I am new to web services, so kindly bear with me. I am building a WordPress website for a client where they require some data to be stored in a custom table. They have an application which fetches the data from some other vendor. Now they don't want to give us access to their application or the 3rd party vendor. So they want us to implement a web service which will consume the data sent by them to update our …
I have a JSON script which at first Search for jobs with a specific attribute and then afterwards Get the job details. For now the script is like this and is saved as a Postman collection: { "info": { "_postman_id": "xxx", "name": "JOBAD Service", "schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json" }, "item": [ { "name": "GetJob", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "SOAPAction", "value": "http://xxx", "type": "text" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "text/xml", "type": "text" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": …
I have an existing functionality from our companies website that lets you enter your reference order number and it will provide you a list of all items status on that order(It actually uses SOAP that contacts our company database to provide the status. Please take note that our website is hosted thru an external provider). Now we got a web developer that develop our website using WordPress how can i insert/use the fuctionality that i have before with PHP website …
I develop a custom plugin for my needs, and I stuck on one task. I need some kind of solution, to show on my website how many times is that plugin activated or deactivated on every site where will be installed. So, to be clear. I need to show on my site some counter which should count activations and deactivations on every other site where is plugin installed. Any kind of help is welcomed. Thanks in advance.
I'm developing a wordpress plugin and need to perform soap calls. After understanding that cURL isn't option (manage to run some code in my browser but can't make it work within the plugin), I'm trying to use SoapClient by php5. the connection seems to be working since i'm able to print out the __getFunctions() var: StatusResponse Status(Status $parameters)" [1]=> string(65) "AdministrationResponse Administration(Administration $parameters)" [2]=> string(74) "FetchPropertyListResponse FetchPropertyList(FetchPropertyList $parameters)" [3]=> string(77) "FetchPropertyGroupResponse FetchPropertyGroup(FetchPropertyGroup $parameters)" [4]=> string(74) "FetchPropertyInfoResponse FetchPropertyInfo(FetchPropertyInfo $parameters)" [5]=> string(98) …
I can make SOAP calls from by example the woocommerce_payment_complete hook or from the WP CLI. If I make the exact same call from wp_loaded I get the SOAP Error: failed to load external entity Is it bad practice to hook on wp_loaded? I understood that wordpress was fully loaded, I do this to receive callbacks from an external service but there's maybe a better way to do it? (I'm pretty new to Wordpress development). add_action('wp_loaded', function() { $uri = …
I'm trying to create a pickup request for fedex for a wordpress site. I have the api and tool working fine when I create have the code outside wordpress, but when i put the same code into wordpress i'm getting and error that says A Warning: Illegal string offset 'Warning: Illegal string offset 'WebAuthenticationDetail' in /home/xd/public_html/test/wp-content/themes/dev/template-pickup-confirm.php on line 33 Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/xd/public_html/test/wp-content/themes/dev/template-pickup-confirm.php on line 33 There are 4 files that are needed: pickupform.php (form that posts …
I have release my first plugin (mz mindbody api - which relies on SOAP and PEAR), and a user in Germany is getting syntax error unexpected T_FUNCTION when they try to install it on a clean install using a theme that I can run the plugin on (twentyfourteen). The error line apparently references the usort in the following code: function sortClassesByDate($mz_classes = array()) { $mz_classesByDate = array(); foreach($mz_classes as $class) { $classDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($class['StartDateTime'])); if(!empty($mz_classesByDate[$classDate])) { $mz_classesByDate[$classDate] = array_merge($mz_classesByDate[$classDate], …
I am attempting to build out a dashboard widget that will perform a validation check on a site RSS feed using the W3 Validator. Their API docs (http://feed2.w3.org/docs/soap.html) provide the method. Here is my function to get the data: $feed = 'http://domain.com/feed/'; $request = new WP_Http; $url = 'http://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi?url='.urlencode($feed).'&output=soap12'; $response = wp_remote_get ( $url ); if( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { echo '<p>Sorry, there was an error with your request.</p>'; } else { $feed_data = $response['body']; } Here is the …
I'm wondering what pitfalls (if any?) developers here have run into when distributing WordPress plugins via the WordPress plugin repository that embed a SOAP client for accessing SOAP web services for critical plugin features (or any plugin distributed widely via any other repository, for that matter.) (It is my assumption that a company publishing plugins would be much better off to develop RESTful web services but I am wanting to validate this opinion by surveying the opinions of others here. …
What is the best way to embed a SOAP client into a WordPress plugin that one would distribute via the WordPress plugin repository? Is it best to use? The PHP 5.x Soap Client, The Zend Soap Client, The NuSoap Toolkit for PHP, The PEAR SOAP Client/Server for PHP, or Some other SOAP client for PHP? What's more, why recommend the one you do? And what are the pros and cons of each. "Bonus (karma) points" if you have actual experiences …