Has anyone ever tried soaking grains in bourbon instead of water before smoking malt? Any advice is appreciated too

I'm going to brew an applewood smoked Märzen and upon doing some research I found some brewers have sprayed their malt with bourbon instead of water during the smoking process to keep the grain moist, this gave me an idea. My question is: what would be the outcome if instead of the pre-soaking the grain in water prior to smoking you pre-soaked the grain in bourbon or something similar? Has anyone ever tried this or perhaps has any insight on …
Category: Mac

Smoked Porter, should I mash or steep my smoked grain?

I have made a smoked porter batch from a concentrate my LBS was making and selling. Before fermentation, I could easily taste the smoke flavour, but 2 weeks after bottling I could no longer. Later, I made a small (4L) all-grain smoked porter, in which I mashed half the smoked grain and steeped the other half. The smoked flavour was there after bottling, it was great. So I decided to scale up my recipe, and do a 20L batch. This …
Category: Mac

How much peated malt to get a hint of smoke?

I've got some peated malt that a friend gave me, and I've been looking for some way to use it. My current idea is to brew an Irish Red Ale (OG 1.055, FG 1.012, IBU 21, SRM 16) with just enough peated malt to provide barely noticeable smoke taste and aroma. I originally decided on 1% peated malt (2oz in a 5.5 gallon batch) based on this BYO article. This forum thread suggests that 2% or 3% is provides light …
Category: Mac

How can tobacco be used in beer?

I've had a couple of tasty rauchbiers lately, and got thinking about whether it would be possible to get the aroma of a cigar into a similar beer. As a user, I don't mind getting nicotine into the brew, but I'm sure my guests would rather not. Much like a rauchbier, I think the magic comes from the aroma. How can I "smoke" my beer? Can I drop raw tobacco leaves into secondary? Throw a can of snus in? Smoke …
Category: Mac

How can I achieve smokey flavours?

I'm only just getting started with homebrewing however I have a longer term goal of going all-grain and brewing a porter with a distinctly smokey flavour to it. Something similar to the flavours found in Bombardier Satanic Mills. What factors go in to achieving this flavour?
Category: Mac

I want to make a Rauchbier. How do I go about smoking my grain?

I've never made a Rauchbier before. I have some pear wood that I've been curing for about 5 months now and would like to use. I've got an all-grain setup, but no smoker; I suppose I'll need to get one. I was thinking about an electric smoker because I've heard they are much more efficient than a charcoal smoker. Any dramatic differences? As far as the process of smoking is concerned, would I just chip the wood, drop it in …
Category: Mac

Rauchbier smoke source

What is the difference between using a nice smoked malt vs. maybe using some liquid smoke for making Rauchbier? Can you detect the difference in complexity? Is smoked fruit woods (apple, cherry) better than smoke from say hickory or mesquite?
Category: Mac


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