&lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; But it shows same posts and not other posts, however the URL changes to page/1/ page/2 and so on. What do i intend to have: I want to have Next link to be displayed on the template and when it is clicked, the …
Category: Web

How to create a page /1 using <!--nextpage-->?

I am doing this on a post: Content 1 &lt;!--nextpage--&gt; Content 2 &lt;!--nextpage--&gt; Content 3 &lt;!--nextpage--&gt; Content 4 &lt;!--nextpage--&gt; Which divides the content of my post/page into pages: Pages: 1 2 3 4, the URL of the post changes while you change of page: mysite/post mysite/post/2 mysite/post/3 mysite/post/4 As you can see there is not mysite/post/1, if I want to access to page 1 changing the URL it redirects me to mysite/post/, so it seems they are the same. However, …
Category: Web

How to insert text between the page numbers?

Inside my article I use the tag &lt;!--nextpage--&gt;. Now how to insert text between the page numbers. In HTML it should look like this: &lt;div class="postlink"&gt; &lt;p style="text-align: center;"&gt;my test 1&lt;/p&gt; &lt;a rel="nofollow" href=""&gt; 2 &lt;/a&gt; &lt;a rel="nofollow" href=""&gt; 3 &lt;/a&gt; &lt;a rel="nofollow" href=""&gt; 4 &lt;/a&gt; &lt;a rel="nofollow" href=""&gt; 5&lt;/a&gt; &lt;p style="text-align: center;"&gt;my text 2&lt;/p&gt; &lt;a rel="nofollow" href=""&gt; 6 &lt;/a&gt; &lt;a rel="nofollow" href=""&gt; 7 &lt;/a&gt; &lt;a rel="nofollow" href=""&gt; 8 &lt;/a&gt; &lt;p style="text-align: center;"&gt;my text 3&lt;/p&gt; &lt;a rel="nofollow" href=""&gt; 9 /a&gt; …
Category: Web

Sort order of next/prev sibling page

I have a page with a couple of children pages. On the parent page I want all children page listed alphabetically by title, but I want the sorting to ignore articles like "The" or "A". I achieved this with code I got from here. Here's my functions.php: function wpcf_create_temp_column($fields) { global $wpdb; $matches = 'The'; $has_the = " CASE WHEN $wpdb-&gt;posts.post_title regexp( '^($matches)[[:space:]]' ) THEN trim(substr($wpdb-&gt;posts.post_title from 4)) ELSE $wpdb-&gt;posts.post_title END AS title2"; if ($has_the) { $fields .= ( preg_match( …
Category: Web

How to use the filter?

How to use the filter, before WordPress converts &lt;!--nextpage--&gt;? The following construction does not work: add_filter ( "the_content", function( $content ) { $content = preg_replace( "/(\&lt;\!--nextpage--\&gt;)/miu", htmlspecialchars( $1, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false ), $content ); return $content; }); Code just for example.
Category: Web

Display Both next previous and number in single page

In a single page, I split long post by nextpage and shows pagination number or next/previous option.But I want to display both number and next-previous option. Here is my single page screenshot one is next-previous and another is number option.And My code is that: function custom_nextpage_links($defaults) { $args = array( 'before' =&gt; '&lt;ul class="my-paginated-posts"&gt;&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;' . __( 'Section:', 'textdomain' ), 'after' =&gt; '&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;', 'link_before' =&gt; '&lt;span class="page-link"&gt;', 'link_after' =&gt; '&lt;/span&gt;', 'separator' =&gt; ' ', 'nextpagelink' =&gt; __('Next &amp;raquo', 'textdomain'), 'next_or_number' =&gt; …
Category: Web

<!--nextpage--> as a shortcode within the loop?

Anyone implemented this successfully? I want to include the &lt;!--nextpage--&gt; within a single post loop as a shortcode. I tried to echo it, the tag shows up but the post doesn't get divided into pages. I need to able to echo do_shortcode('[nextpage]'); within the single.php and actually divide it into different pages...
Category: Web

Programmatically inserting page breaks

Is there a way to add a page break in WordPress programmatically? I'm trying to do this within a PHP loop that goes inside a post as a widget, it generates information that it gets from YELP through the YELP API, but I want the loop to create a &lt;!--nextpage--&gt; page break each time it iterates through the loop. I have everything done except the part where I include the page break since it obviously doesn't work by just inserting …
Category: Web

Multipage Post URL correction

I freshly installed WordPress and checked for multipage post, which is separated by &lt;!--nextpage--&gt;. I'm expecting first URL should be: and so on... But when I use, it automatically redirect to How can I keep the /1/ at the end?
Category: Web

<!--nextpage--> and previews

I am trying to preview my blog post that has &lt;!--nextpage--&gt; but clicking on any of the other pages just brings back to the home page. There was an old thread that never got resolved 4 years ago The URL when I do a preview looks like this;preview_id=1569&amp;preview_nonce=c1ab9c2efc&amp;post_format=standard&amp;_thumbnail_id=-1&amp;preview=true All well and good, but once I click on a page this happens:;preview_id=1569&amp;preview_nonce=c1ab9c2efc&amp;preview=true Note that the page number gets injected after ?p=1569 like ?p=1569/2/&amp;preview... if it was decoded.
Category: Web

Single post pagination

I have used &lt;!--nextpage--&gt; tag to paginate longer individual posts, These longer single posts have structure as Title, Content, A, B, C, By using above said tag, I want to paginate A, B, C content only and show title, content on all the paginated pages. How can I do this?
Category: Web

Loading <!--nextpage--> post with Ajax

Here's the case I got: I've setup post pagination for my website and everything works well. Except one thing - on every new page request all the resources are loaded again. This makes the website loading slow and breaks the user experience. What I want to do is to load the content of the separate pages by ajax and replace them. The prev and next rel tags are setup so this won't be a problem for search engines to understand …
Category: Web

Appending content with <!--nextpage--> broken in 4.4

Update 2016-01-21 All current testing on my end is being done on fresh installs of 4.4.1 with the following settings: Plain permalinks Twentysixteen Theme No plugins activated If the post only has 1 page (ie &lt;!--nextpage--&gt; doesn't appear in the post) then the extra pages are appended successfully (even if you append multiple extra pages&sup1;). Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! If the post has 2+ pages then the extra pages …
Category: Web

Need some Tweak my nextpage Function

How I can get the next post URL when I'm on the last page ? e.g. I want go to the nextpost when i'm on the last page... This code need some tweak... Here is my Function: function next_page( $i ) { global $page, $numpages, $multipage, $more, $pagenow; if ( $multipage ) { if ( $more ) { $i = $page + 1; if ( $i &lt;= $numpages &amp;&amp; $more ) { $output .= _wp_link_page( $i ); } } } …
Category: Web

How to get only the URL of nextpage (without <a> tag)

Here is my Function function next_pages( $args = '' ) { $r = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); extract( $r, EXTR_SKIP ); global $page, $numpages, $multipage, $more, $pagenow; $output = ''; if ( $multipage ) { if ( $more ) { $output .= $before; $i = $page + 1; if ( $i &lt;= $numpages &amp;&amp; $more ) { $output .= _wp_link_page( $i ); $output .= $nextpagelink; } $output .= $after; } } if ( $echo ) echo $output; return $output; } …
Category: Web

inserting <--!pagebreak--> every 200 characters automatically

:) I'm trying to split a post in pages at every 200 characters with &lt;!--nextpage--&gt; I found this code on this page that actually looks pretty good (for my understanding alone - yes I'm a newbie to development): &lt;?php $content = get_the_content(); $strings = wordwrap($content, 500, "&lt;!--break--&gt;"); //insert this every 500 chars, but preserve whole words. $chunks = explode("&lt;!--break--&gt;", $strings); create a new string of 500-char sections. ob_start(); // buffer the output of the following expressions... foreach($chunks as $chunk_content) { …
Category: Web

Test for if you're on 1st page of paginated post (with nextpage quicktag)

I'm developing a site that involves a lot of long posts I'd like to break up using the nextpage quicktag. On the first page there's a large splash photo in the header that I'd like to disappear on subsequent pages—so I need some way of testing if the user is on the first page. I did find this code: if ( isset($wp_query-&gt;query_vars['page'] ) ) But that seems to only works with default permalink settings. I need something that works with …
Category: Web


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