I'm at a basic level of WordPress + PHP and I'm trying to build a pretty simple plugin. I've set up the plugin correctly, and the plugin page is generated with function wpplugin_settings_page() { add_menu_page( 'Modal Generator', 'Modal Generator', 'manage_options', 'modal-slug', 'wpplugin_settings_page_markup', 'dashicons-format-gallery', 100 ); } Whereas wpplugin_settings_page_markup is a function that generates my HTML on the plugin page. I copy-pasted a code to create/generate metaboxes and they work great. I can get them to show on posts & pages …
Does anybody have experienced this issue: using admin_url() in add_menu_page() returns an url that contains the domain name twice: add_submenu_page( 'smart-crm', __('WP SMART CRM Documents', 'mytextdomain'), __('Documents', 'mytextdomain'), 'manage_options', admin_url('admin.php?page=smart-crm&p=documenti/list.php'), '' ); My output link is : https://domain.com/domain.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=smart-crm&p=documenti/list.php any idea?
The add_menu_page documentation says to pass the menu title as the second parameter: add_menu_page('Page Title', 'Menu Title', ...); When adding more pages later via add_submenu_page, the main page becomes the first entry in the submenu: However, I want the first item in the list to have a different name (but still point to the same page), the way Wordpress itself does it: How could I accomplish that in my plugin?
I am displaying a list of posts in the plugin backend but I can't seem to get the pagination to work. I used the standard approach of getting the "paged" variable and then passing it to get_posts()'s arguments, but whenever I visit my custom backend page or subpage and add the &page=2 variable I get that permissions error about not having enough of them to visit that page. Is there a special way to apply pagination in the backend?
I use the add_menu_page function in my custom theme builds but when I export my local copy of the site and import it in the production site some of post id numbers change and I have to update this function manually (ie: in the code below: ?post=8, ?post=8, ?post=10). Is there a way to have these numbers be dynamic? function custom_admin_menu_links() { $user = wp_get_current_user(); if ( ! $user->has_cap( 'manage_options' ) ) { add_menu_page( 'Home', 'Home', 'edit_posts', 'post.php?post=6&action=edit', '', 'dashicons-admin-home', …
I am creating a plugin for add menu option to WordPress admin and using below function for that: <?php add_menu_page( $page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function, $icon_url, $position ); ?> But I would like to add absolute path for menu option in the place of $menu_slug. please see the screen shot, I have created both " Header and footer " using add_menu_page function. I would like to give absolute path for both header and footer. I know plugins are available for …
I am creating a custom admin section. I have the following code: // Top level menu add_menu_page('Books', 'Books', 'publish_posts', 'books', 'render_books_page', '', 17); // Adding this function to make the first submenu have a different name than the main menu // Details: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/66498/add-menu-page-with-different-name-for-first-submenu-item add_submenu_page('Books', 'Books', 'All Books', 'publish_posts', 'books', 'render_books_page'); // The Add Book menu page add_submenu_page('Books', 'Add New Book', 'Add Book', 'publish_posts', 'add-book', 'render_add_book_page'); // The Edit Book menu page (this page is hidden from the menu, and accessed …
I'm not able to reorder WP Admin menu items when pages added with add_menu_page have complicated slugs. At least I think that's the problem... First I create the custom menu items, which is working as expected: function sma_simplify_admin_ui() { global $user_ID; if ( $user_ID != 1 ) { add_menu_page( 'Menu', 'Menu', 'edit_posts', 'nav-menus.php?action=edit&menu=16', '', 'dashicons-menu' ); add_menu_page( 'Memberships', 'Memberships', 'edit_posts', 'edit.php?post_type=wc_user_membership', '', 'dashicons-groups' ); } } add_action( 'admin_init', 'sma_simplify_admin_ui' ); The new items cannot be reordered. If I put the …
I have a custom menu using add_menu_page: add_menu_page('My menu' , 'Some text', 'read', 'nwcm'); Under it, I show a custom post type menu item; // Create the news custom post type register_post_type('nwcm_news', array( 'labels' => array( 'name' => __('News for clients', NWCM_TEXT_DOMAIN) , 'singular_name' => __('News', NWCM_TEXT_DOMAIN) ) , 'public' => true, 'has_archive' => true, 'public' => true, 'show_ui' => true, 'show_in_menu' => 'nwcm', 'taxonomies' => array( 'nwcm_news_category' ) , )); Then I add a custom taxonomy hooked to that …
I'm relatively new to WordPress and, I am creating this plugin, where I need a submenu page. I have successfully created the main page and have added CSS to it without any problems. However, I came to need a submenu page recently. I used add_submenu_page to create that page, and it worked just fine. As far as I know, I can add as much content to that page as I want, and it won't be a problem, too. The trouble …
I'm testing WordPress 5.3 (5.3-RC4-46673) with my theme. I have WP_DEBUG enabled. I notice the following error in the dashboard now: Notice: add_submenu_page was called incorrectly. The seventh parameter passed to add_submenu_page() should be an integer representing menu position. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 5.3.0.) in /app/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4903 There's a related ticket for this error here: Trac Ticket #48249 Troubleshooting The theme I'm using is a child theme. Disabled …
I have created a custom menu page using add_menu_page() function. Everything in that page appears as it should in the screen. What I am trying to achieve is adding another submenu under the under the page i previously created(i want it to appear just like when you click on the settings menu in wordpress dashboard). I am pasting a code snippet below: //creating the menu item for the plugin function qpv_custom_menu_link() { add_menu_page( 'Quick Product View Options', 'Quick Product View', …
I am studying the header.php for my website, where I find the following codes: <?php if ( has_nav_menu( 'primary-menu' ) ) : ?> <nav class="main-navigation desktop-nav" role="navigation"> <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'primary-menu', 'menu_class' => 'sf-menu desktop-menu', 'container' => false ) ); ?> </nav><!-- desktop-nav --> <?php endif; ?> Based on this, this is to display the navigation menu for desktop version. I then check the HTML source of the real web page, and find the following codes: I know …
I'm looking to add a submenu, to another sub_menu that already exists. In WordPress, there are just 2 levels of admin menu (with functions: add_menu_page and add_submenu_page), my goal is to add another sub_memu, to be in level 3, to the one in level 2, how can I do that?
I created a new page for the homepage settings of my theme using add_pages_page(). On that page I want to use wp.media to let the user select one or several images from the library (or upload new ones). I thought the way to go was meta boxes but I can't get the box to display. Here's how I tried to add the meta box: function register_homepage_subpage() { add_pages_page( 'Customize Homepage', 'Homepage', 'manage_options', 'my_homepage', 'my_homepage_callback' ); } add_action( 'admin_menu', 'register_homepage_subpage' ); …
I'm trying to add custom post types entries automatically as submenu's to my main menu. I've managed to add one CPT "nestjes" by using the code below. Now I would like to add two more CPT's automatically to my menu on the same website: "poezen" and "katers". How do I blend in these variables in the code below? my_theme_poezen_menu_filter poezen-parent-item poezen-post-type my_theme_katers_menu_filter katers-parent-item katers-post-type Thank you for the help. add_filter( 'wp_get_nav_menu_items', 'my_theme_nestjes_menu_filter',10, 3 ); function my_theme_nestjes_menu_filter( $items, $menu, $args ) …
In my admin section I would like to add in Appearance > Menus > some custom pages to add to my menu. I have two different menu one for the home page and one for the others pages. In my home page menu I add the menu elements as link because I need to give to the href the id of html element so i can 'redirect' in a specific point in my page, so my link is '#gallery'. In …
I have added a page in the admin menu(pxmag-menu) and a submenu(pxmag-plans). There is another page(pxmag-plans-edit) set under the submenu(pxmag-plans) as the parent page. public function __construct() { require('pxMagAdminPlans.class.php'); $this->admPlanObj= new pxMagAdminPlans(); add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'add_plan_admin_menu')); } public function add_plan_admin_menu() { add_menu_page(__('Dashboard', 'textdomain'), get_bloginfo('name'), 'manage_options', 'pxmag-menu', array($this, 'pxmag_dash'), 'dashicons-welcome-view-site', 6); add_submenu_page('pxmag-menu', __('Subscription Plans', 'textdomain'), 'Plans', 'manage_options', 'pxmag-plans', array($this->admPlanObj, 'plan_admin_menu_page')); add_submenu_page('pxmag-plans', __('Add/edit Plans', 'textdomain'), 'Add/edit plans', 'manage_options', 'pxmag-plans-edit', array($this->admPlanObj, 'plan_admin_menu_edit')); } All the menu and submenu pages load fine. But, when I …
I have added some custom menu using add-menu_page and it is working perfectly with the default administrator admin bar. But when I log in to different user roles, they are not showing. My question is how to show different menu items for different users. I have added these codes to my plugin main function.php file function custom_admin_menu() { global $menu, $submenu; $icon = get_option('cqpim_use_default_icon'); if(empty($icon)) { $adicon = PTO_PLUGIN_URL . '/img/icon.png'; } else { $adicon = ''; } // My …