Spunding CO2 from 3 keg fermentors
I'm starting to ferment in kegs, and want to naturally carbonate my beers by using a spunding valve. My batches yield 3 kegs, and I'm already using a 4º keg to aerate them after no chill and after the fermentation is done to transfer the beer to clean kegs.
How to set the pressure on 3 kegs? First I was thinking in just make 3 complete spunding valves. But the parts here for me are a little expensive to do that. So I made a interchangeable system based on quick-disconnects that allow me to control 1 or 3 kegs, based on this project.
But I've read an answer here, from MalFet, that says he use a filter cage as a blowoff trap, and somewhere else in other forums (sorry, I was not able to find it again) a guy saying that he uses another keg as blowoff and attach his valve on this keg to avoid beer get the valve at all.
So my real question is: can I connect 3 kegs (by its gas in posts) to a liquid out post of my 4º keg (with some sanitizer inside) and just a single spunding valve on the gas in side? It should work as a big blowoff vessel and a spunding valve, and I'm planning on set the system since fermentation is begun. Do you think that it will work? Any tought to realize this project another way? Thank you.
Topic blow-off corny-keg carbonation fermentation homebrew
Category Mac