I am using the twenty fourteen theme to create a child theme and want to make changes to the index.php, but when I copy the index.php file to the child theme's directory and edit it, it doesn't change my theme at all. Am I doing something wrong or missing something out? Thanks for any help I have the following code to my child theme style sheet: /* Theme Name: Twenty Fourteen Child Theme URI: http://wordpress.org/themes/twentyfourteen Description: Child theme - Ecuador …
I have wordpress 4.3.1 installed on the intranet with a standard theme TwentyFourteen. When I use Firefox and Chrome to view the website, everything works exactly like it should. However, on IE9 and IE11, the website is only shown in mobile version regardless of client width, the main navi dropdown does not work, and the layout is a bit off. Overall, it looks like something is not loading correct. When I check F12 Developer Tools, it gives Javascript errors for …
I've install the new Twenty Fourteen theme for WordPress. I don't know how add summary text of posts on my front page. All old tutorials like this does not work with new theme. Any suggestions on how to solve this
if function wpse_custom_header_setup() { add_theme_support( 'custom-header', apply_filters( 'wpse_header_args', array( 'width' => 1460, 'height' => 220, ) ) ); } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'wpse_custom_header_setup' ); can help define the width of the header in px, how I can set up a header image at 100% to get something similar like http://braidingfreedom.com/?
In twenty fourteen theme, we’d like to know how to change the features content tag. Currently it’s set as featured. Now, we would like to know how to code this for different page templates. We notice in page.php there is a piece of code calling the template part featured-content. <?php if ( is_front_page() && twentyfourteen_has_featured_posts() ) { // Include the featured content template. get_template_part( 'featured-content' ); } ?> From our understanding this calls the file featured-content.php. In this file, is …
I am creating a site using 2014 theme. I would like to remain with the theme but however, I am interested in shifting the side bar from left to right as it is more ideal for my site. Is it possible to customise the theme in this way.
I need to put link with image at the end of post page. What I am looking for is that at the end of each new post, I need to have small image with link that opens in a new window. How to do that? Thanks.
In wordpress theme twentyfourteen, I am wondering how to remove the sticky behavior of the top navigation with a 100% width header background image like this site? I would love to have a top image with full width and a max-height with the navigation just placed under it, but the navigation sticks to the top of the window in the browser when you scroll down. I ended up using the following .js with twentythirteen child theme //$(document).ready(function() { jQuery().ready(function($) { …
While using the Twenty Fourteen theme (I’ve already created a child theme), I’m trying to move the whole left sidebar to the right and put the site content to the left. Basically, I’m just trying to switch both areas positions (and remove the "site-description" which won’t be needed since it won’t be positioned under the "site-title" anymore). All the topics I found only relate to the Twenty Fifteen Theme or to removing the sidebar but neither fully respond to this …
I am using the Twenty Fourteen theme. Normally the header has a heigth of 48 px. I made the logo bigger with the following code: .header-main { min-height: 108px; } That works well so far. Now I would like to shrink the header while scrolling down, in such way that the the header will get a height of 48 px and be fixed. The logo within the header should be replaced by a smaller logo that fits to 48 px …
I am using theme Twenty Fourteen, and to add a logo I made the header bigger with the following code: .header-main { min-height: 108px; } It works, but now the header isn't sticky anymore and I don't know why. Can someone please explain why the header isn't working?
recently my drop down categories have started to not show on mobile devices once clicked. they seem to go straight to the actual page titled and not show my drop down categories. (mikesnature.com) they used to work but now don't, is their anything I can do to fix this? Mike
I am getting problem like following in my website. i am just beginner of wordpress. so kindly help to fixed it. Strict Standards: Declaration of My_Walker_Nav_Menu::start_lvl() should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /home/ramendraraj/public_html/wp-content/themes/ignitedtheme/functions.php on line 528 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ramendraraj/public_html/wp-content/themes/ignitedtheme/functions.php:527) in /home/ramendraraj/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1167 Editing: /home/ramendraraj/public_html/wp-content/themes/ignitedtheme/functions.php Encoding: Re-open Use Code Editor Close Save Changes <?php /** * Twenty Fourteen functions and definitions * …
I'm using the twentyfourteen theme and have successfully removed the content (right) sidebar. However, I now want to stretch my content to cover the space left by removing that sidebar. I have added the following to my style.css: .site-content .entry-header, .site-content .entry-content, .site-content .entry-summary, .site-content .entry-meta, .page-content { width: 100%; } This increases the width of the content, but it still only covers half of the available width. How can I stretch the content to cover the full width of …
I'm trying to deactive and reactive a javascript in my childtheme - from the twentyfourteen theme (so updates won't effect things). What I really want to do is to change column width from 4 to 3 in the footer but I don't want to change /js/functions.js directly in the main theme (maybe there is another/better way achieving this. please tell!) I'm putting this in functions.php in the child-theme: /* activate and decative js class */ class aadjs { public function …
How and were do I change the size on the sticky post images and the other images in the theme twentyfourteen? I would like 8 sticky post images on the "front page" instead of 6 and I want them in a more portrait format so that I can use all my old images on my current blog (600x850px). I like the theme but all my old images are not suitable for the format. I really can't find the sizes anywhere.
Using Wordpress 3.8.1 with 'Twenty Fourteen' theme I'd like to arrange my post in such a way that it's main contents go to main (center) column while galleries, attached files and links pertaining to this post go to content sidebar to the right. How can I do that? Do I need some specific plugins? Right now I can place in the content sidebar only site-specific widgets. I think that sidebar named 'content' and visually placed and styled like post should …
Understanding Wordpress Default Theme - Twentyfifteen.1.4 is the standardized theme designed by the wordpress people. in the language folder there is a template. just like we have .php extension or .js or .css No extension is showed there. it Just says Type: Translation Type. Please see this snapshot - http://screencast.com/t/s08NswYAzmJ4 can some one please help me to understand what extension type is this and how can one create this? Alternatively you can also download twentyfifteen.1.4 theme from here.
How can I add the words "Posted on" before the post data in a Twentyfourteen theme's post? The default is only to show the date and clock icon. I'm not sure if this is a basic modification or if it's going to be a fix unique to Twentyfourteen. I found this web page talking about removing the "posted on" text in the Twentyeleven theme (I hoped the themes would be similar). It said to look in the functions.php file for …