Which machine learning models allow online training and which don't?

I am working on a project where I have to update my model every time I get feedback x times. For example, showing an Advertisement on an App and then, when the person doesn't click on in it after seeing it multiple times in a day generates negative example. When they do that's positive. My initial dateset is not very big (<20,000) but it's going to significantly increase in future. I am starting with models like logistic Regression, SVM, XGBoost …
Category: Data Science

how to retrain model with periodic new features?

I've trained a gradient boosting classification model. But, suppose i've a set of fixed features F1,F2....Fn and new features which are added weekly (no. of actions done in that week). So, after 2 weeks dataset to be trained on is : Fixed Dynamic F1 ,F2 .....Fn W1 ,W2 After 3 weeks Fixed Dynamic F1 ,F2 .....Fn W1 ,W2, W3 How do we approach this problem on production server, is there any approach available which allow model to be retrained on …
Category: Data Science

Online vs minibatch training for speed

If I do online learning in a setting where I have a HUGE amount of data, is that faster than doing minibatch learning (even if I optimize my batch size for GPU use, that is, use a multiple of 32 examples per minibatch)? Details: I have 12600 time series examples, each with 24 time steps, and each time step has 972196 binary labels. This is a multilabel problem. Assuming float32 numbers: loading the entire dataset should take about 1095 GB …
Category: Data Science

Difference between regret and pseudo-regret definitions in multi-armed bandits

I posted this question Cross Validated, but didn't get any answer. So I am posting it here too, as the question is very relevant to machine learning I am following the book Bandit Algorithms. In page 48, they introduces regret after $n$ rounds as $$ \mathbf{R} = n\mu^\star - \mathbb{E}\Bigg[\sum_{t=1}^n \mathbf{X}_t\Bigg] \tag{1} $$ In page 55, they also define pseudo-regret as $$ \bar{\mathbf{R}} = n\mu^\star - \sum_{t=1}^n \mu_{A_t} \tag{2} $$ In the paper Regret Analysis of Stochastic and ..., authors …
Category: Data Science

Forecasting vs non-forecasting predition for time series anomaly detection

I have got the objective of implementing a uni/multivariate online anomaly detection system. After multiple days of research, I could collect many ways to achieve this (Eg. moving average solutions such as ARIMA, Space state solutions as Kalman filters, Holt-Winters double/triple exponential smoothing, CUSUM, one-class SVM, deep learning sliding-windows autoencoding approaches, deep learning using autoregressive neural networks, etc). In general, anomaly detection on time series works with a threshold on the deviation originated from the difference between a predicted point …
Category: Data Science

Incremental Learning with sklearn: warm_start, partial_fit(), fit()

I have built an ML model with the goal of making predictions for targets of the following week. In general, new data will come in and be processed at the end of each week and be in the same data structure as before. In other words, the same number of features, same classes for classification, etc. Instead of re-training the model from scratch for each week's predictions, I am considering applying an incremental learning approach so that past learning is …
Category: Data Science

Understanding experiments in Continual Learning

Via paper Continual Learning Through Synaptic Intelligence, I see this figure for Split MNIST benchmark, but there is a point I can get. Here there are 5 tasks, and finally we summarize the average accuracy over the 5 tasks. Here, how the tasks are performed. Does they perform sequentially when first we learn how to categorize 0 and 1, then in the next task we expect that the model can also categorize 2 and 3, 4 and 5 and so …
Category: Data Science

Online Learning Perceptron Mistake Bound

Consider the modification of Perceptron algorithm with the following update rule: $$ w_t+1 ← w_t + η_ty_tx_t $$ whenever $\hat{y_t } \neq y_t$ ($w_t+1 ← w_t$ otherwise).for $η_t = 1 /\sqrt{t}$ i need to prove that the bound of mistake number is $$4/γ *\log^2(1/γ)$$ can for simplicity assume $ ∥x_t∥ = 1 $for all t. and the algorithm makes M mistakes at the first M rounds, after which it has no mistakes. my try first i notice that the following …
Category: Data Science

Are most deep learning models online learning models?

I'm online learning starter. from my perspective, online learning model is the model which can update its paramater with data flows(I've seen a article pointing out that incremental model is irrevalent of time while online learning emphasizes the data flows in time-series). Here I regard them as one thing. And in my view, most deep learning can be fine tuned,as we fine-tune a pre-trained bert model, is that means a deep learning model can be fine tuned is equivalent to …
Category: Data Science

Trouble understanding regression line learned by SGDRegressor

I am working on a demonstration notebook to better understand online (incremental) learning. I read in sklearn documentation that the number of regression models that support online learning via the partial_fit() method is fairly limited: only SGDRegressor and PassiveAgressiveRegressor are available. Additionally, XGBoost also supports the same functionality via the xgb_model argument. For now, I chose SGDRegressor to experiment with. I created a sample dataset (dataset generation code below). The dataset looks like this: Even though this dataset is clearly …
Category: Data Science

Resources on on-line machine learning

I am wondering if there are any books/articles/tutorials about "on-line machine learning"? For example, this website has nice lecture notes (from lec16) on some of the aspects: https://web.eecs.umich.edu/~jabernet/eecs598course/fall2015/web/ or this book: https://ii.uni.wroc.pl/~lukstafi/pmwiki/uploads/AGT/Prediction_Learning_and_Games.pdf I can't seem to find much resources on this. I'm trying to understand the basics, not read research papers. If anyone can share resources that would be nice.
Category: Data Science

Is there a difference between on-line learning, incremental learning and sequential learning?

What I mean is the following: Instead of processing all the training data at once and calculating a model, we process one data point at a time and update the model directly afterwards. I have seen the terms "on-line (or online) learning" and "incremental learning" for this. Is there a subtle difference? Is one term used more frequently? Or does it depend on the research community? Edit: The Bishop book (Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning) uses the terms on-line learning …
Category: Data Science

If we train a model every time from scratch by using current task and samples from memory (ER) then is it correct way to perform continual learning?

Suppose that there are T tasks. We use an experience replay (ER) strategy using a tiny episodic memory. Here, we train a model always from scratch at each task using current task samples and samples from memory. However, this model works perfectly fine for previous and current tasks. Whether this way of performing continual learning is correct or not as we are not training the previous model $(t^{th})$ continually for the next task $((t+1)^{th})$? Are we violating the continual learning …
Category: Data Science

ML algorithms recommand of online/batch learning for classification, prediction( and targetfunction), dataset parameter and label (A, B, C, Label)

Currently i am in a project. I will receive processing data constantly online from CNC machine, which will be like a dataset with parameters and labels, for example [A,B,C,Label],like 1st picture. The points(A,B,C) will be clasificated according to label. The 3 dimension classification surface would be like in the 2nd picture, above the surface labels of points are 1, below the surface labels of points are -1. What i need to do are: Find appropriate Online/ Batch ML algorithms to …
Category: Data Science

For Incremental Learning ML Model do we have to perform any kind of label encoding?

Please guide me on Online / Incremental Learning ML model, I am using Creme tool for my hands-on, where as my dataset has some categorical features, I did tried to do encoding but still getting error as TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'float'. Please do let if we need any kind of label encoding or we should not do any encoding, I did tried passing the raw data itself, it also failed. For example : Restaurants dataset …
Category: Data Science

In Incremental Learning will the model be updated automatically?

I came across Incremental Learning algorithms paper, where incremental algorithms are compared. I have problem with general understanding. Will the model be updated /adapts itself automatically when new data comes in? Does it know by itself that new data has arrived and it learns? In general, can anyone explain how training, testing, and model adaption is carried out with such incremental algorithms?
Category: Data Science

How to calculate inverse of square matrix for streaming or online data as all data are not available at once?

Suppose initial data is $D$ and need to calculate the inverse of covariance of matrix $D$ i.e. $C = cov(D,D)$, where $cov$ represents covariance. $B = inv(C)$ Now, new data $N$ appears. So matrix D and C both will updated as follows: $D^{new} = \begin{bmatrix} D\\ N \end{bmatrix}$ $C^{new} = \begin{bmatrix} cov(D,D) & cov(D,D^{new})\\ cov(D^{new},D) & cov(D^{new},D^{new}) \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} C & cov(D,D^{new})\\ cov(D,D^{new})^T & cov(D^{new},D^{new}) \end{bmatrix}$ Similarly, data will be updated continuously. Now, inverse of $C$ (i.e. $B$) is …
Category: Data Science


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