Orange3 contains a number of regression widgets, but they all seem to be univariable i.e. one independent variable that correlates to one dependent variable. When I have more independent variables that might influence a dependent variable, how to handle this in Orange3?
Orange has a hyperspectral dataset called "liver cirrhosis" and you can visualize the hyperspectral image using the hyperspectral image widget. However, I would like to perform various clustering methods e.g. k-means on the spectra at each pixel and then display those clusters on the hyperspectral image widget like in this photo does anyone know how to do this kind of analysis?
I'm trying to figure out the difference between using the data sampler to get a 70/30 train/test split and directly using the test and score widget to do so via random sampling. My workflow as follows This is how my test and score widget looks for the case without the data sampler and this is how my data sampler widget looks I see very different results in the confusion matrix at the end between the two. Using the data sampler, …
As explained in the orangehelp files the test and score widget would provide an accuracy colum like "CA". I only have MSE RMSE MAE and R2 besides the times. Furthermore, the predictions widget has a tickmark in the lower left with text "show performance scores". Nothing happens if ticked or not. Last but not least the evaluation results won't be displayed in the confusion matrix, also. What am I doing wrong? I test and score with cross-validation or random sampling. …
I am trying to create a Choropleth map using the Chorolpeth widget from the Geo Add-on in Orange. However, this widget is not appearing? Any ideas? My current version: Orange version 3.24.1 for Windows
I am working with Orange for my thesis with logs and core data; however, since I am a beginner, I am a little bit stuck with the feature construction widget. Ultimately, I would like to combine different features to compare them. What kind of information should I put in "Values" field with a categorical feature? If you have any examples on this it would be really appreciated (the ones from Orange did not help me).
I am analysing if 15 books can be grouped according to 6 variables (of the 15 books, 2 are written by an author, 6 by an other one, and 7 by an other one). I counted the number of occurrences of the variables and I calculated the percentage. Then I used Orange software to use PCA. I uploaded the file. selected the columns and row. And when it comes to PCA the program asks me if I want to normalize …
I am new to Orange and it seems very useful for conducting exploratory data analysis. One question I have is - can we use a widget to modify some values in the dataset? For example, several numerical columns have some values of 0 which does not make sense and should be a "missing data". I do not want to ignore the line as some other column data are important. Also not all 0 should be replaced with "missing data" as …
I have gathered a large amount of qualitative data and am now looking to cluster it so as to make sense of it. For this, I am using Biolab's Orange. In my data, specific values may co-occur in a given feature, or they may not. I am wondering how I could cluster the data (either in Orange or other software), where values that co-occur would be seen as two values, rather than one string. To make matters clearer, imagine I …
If you receive in_data from two orange widget tables with an orange Python script, you don't know how to read them like in_data1, in_data2. Can I in_data only one table? Please tell me how to import the two tables into the script widget thank you.
I am using the Twitter API. The Orange widget for Twitter works fine if we do a search by content. However, it throws an error if you search by author. The error is: Api error(Twitter error response status code = 401)
I am seeking to evaluate logistic regression against a rule-based (nested if-else statements) classification in Orange. The steps I've taken to investigate this are as follows: I could not identify any widgets that would implement this. The closest I could find was the interactive tree from version 2.7, but this widget seems to have been discontinued. I've attempted to generate the results I'm looking for by editing the in_data object produced by creating a tree, sending the results to the …
We are running Orange with our students and most of them are having problems with running the Geo Map widget. It does not show any background map. In the bottom an error message is displayed: "Cannot fetch map from the Internet. Displaying only cached parts." I have found this Github page, but it does not explain how to update or add any JSON files that might be missing: What do we have to do to get the background maps …
I am a beginner to Orange GUI data mining software and I have some questions related to that. First, I would like to know if there is any search function so that I can search if a column contains a specific word. Second, does Orange has any functions for dimension reduction?
I’m very new to using Orange Data Mining software and I’m having a hard time finding what I am looking for. I have 30,000 text files. I wish to use Orange to help me extract key words and phrases, then display to me which documents have the words and phases I’m looking for. I also wish to scan PDFs as well as images to obtain words and phrases. Any guidance and/or Orange workflows would be so appreciated.
I have a data of a bag of words in a document. The data has 3 columns: {document number, word number, count of the word in the number}. I am supposed to generate frequent item-sets of a particular size. I thought that I would make list of all words that appear in a document, create a table of this list, and then generate frequent item-sets using Mlxtend or Orange . However, this approach does not seem to be efficient.
I'm working with the orange data mining tool. In most of the examples data taken from files or google sheets links but in the blog link they given that we can take data from postgresql database tables also but when follow the steps of blog I'm getting error.I attached the screen shots of error. I need help in solving this error.
Is there a simple way in orange3 (not writing a Python script) to summarize data and group similar data values? For example, instead of plotting a scatter with lots of data points, I would like to plot just the average y value at every x value. In pandas, this is easily done with groupby().mean(). Is there a similar widget/feature I'm overlooking in orange?
I am experimenting with Orange data mining tool. When I use the 'Corpus' widget from the text mining section it gives me the error: [![Corpus widget error][1]][1] I have tried many things, but am still unable to resolve this issue. [1]: Besides that, in text mining, it does not show import document option in orange v 3.25. I just want to know the options to import text files into the Orange.