How do I disable the 'click' sound on the camera app?

When I take a picture it makes a 'click' sound. As this is default behavior, I would like to turn it off. Is there a setting to do so; or if I find+delete the sound file, will there be repercussions?

**Please note I am looking for a basically permanent solution rather than one that I would need to set/unset with each use of the app. I like the idea of a root solution, or an app solution; but for the sake of non-root memory-hog slow-camera-app-starting people who can't afford to run another background service, let's make a...

Clarification: let's clarify that this is to do with the Motorola Droid (per the tag, sorry). I'm glad it works for other phone models, however to the best of my knowledge it is not a stock option (if I am wrong please point the way) from 2.0.1, 2.1, or 2.2 on the Motorola Droid. That is to say, unless you are referring to the overall volume controls, there is no volume control/mute for the camera application. (Settings options for camera are: zoom|flash|white balance|store location|focus/exposure settings).

I'd like to really tie this question's answer off with a bow: aside from the root option and app option, is there an option to turn off sound in the camera/system settings? [Temporarily muting the phone is a poor option.]

Topic camera settings android

Category Android

If you have a rooted phone you can edit the default.prop file to bring the "No Sound" back to the Shutter Sound menu.

Login to the shell using adb (part of the Android SDK), then switch to super user mode

$ adb shell
# su

Note - depending on how your phone is rooted you may need to confirm that "Unknown Application" can become super user - make sure your phone is unlocked and the screen visible before typing SU then accept this when prompted or it will just echo the commands out.

Mount the System Drive in read write mode, and copy default.prop to your SD Card

# mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/mtdblock2 /system
# cp /system/default.prop /sdcard/

Copy the file to your desktop (I used SWIFTP), then change the line (I used Notepad++ so the line endings weren't mangled) which reads


Copy the file back to your SD card then

# cp /sdcard/default.prop /system/

Exit the ADB Prompt

$ CTRL + C

Reboot your phone.

When you next go into the camera app choose the settings menu and the "No Sound" option should be available.

Alternatively after mounding the /system partition overwrite the shutter.ogg by issuing the following commands

# cd /system/media/audio/camera
# cp sound0/no_sound.ogg sound3/shutter.ogg

Kill the camera app if it's already running, start the camera app, choose "sound3" and then you'll have a silent shutter.

Works on my T-Mobile-UK customised Sony Ericsson Xperia X10i, but should work on most (all?) rooted Android phones.

If you actually enable the "No Sound" option, not only does it disable the really loud camera shutter racket but it means when listening to music it no longer goes silent to allow the shutter sound to be played, and it seems to take photos much faster. Changing the .ogg files doesn't gain you these advantages.

Thanks to zephyrix's hint at and for j4mm3r's note on how to make /system writeable.

I use an app called Silent Camera.

The option to turn the shutter sound off is not new in Froyo. I am using 2.1 Eclair on a Samsung Vibrant (Galaxy S) and under Settings:[Wrench Icon] scroll to the second page there is the "Shutter sound" option where you can select one of three different sounds or "Off."

Placing the volume level at silent (below vibrate) will eventually turn off all the sounds including the one for camera.

Note: I use SonyEricsson X10 series.

I suppose this must be new for Froyo but in the camera settings there is an option to turn off the shutter sound.

When you're in the camera, just use the normal volume to turn sound all the way down. This worked for me on stock Nexus One running Froyo.

You'll need root to delete the sound file, but this should be it:

Delete /system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg 

Repercussions? It won't play the sound anymore? :)

Alternatively, you could download another camera app that does not produce a camera sound.


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