I am getting the following error from comment-reply.min.js (which seems to be a WordPress file): Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'firstChild' of null at comment-reply.min.js?ver=026d5828124b6319675d89d24f212b97:2 at Object.moveForm (comment-reply.min.js?ver=026d5828124b6319675d89d24f212b97:2) at HTMLAnchorElement.a (comment-reply.min.js?ver=026d5828124b6319675d89d24f212b97:2) Is this a known issue after upgrading to WordPress 5.5 or should I start debugging it? What would be the best way to address it? We have not changed the comments template but only upgraded to the latest version of WordPress. The relevant part of the template is: <?php …
I am testing plugin upgrades on a staging instance before applying them to production. But if there are any delays in this process, I may end up being prompted to upgrade to a newer, untested version on production. If prompted to upgrade a plugin, how can I choose an intermediary update, rather than the latest?
i recently installed wordpress manually on a linux cloud machine via DigitalOcean which I migrated from a previous hosting service. But now there is a warning up top of my Settings page that says "An automated WordPress update has failed to complete - please attempt the update again now." I have been looking for a solution but the only ones i can find is to delete the wp-content/upgrade/ folder and .maintenance file. The former I have deleted and the latter …
I've researched this a few times, yet my searching does not reveal much except custom code which may or may not be good WordPress practice. As of the latest releases (WordPress 3.9 "Smith"), has a hook been added to the plugin update process? I'm asking because its a very basic need, yet I do not see it added to the codex (yet). If not, what is the common and best practice developers employ? EDIT: Just to clarify, I'm not talking …
Recently clean-installed (with exception of themes and content/upload folders) an old wordpress to the latest Wordpress 4.2.2. I continue to get this error below whenever I load files such as style.css in the web browser manually. I've tried: changing this file's permission to 644, 755, and 777 changing .c to .so in the .htaccess changing htaccess permission from 644 to 755 to even 777. adding mod_sec clause to htaccess None of the above works for me. This error still occurs? …
We've some Arabic websites running on WordPress, and use Arabic slugs in the posts' URLs. You know that post slug is stored in the post_name column in wp_posts table, and the default length of this column is 200 characters, which is not enough for Arabic slugs that are being encoded before being stored in this column. For that, we changed the length of this column to 1000 characters to hold the long encoded slugs that we have. The issue, when …
I have the following code in my plugin: add_action( 'init', 'hikingchallenges_rewrites_init', 10, 0 ); function hikingchallenges_rewrites_init(){ add_rewrite_rule( 'my-progress/([a-z-]+)[/]?$', 'index.php?pagename=my-progress&my-progress-function=$matches[1]', 'top' ); } add_filter( 'query_vars', 'hikingchallenges_query_vars' ); function hikingchallenges_query_vars( $query_vars ){ $query_vars[] = 'my-progress-function'; return $query_vars; } With the intention that the url /my-progress/ loads a page with the slug 'my-progress' and urls with the format /my-progress/add-activity/ or /my-progress/view-activity will load the same page but pass the second part of the url as a function ie: my-progress-function=view-activity. The 'my-progress' page contains …
Background: I have a plugin with the purpose of changing up the indexes on some of WordPress's tables to make them more efficient for large sites. The plugin changes some primary and other keys for faster data lookups, to exploit MySQL InnoDB's clustered index data structure. During the WordPress version upgrade (from 5.8.3 to 5.9) the database upgrade process tries to restore WordPress's keys. Most of the SQL statements to do that fail gracefully, and complain in the error log. …
GUI and wp-cli are saying that we have the latest version, but we don't. chanahelen@webarch5:~/sites/default/wp-content/themes$ wp core version 5.5.3 chanahelen@webarch5:~/sites/default/wp-content/themes$ wp core check-update Success: WordPress is at the latest version. 5.5.3 is not the latest, the latest is currently 5.8.3. Advice I've seen so far is to check the wp-cli version - this is up to date (2.5.0), and to disable any caching plugins (done). I wondered if it might be held back by the PHP version; however, we are …
I'm trying to revive a site that worked in 2015. The theme is custom, and contains custom post types, pages, and a bunch of standard posts. When I use Wordpress 4.4 (the version that this last worked on), the PHP in Wordpress core is too old to work (get_magic_quotes_gpc() has been deprecated, amongst other things, I'm sure). When I install the current version of Wordpress, it ignores my tables, and installs the familiar Wordpress empty tables alongside them, but with …
When you're upgrading a plugin you can quickly check if the plugin version you are about to upgrade to works with your current version of Wordpress. Is there a way of checking that your current plugins will work with the version of Wordpress you are about it upgrade to without searching for each one in the directory?
In the current version of my plugin, I create a page on install, and remove it on uninstall. In a new, planned version, I've refactored such that I no longer need that page anymore. When a user upgrades to the new version, will WordPress run the uninstall function before upgrading and then does it run the install on every upgrade, as opposed to only on new installations? If I remove the uninstall function in the new version (as it's not …
I have recently upgraded from wordpress 4.7 to 5.8 (I know a bit of a big jump). In the old version I could dynamically change the page content using the following url structure: example.local/courses/1234/?title=something In this example, the url will remain the same, but contents of course id#1234 is loaded into the page. Since the upgrade what happens now is that the website goes to the homepage of the website ie. example.local so it seems that it is not interpreting …
From time to time i want to give my registered users the chance to upgrade their user role by themselves for free. I tried this by writing a little plugin, but sady i can't get the html form to show when using the shortcode, and therefore cant test if it works or not. I would be really thankful for any assistance. function upgrade_to_premium() { if( is_user_logged_in() ) { if( is_page( 'upgrade-to-premium' ) ) { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); if( $current_user->roles[0] == …
I've recently been asked to help someone who's neglected their WordPress for a long time. They're currently on 3.5. I need to get them current. I'm considering the following options: Manually upgrade step-by-step. Outside of the pain of more than 20 steps, I'll also likely need to upgrade plugins when the old version no longer works with the next WP version. Export the site contents using the WP export, then re-import the content. I've got a few plugins that won't …
I'm having trouble trying to upload a zip file Wordpress theme that I bought from Themeforest. I'm getting an inactive "upload theme" button, I have tried to reinstall the Wordpress theme three times now, but I'm having the same problem. I also tried uploaded the theme through FTP to "content" folder, but this did not solve my problem. This started when I upgraded to Wordpress 4.3.1. I'm I missing something here? please advice.
As it says: I'm currently running WP 5.6 (on top of PHP 7.4.13 and CentOS 7.9.2009), and I got a notification that WP 5.6.1 is available, and that I should upgrade. I'm trying this via the "Upgrade Now" button on upgrade-core.php, and get: Downloading update from https://downloads.wordpress.org/release/wordpress-5.6.1-no-content.zip… The authenticity of wordpress-5.6.1-no-content.zip could not be verified as no signature was found. Unpacking the update… Verifying the unpacked files… There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site …
I recently installed wordpress and am working with it locally. The WordPress folder is at the following path: usr/share/wordpress But the version of WordPress is WordPress 4.9.5 and I want to update it to the latest version: WordPress 5.6.1. Following is the error I am receiving: Error text: The update cannot be installed because we will be unable to copy some files. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions.: wp-includes/class-smtp.php, wp-includes/ID3/module.tag.lyrics3.php................ After a Google search and following several links, …
I have tried doing some research on this but haven't found anything solid yet. I have a plugin I am working on and between the last version and the new version we made some updates to the widget that changes some of the settings names (on the backend) and I am having trouble creating an upgrade routine to do this. What I have done so far that seems to (mostly) work is this: $widget = get_option( 'widget_name' ); if( is_array( …