Everytime i create a new post there is a code in the editor when i view it in html mode i see this code; <div id="WRWHOISInstalled" style="display: none;"></div> there wasnt this problem before it happend automaticly by itself? i tried searching it on the internet but i didint find anything please help :( Note im using classic editor
The post.php screen lists posts vertically in the admin area [and other post types]. Each item's post_title is a hyperlink, directly above some inline choices. Both the title link, and the "Edit" inline selection, redundantly go to the same destination, namely: http[s]://{yoursite.tld}/wp-admin/post.php?post={postID}&action=edit I want to filter the post_title URL href using PHP. Specifically, I want to set a custom destination to the URL, based on metadata stored in the post. i.e post_ID:123 has post meta data: {'custom_URL' : 'http:somesite.com'} In …
The company I work for has 300+ products on their website. I was able to grab all the published product post URLs on the site, because the permalink shared a common format: https://domain.com/product/[product-name] but I was hoping that I can also get the URLs for the post editor for each item. URL is https://domain.com/wp=admin/post.php?post=####&action=edit Is this possible? If so, how? When I tried searching this is the only thing I know that relates to what I'm trying to do but …
I open a page and make an edit and the update button becomes grayed out. I have to copy all page content, refresh the page and paste it back in the page, only then does the update button become clickable. It does update the page so there is no issue with that. Only when making the initial edit is in not clickable. Update: I was able to recreate the issue, but not faithfully. It seems to occur when the page …
We're getting the following error on our Block Editor when trying to edit a post: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'show_ui') at https://informationsecurityleadership.com/wp-includes/js/dist/editor.min.js?ver=8d4a298f55ea5a97c9e5147f9e132d82:7:114477 at i (https://informationsecurityleadership.com/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/lodash.min.js?ver=4.17.19:10:88) at lf (https://informationsecurityleadership.com/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/lodash.min.js?ver=4.17.19:84:172) at https://informationsecurityleadership.com/wp-includes/js/dist/editor.min.js?ver=8d4a298f55ea5a97c9e5147f9e132d82:7:114458 at Le (https://informationsecurityleadership.com/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:100:3) at Pj (https://informationsecurityleadership.com/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:231:183) at di (https://informationsecurityleadership.com/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:168:305) at Nj (https://informationsecurityleadership.com/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:168:236) at sc (https://informationsecurityleadership.com/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:168:96) at gf (https://informationsecurityleadership.com/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js?ver=17.0.1:162:109) Here are the details on how our WordPress is configured: Our WordPress sits behind an AWS Firewall and our resources are served through Cloudfront. We have a staging site …
I'm trying to change the layout of the post-new.php page and as part of this I would like the publish, save draft and preview buttons below the form rather than to the right. So in my plugin js file I'm using jQuery.append() to move them into a custom that sits below the main . I'm moving the divs: #save-action, #preview-action and #publishing-action. This works fine layout-wise. However, now none of the buttons seem to perform their job. The publish button …
I have a plugin that requires scripts to load for an admin panel in the page-attributes template drop-down on page post type. However this script causes a Uncaught TypeError: on post post types which is a correct response and I understand that is not where my focus should turn. Since this script is only necessary for the page post type, I believe the best solution is to conditionally format my script so it works as such. Due diligence was taken …
When viewing a list of posts on the admin page wp-admin/edit.php I click on edit. I then finish editing the post, click on save or publish and expect to be returned to the original admin listing page I started on. The same with when I'm viewing the front end of a post and click the edit link in the admin toolbar. After I finish editing the post I want to be returned to the original screen I was on. To …
Very Excited - First Post to SE! I am creating a wordpress app that uses Javascript to call some JSON data and brings it back into the editor. All of that is working great. I can console the data and see it. The only thing I cannot tackle is: I have a custom taxonomy named genre that I need to populate with 3 new (or possibly existing) terms from the JSON data. I know that wp requires an array to …
I'm trying to make a Custom Gutenberg Block, but I'm having trouble with loading javascript that goes with this block. On the front-end it works fine, but in the editor it seems that the script fires (even with DOMcontentloaded or window.onload) BEFORE the Gutenberg block itself is fully loaded. Since my script targets an element in the block (which it can't find because the element hasn't loaded yet), it's not working correctly. Any suggestions on how to make the script …
I have a site that's been going for about 4 years with several hundred pages. I've had strange problems when accessing the Pages section (to choose a page for editing) and while in Page editing. These have been resolved (up until now) by deactivating plugins down to the bare minimum (three that are essential for the user experience), then working on page creation or editing, then reactivating plugins. The symptoms were two-fold: Pages - this showed up totally blank; could …
I don't know why when I'm using "Enter", that add &nbsp; in Pages/Posts Editor. That doesn't matter, but on my website, when I look the code &nbsp; makes this code : <p> � </p> and � appears on my website... How can I change that to simple code : <p> </p>
There is a new preview feature on WordPress that looks like this: When it's clicked, it reloads the preview over and over and over again. Why would this happen? I tried disabling different plugins and nothing works. I checked my console and tried to grab the errors but I can't because the page reloads over and over again. Is this a known bug? Why is this happening? How do I even start to debug this?
I am creating a new website for an organization that offers writing classes. One of the most important pages on the website is a “class page” which provides the information about a given class (name of the class, description of the class, date, time, price, location, etc). The old website’s “class pages” are in the format of a Post. To create new class pages on the old website we currently go to WP Dashboard > Posts, click on ‘New Draft’ …
I'm trying to edit my plugin to work on the updated version of the website. I have a custom plugin, which worked with plugin Post in Page but not working with the integrated function of Gutenberg - Newest posts. Added text is not showing before posts excerpts listed by integrated function. That's the problem I need help with. I didn't find any other add_filter example than my used one. So let me show you my previous working code and I'm …
This is about a block in the right area in the Edit Post page of of a wordpress post. It could be any plugin, but in this case it is about the Analytify - Stats of this Post/Page to demonstrate and solve this problem specifically: Initially this element was at the bottom of the Edit Post page of the wordpress page. But I did something wrong and it moved to the right side in the Post section. I found a …
How do you publish posts when the post edit form is submitted with the enter/return key on the keyboard? By default WordPress saves the post in draft status. To provide some background, I have an Inventory custom post type, which does not use the Title or Content fields, only meta fields which are text inputs. To streamline input of Inventory posts, I want to publish the post when the author hits the enter/return key. I've compared the $_POST variable of …
I have created a custom post type nammed job. The users will have the posibility to create/read/update/delete their posts from frontend. I created a shortcode with a form for post creating, which is working fine, the jobs are adding and they can be accesed on the generic url site_domain/jobs/job_title. Now I want to implement the job edit page which will be available on the previous url with /edit/ concatenated, like site_domain/jobs/job_title/edit/. How can i create another page template/shortcode which will …
I'm looking to add some client-side (JavaScript) events to the post edit screen of wp-admin (post.php?action=edit). I wish to fire events when the user selects a new featured image and a different event when they remove the featured image. So far I've been able to find this wordpress.se answer, which has allowed me to hook into the "on featured image set" event, however I'm at a loss as to how to hook into the "on featued image removed" event, as …