Sometimes I make a large batch of wine and fill maybe two or three demijohns, sometimes four. I don't know how many demijohns I can fill until I've filled them. That means, sometimes I end up with an extra two pints or something of unfermented wine. I have avoided putting this juice/sugar/yeast mixture into a demijohn since I have been believing that a demijohn somehow needs to actually be filled. Come to think of it, I don't where I picked …
I malted my own barley for experiment. But I've not used them yet. I mean bought castle malt and munton's Irish Stout LME but haven't used them too yet. First, I want to brew my own malted barley, if i make a mistake i will risk them. Because, there are not any homebrew suppliers in Uzbekistan to buy things easily. So, the barley I malted (5kg) looks like caramel amber malt from appearance. But a little lighter than it. I'd …
This technique, shows how is easy to do permanent markings in stainless steel pot. But what about aluminium ? Does anyone know if it is possible (and safe) to use it in aluminium pots ?
My first fermentation bucket's volume is 19 litre and my bottling bucket's is 23 litre. Can I add 3-4 litre of sugar and water to it for secondary fermentation? Will it affect the taste in a bad way? It is wheat beer by the way.
I'm getting ready to brew an all grain 9.5% double IPA. I normally almost always boil for 60 minutes, but some research has indicated that for bigger beers like this, more water from the mash to start may allow for more good stuff from the grains to get into my wort. Then a longer boil time to get down to desired 5 gallons. Is this accurate?
I'm considering to buy a 16 liter kettle to hold the grain inside my 32 liter kettle, but don't seem to find any reliable calculations on how much grain the 16 liter kettle will fit while mashing. Does anyone here have a formula for calculating the maximum grain in a container?
I'm just about to try my first all grain brew this weekend... Slightly nervous :) I'm going to make the Black Sheep Ale recipe available from the hop and grain database... Being in Yorkshire it seems appropriate and I think it should suit my water. The brew details are these: Batch Size: 21.00 L Boil Size: 29.68 L Estimated OG: 1.046 SG Estimated Color: 28.2 EBC Estimated IBU: 35.9 IBU Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 % Boil Time: 90 Minutes Other than …
Okay, so pumpkins are not in season and I'm substituting winter squash (acorn/butternut) for my pumpkin ale recipe, but the concept remains the same as if it were pumpkin. I've never brewed with pumpkin (or any other fruits/vegetables for that matter), so I have some questions. The grain bill is 13.75 lbs. If I weren't using pumpkin I would use 1.25 quarts of mash water per pound of grain, equaling 4.3 gallons. My questions is, if I'm adding about 8 …
So I brewed my second all-grain batch today, and, like with my first all-grain batch, I misjudged the final volume and ended up with slightly under 4 gallons in my carboy. Does anyone have any good resources for approximately how much will boil off? I guess I'm undershooting because I don't want to be too low on my gravity with too much volume, but at the same time going through a brew day and cheating myself out of over a …