I've used a plugin called WP all-on-one migration to migrate my website. I've also saved the permalinks twice, as instructed after the importation. The default permalink setting works fine, but any other permalink setting results in a 404 error code (except for the home page). Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/all-in-one-wp-migration/ Website: http://nieuw.ohmembercard.nl/ Already tried the following: 1. Saving the permalinks twice (as instructed after importing by the plugin) 2. Rename old .htaccess file, let the site automaticly create a new one
I see the authors of this paper are measuring F1 and NMI scores to measure the clustering quality. However, I don't understand the algorithm of how they actually measure it. See the Evaluation Section. Although I have looked at the code, I am not sure about the actual algorithm.
After searching for a couple of days and reading 2 year old threads I'm having difficulty finding a solution to the problem of having users login by email only. At first I was delighted to see WP_Email_Login only to find out you can still use your username to login. I'm not sure how to go about writing this as a plugin. My idea is to override the register_new_user function. I didn't see this on the "pluggable" functions list. Can I …
I have a response variable series which will be generated randomly in a fixed interval [0-100] base on every second, and I want to detect the event when the new generated data is significantly greater than data of last second, and send alarm message to me. So, I calculate the difference of response variable by 1 lag and divided by difference of time (slope), than use bootstrapping to construct the 95% confidence interval of response's 90% percentile, if the new …
I'm working on ML model for fraud detection, and two features that I have is sender_IP_address and receiver_IP_address. I think that this is very important feature that can not be ignored. My question is, how can I handle this kind of feature? My dataset has around 100k rows and 80 columns. I know that IP is categorical data, and that I can use OneHotEncoder (for example), but from those 100k rows, I have around 70k unique IP addresses (one IP …
I have a question about feature selection on a dataset where the target variable is aggregated by the sum of different data points. I want to predict the number of sales depending on a variety of features like: week price per unit store country store city 2-3 other categorical meta-data other features I am aware that this data should be interpreted as time series but because of the lack of available historical data, no model can compete with the naive …
I'm using the Wordpress customizer feature to configure my theme and I constantly bumping into the same annoying issue, sometimes I don't get any value from get_theme_mod while I see the effect of my change in the preview window. Here is some code: $active_type="home"; $wp_customize->add_setting($active_type.'_categories_max',array( 'default' => '10', 'transport' => 'refresh' )); $wp_customize->add_control( $active_type.'_categories_max',array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'Max Items', 'section' => $active_type.'_categories_section', 'choices' => array( '5' => '2', '10' => '10', '15' => '15', '20' => '20', ), …
I have a problem. I have a free text field and I would like to use NLP to determine which product should be selected. This involves concepts such as weight, speed, size and so on. Here is an example: If the weight is over 50 kg, take product A. If less than the upper weight, take product B. I also have the labelled data for the corresponding free text fields. Free text Product Weight Size (see above) A 110 50x58x98 …
I'm working on a query to let a logged-in user know if the user has more than 5 pending posts. Here's what I ended up with: // Start the query $query = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'post', 'author' => get_current_user_id(), 'post_status' => 'pending', 'posts_per_page' => -1 )); // Start the loop if ( $query->have_posts() ) { if ( $query->found_posts >= 5 ) { echo '5 or more pending posts'; } else { echo 'Less than 5 pending posts'; } …
I'm developing a simple plug in and I need to filter single_cat_title in category page adding some html in every category page. Just doing this: function subtitleCategory ($title) { return $title."</div></div></div><div class=\"container_24\"><h2 id=\"category-subtitle\">TEST1</h2></div>"; } add_filter('single_cat_title', 'subtitleCategory'); I get what I need. But I noticed that this filter also apply to the breadcrumbs (there is a call in breadcrumbs.php) and this means twice in the same page (not what I need). Do you know if there is a condition that can …
I have one single, very long time series. I want to train an LSTM to distinguish between two behaviours (A or B) at every timestep (sequence-to-sequence). Because the time series is very long, I plan to extract shorter, partially-overlapping subsequences and use each of them as one training input for the LSTM. In my train/validation/test split, do I have to use older subsequences for training and newer for validation and test? Or can I treat them as if they were …
I am working on a site and sometimes I run into an error when logging out and on the site tab it says 'Wordpress Failure Notice'. I am trying to remove all instances of wordpress so users dont know Im using it, but I can not figure out how to remove the text from the tab. I dont have no code to try and show because Im not even sure where to start. The text shows up on the wp-login.php …
The superclasses in the CIFAR-100 dataset are mutually exclusive and all but the vehicle ones are quite well defined by its label. Example: It is very clear why bees belong to the superclass insects and none of the other superclasses. This appears not to be the case for the two superclasses vehicles 1 and vehicles 2: The two appear not to be clearly separable if we ignore their subclass labels. Example: It is not clear why pickup trucks belong to …
I wrote a very long page with a lot of content and would like to add a pagination to make it more readable. I added in the texteditor several <!–-nextpage–-> but it doesn't create any pagination, although in the default twentythirteen page template the wp_link_pages function is called <?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '<div class="page-links"><span class="page-links-title">' . __( 'Pages:', 'twentythirteen' ) . '</span>', 'after' => '</div>', 'link_before' => '<span>', 'link_after' => '</span>' ) ); ?> I'm using a child theme …
I'm looking for something similar to this https://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/text/plot_document_classification_20newsgroups.html#sphx-glr-auto-examples-text-plot-document-classification-20newsgroups-py But instead of positive and negative examples, I have positive examples and a bunch of unlabeled data that will contain some positive examples but is mostly negative. I'm planning on using this in a pipeline to transform text data into a vector, then feeding it into a classifier using https://pulearn.github.io/pulearn/doc/pulearn/ The issue is I'm not sure the best way to build the preprocessing stage where I transform the raw text data into …
I've created these two functions to toggle between the first paragraph of the content and then everything but the first paragraph so when the user selects 'More' it slides out the article smoothly without replacing the first paragraph that's already displayed as the excerpt. However if there's a shortcode in that text it shows up as the shortcode syntax rather than displaying properly. I understand why it's not displaying but I'd like to replace any shortcodes in the text so …
I transformed my input data using StandardScaler as given here: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler.html Code looks like this: X=df_encoded.drop(columns=['HeartDisease'],axis=1) y=df_encoded['HeartDisease'] col=X.columns sc = StandardScaler() x_standardized_array = sc.fit_transform(X) x_df = pd.DataFrame(x_standardized_array, columns = col) Now, my problem is that I need to deploy my final solution to a product service... actually providing the algorithm solution with a frontend. The StandardScaler is a problem because the product cannot be using the old data set to fit to the old data and then process the new …
I've tried all kind of oversampling undersampling techniques and I've tried also weighted Xgboost ( the model I'm trying to improve) I couldn't surpass a very Bad F1 score : 0.09 What should I do
I've created my custom posts. Data from the same is displayed in let's say single-custom-post.php. Now to clean that file and to remove 100 lines of code, I want to make a new file (let's call it custom-header.php) and then just echo or call that content. Since I've built custom post as a plugin, ideally would be nice to call it if plugin is active, however I don't know how to finish this because one statement is if myplugin is …
Can anyone recommend a good way to backup Android devices? Ideally I would like to do this wirelessly and, not only backup my data, but also my user settings. Is it possible to backup an image of an Android device - so that one doesn't even need to reinstall apps? It would be particularly useful to hear from users that have restored backups, as to how easy, and complete, their processes were. Thanks
I've reordered the admin menu items through: function custom_menu_order($menu_ord) { if (!$menu_ord) return true; return array( 'index.php', // Dashboard 'edit.php?post_type=page', // Pages 'edit.php?post_type=sp_faq', // FAQs 'gf_edit_forms', // Forms 'woocommerce', // Woocommerce 'edit.php?post_type=product', //Products 'edit.php', // Posts/News 'edit.php?post_type=event', // Events 'upload.php', // Media 'themes.php', // Appearance 'plugins.php', // Plugins 'users.php', // Users 'tools.php', // Tools 'options-general.php', // Settings ); } add_filter('custom_menu_order', 'custom_menu_order'); // Activate custom_menu_order add_filter('menu_order', 'custom_menu_order'); This works great for the Admin user role, however, does not work for other …
this is a screenshot of my code. i used abc.best_estimator_ (my GridSearchCV model) to find out best results. As you can see grid has values of C=1 and C=100 along with other values. abc.best_estimator_ says C=1 is the best value. For cross checking i tried using different values of c and here i'm getting a better score for C=100. I was getting similar results while finding gamma also, but later on i commented out gamma so as to focus on …
Suppose I have a dataset that includes the following features {HairColor, EyeColor, EducationLevel, Income}. I would like to perform clustering to separate the dataset into smaller datasets that you would expect to behave similarly. The difficulty that arises is that it is clear that EducationLevel and Income are much more important than HairColor and EyeColor but I do not know how to measure that importance for the sake of clustering. In the example below, I would want it to be …
I have this url mysite.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts . it gets me all the posts I want, but what I need is the Parent ID of the Post. Is there an endpoint for example mysite.com/wp-json/wp/v2/parent/{postID} ??
Is a neural network (for example a MLPClassifier in Python) able to learn to map a completely (or very) different input feature set to the same output class? Or is it better to work in this case with more than one output class and map these recognized output classes afterwards to the same class manually?
I am trying to show the attribute of Applications with the word Applications in front of the items that it echos. The code is working for me to echo the items out but I need it so that it only shows the text Applications when there are some with that product. add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'display_applications_attribute', 5 ); function display_applications_attribute() { global $product; $taxonomy = 'pa_applications'; echo '<span class="attribute-applications">Applications: ' . $product->get_attribute($taxonomy) . '</span>'; }
I am using the Twitter API. The Orange widget for Twitter works fine if we do a search by content. However, it throws an error if you search by author. The error is: Api error(Twitter error response status code = 401)
I want to export some specific posts from my database (csv or sql) and then replace content to these and import them back without changing the id number of the posts.I s this possible to do it and if it is, how? Thank you in advance.
I have this kind of data on my database: <wp:postmeta> <wp:meta_key> <![CDATA[property_icalendar_import_multi]]> </wp:meta_key> <wp:meta_value> <![CDATA[a:2:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"feed";s:86:"https://www.example.com/ics-files/property.ics";s:4:"name";s:20:"IMPORT_1";}i:1;a:2:{s:4:"feed";s:56:"https://www.example.com/ical/property.ics";s:4:"name";s:16:"IMPORT_2";}}]]> </wp:meta_value> </wp:postmeta> As you can see, on meta_value I have two pairs of serialized data "name1/feed1" and "name2/feed2". I wish to add, via custom fields, more instances to that array "name3/feed3)". But I don't know how to do it. I was able to retrive the data so far: <?php $property_icalendar_import_multi = get_post_meta($edit_id, 'property_icalendar_import_multi', true); if(is_array($property_icalendar_import_multi)){ foreach($property_icalendar_import_multi as $key=>$feed_data){ print $feed_data['name']; print $feed_data['feed']; } }else{ esc_html_e('nothing'); …
I'm a beginner in jQuery-Ajax so please bear with me. My Ajax response does not seem to load but my changes are being saved. but gives me this error on admin-ajax.php "call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function '_update_post_ter_count' not found or invalid function name" Here is my function, could you point what i'm doing wrong? add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_save_sort', 'ccmanz_save_reorder' ); add_action('wp_ajax_save_sort','ccmanz_save_reorder'); function ccmanz_save_reorder() { //checking //verify user intent check_ajax_referer( 'wp-job-order', 'security' ); // this comes from wp_localize_script() …
To illustrate the above title. Suppose you have a pdf document, which is basically scanned from hardcopy, now there are set of fixed questions to answer from the document itself. For an example a document contains a contract of land, now the set of fixed questions be "who is the seller?" "what is price of the asset? ", document has referred to this answers probably 2-3 times, as a human it's a simple task. How to automate this?
I have registered a setting, added a section in my plugin. Inside that section, multiple inputs (checkboxes) fields have been added using the add_settings_field method. This method has a callback function which I am using to return true for checkboxes which are checked and return false which are unchecked in an array. Now the problem is this function works as expected except the plugin is activated for the first time. For first time activation, the callback function is being called …
I'm using docker and docker compose to install WordPress on my localhost and everything is working fine however i'm having problems when uploading new media and installing themes, new plugins e.t.c. The message "Could not create directory" appears when i want to install a new plugin. With extensive research i have tried many options to fix the file/folder permissions, even with a chmod 777 and still with no success. My docker compose file is: wordpress: container_name: testing image: wordpress environment: …
I have 2 time series, $X$ and $Y$, and I'm trying to find the best lag range that correlates $X$ to $Y$ (find the amount(s) of lag of $X$ that best correlate to the target variable $Y$). For instance, if the best lag range is between $t = 8$ and $t = 10$, then the final equation would be $Y_t = \alpha_1 X_{t-8} + \alpha_2 X_{t-9} + \alpha_3 X_{t-10} + \alpha_4$. Since the value of $Y$ could depend not only …
Okay I'm trying to add fancybox functionality to the galleries in posts. I found this stack exchange: How do i add class="fancybox" to the default gallery? and I managed to get the basic fancybox functionality using: jQuery(".gallery-icon a").fancybox().attr('rel', 'gallery'); But it's not grouping the images all in one gallery together. I can click on an image and get a lightbox but there's no scrolling through a group. I tried the solution outlined by @orionrush jQuery('.gallery').each(function (g) { jQuery('a', this).attr('rel', function …