I have a custom post type 'question' and taxonomy 'question_tag'using Anspress plugin. When visiting a tag page the title is "Example Tag". Desired result: "Questions on Example Tag". How could I achieve this?
i'm using wordpress 4.6 i'd like to remove just the title tag automatically outputted by wordpress because need to hardcode the html title tag in the template. i guess is something like this: add_action('wp_head', '//remove title tag command'); but i didn't find any valid solution so far.
I've found a string that's showing the posts title - blogname as title in the browser, but it's adding an extra ' This is the code I'm using: <title><?php wp_title(‘ | ‘, ‘echo’, ‘right’); ?> - <?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></title> I can't see any extra ' so I don't know what's wrong.
tell me how permanent the links to change the splitter from vertical to horizontal of the main page write website. | — http://joxi.ru/a2XlxQXcyeKPj2 The name of the site | short name The name of the site — short name
Is there any theme function code that put the first 3-4 post tags on WordPress Post Title. Let's assume I am creating a new article for my site and I added the below tags for my post My Post Title - Wishing You a Very Happy Birthday My Post tags - Balloon, Birthday, Wishes, Gift, Celebration, Party I want to put the first 4 tags to my post title whenever I publish or save draft the post. My title should …
Is there a way to limit the word count of the post title? I searched over the internet but found nothing. All I know is, only the content of the post can be limited or excerpted.
I have my posts page set as index.php, and on there I have my main heading (as I do on all pages). I'm having trouble displaying the page's heading however. The page is called 'Blog' in WordPress, and has been specified as the posts page. If I output the page heading with wp_title('');, I get the title of the page — 'Blog' — but with the site name after it (perhaps due to Yoast SEO plugin). If I use the_title() …
on last Wordpress when I wrote <?php wp_title(); ?> appear » symbol before the name of the page.. On my functions.php I wrote add_theme_support( 'title-tag' ); Thanks
My website theme header.php uses this code: <title><?php wp_title('&lsaquo;', true, 'right'); ?></title> And I'm seeing two <title> tags in the page source. How can I solve this?
I am trying to append "DEV SRV:" to the page title (i.e. title tag) if the IP Address matches that of the dev server. I have tried this both in the functions.php file of my child theme and as a standalone plugin add_filter('wp_title', 'dev_srv_title'); function dev_srv_title($title) { $host = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; if ($host =='') { return 'DEV SRV: '.$title; } return $title; }
I want to display different titles in category archives than the category title. I have created a function with if statements for this purpose: function category_titles_change() { if (is_category('name1')) { ?> new title 1 <?php } elseif (is_category('name2')) { ?> new title 2 <?php } elseif (is_category('name3')) { ?> new title 3 <?php } } How can I use this to change the <title></title> shown in the <head></head> I have tried this: function head_category_titles_change() { if (is_category()) { ?> <title> …
I have been searching online for this and everywhere I go it says to put the following into your functions.php function remove_title_from_home() { remove_action( 'storefront_homepage', 'storefront_homepage_header', 10 ); } add_action( 'woocommerce_show_page_title', 'remove_title_from_home' ); OR function remove_title_from_home() { if ( is_front_page() ) remove_action( 'storefront_page', 'storefront_page_header', 10 ); } add_action( 'woocommerce_show_page_title', 'remove_title_from_home' ); Just in case there is an update to the theme which will overwrite this as I am not using a child theme, I put them into a plugin file …
I'm new to wordpress with very limited/low knowledge in coding, I'm trying to build a faq section for different pages, where I need to insert the page title, post date, author etc. in multiple places. I want this below the content in many pages, Eg. 1.How do i use (page title) A.Use this (page title) as instructed here (link) by (author) 2.Where do i buy (page title) A.Buy (page title) from here (link). How do I accomplish this? Is this …
The issue with a title for a page in WordPress for categories (Displaying CategoryName Archives). If the category is Aptitude then page title shows Aptitude Archives. How to remove Archives from the title. click here to understand the issue
I'm trying to modify the WordPress page title. However I'm fairly new to WordPress functions, hooks (filters & actions) and so on. What I could achieve is to change and modify WordPress titles in the <body>. I also was able to change to Page title (<head>), but not to modify it. E.g.: Original page title: My house is red Modified page title (| -> is used for seperate examples): My house is green | My house is red and blue …
Currently in header I have the following: <title> <?php wp_title(' | ', true, 'right'); ?> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?> </title> I tried adding if statement like the following below that did not work it displayed as the following: Roots Restaurant Roots Restaurant <?php if(is_front_page()) {bloginfo('name');}?> It should display as Home | Roots Restaurant on Home page the title tag looks like the following - Roots Restaurant. So it is missing Home |
I need to add a custom text in wordpress Post title dynamically which I'm trying to add via this code in function.php Following code is not working add_filter('the_title', 'new_title', 10, 2); function new_title($title, $id) { if('babysitters' == get_post_type($id)){ $exclusive = get_field('exclusive', $id); // pass the id into get_field $title = $title .', ' .$exclusive->y; } return $title; }
I'm developing a theme for Themeforest and one of their requirements is about the tag. Themeforest states their requirement as follows: The theme must let WordPress add and manage the title. This is done by adding add_theme_support( 'title-tag' ); to functions.php instead of using wp_title() in the document head. The current output is on the home page: 'Site title - Site tagline'. On other pages it is 'Post or page title - Site tagline'. The separator is '-'. Can anyone …
Change title separator. I'm working with the underscores starter theme. I want to make a small change to the title. Change the separator from "Post title | site name" to "Post title - site name" The simple way of doing this was to put <title><?php wp_title('-', true, 'right' ); ?><?php bloginfo( 'name' ); ?></title> in the header. But now I read that with the introduction of add_theme_support( 'title-tag' ); one should not use the <title> markup in the header. So …