How much of given boil volume should be used for mash and sparge?
I'm just about to try my first all grain brew this weekend... Slightly nervous :)
I'm going to make the Black Sheep Ale recipe available from the hop and grain database... Being in Yorkshire it seems appropriate and I think it should suit my water.
The brew details are these:
Batch Size: 21.00 L Boil Size: 29.68 L Estimated OG: 1.046 SG Estimated Color: 28.2 EBC Estimated IBU: 35.9 IBU Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 % Boil Time: 90 Minutes
Other than an ingredients list this is the only information provided by the recipe... so...
My main question at this point is, out of the 29.68 litre boil size, how much do I mash with? And how much do I sparge with? Do I just work it out if a 1.5qt to 1lb ratio (or similar)?
Also... I'm going for a 66C single temperature mash... Is that appropriate?
I assume, also, that if I boil 29.68 litres for 90 minutes I will arrive at a final volume of 21 litres?
Topic first-time-brewer mash-volume homebrew
Category Mac