I am not a full time website developer although i've developed some websites from scratch with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript/jQuery etc usually for websites that have very specific purposes (e.g. custom calculators for business to find profit, margins, etc). For very simple websites I've used Wix. Now I'll start working on more complex but usual projects like e-shops, hotel pages etc. and I'm thinking to move to wordpress and woocommerce for e-shop pages, as it has many stuff that i'll …
I'm trying to target a few of our WooCommerce product pages "Add to Cart" buttons to say different things. This code works for targeting one product and leaving the rest default: add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_single_add_to_cart_text', 'woo_custom_cart_button_text' ); function woo_custom_cart_button_text( $text ) { global $product; if ( 123 === $product->id ) { $text = 'Product 123 text'; } return $text; } I tried adding an elseif statement after the first if but it's not resolving: add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_add_to_cart_text', 'woo_custom_cart_button_text' ); // CHANGES INLINE BUY …
Is there any way to add specific variations switches in woocommerce sites. Suppose I want to create a phone cover/case website. When user selects a design, it will ask for phone brand. Like iPhone, Redmi or OnePlus. Then there comes another drop-down menu with list of different models of selected brand. Already tried variation swatches and product variation swatches. Is there any way or plugins to do like this? TIA
I have a WordPress website with version 5.9 and I want functionality to sell video content. These videos could be uploaded by the website users and they can decide the price of their uploaded videos. I also want to keep a small fee as commission. What plugin do you recommend for it?
I need help please finding out how to make an E-commerce website with two different types of logins Some users will submit their products and others can login to purchase. something like Ebay. I heard that wordpress is not the right solution for that, but I really love WP and hope that you can guide me if that is possible here on wordpress? if yes .. What themes/ plugins can be used to acheive that please. Thank you very much …
I have someone who sells a variety of physical products that have different weights and sizes. What's the best way to set that up so customers aren't charged multiple flat rate fees? Also, what plugin would be best for this? I'd like to have one that allows handling fees.
My question don’t have to do with code but with information if an expert can help. We have a e-commerce store which is very hard to work its SEO. So I though to build a Wordpress site which will operate as a lookbook. Also it will host all categories and some few products which have have back links to the eshop. Are all the above safe for better ranking or it will hurt the e-commerce store? Any help much appreciated!
I'd need to add to wordpress the "evaluate your used product" automated function. I thought about something with multistep forms but I don't know if it is the definitive choice.
How do I display a rating at all times, even if it is empty? This is for woocommerce, meant for product boxes like popular products and new products, doesn't have to show up on single product pages.
This is probably one of the strangest and most frustrating issues I've come across. We have a website that is an online shop using, WordPress and WooCommerce. A lot of their marketing is done via their Instagram page. When the website is opened from the Instagram app it opens in Instagram's in-app browser. Everything seems to work fine until you get to the checkout. The payment options section is greyed out and the card fields are squashed. If you open …
My project is a eShop with POS system,The POS is powered by YITH POS. Work with YITH POS its will generate a metakey in wp_postmeta call '_yith_pos_store' to linking the store name. For make it easier to management , I'm planning to make a custom column to display the Store name in woocommerce shop_order page and make its searchable in the search field.The custom column parts is already done but search parts I had tried many ways cannot make it …
I am using WC (Version 5.7.1) & WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration (Version 1.5.3), the setup between Google Analytics and my WC website goes well so far, except the conversion rate is not calculated at all, and I guess the problem because we don't redirect the user to a thank you page where it redirects to "/checkout/order-received/order-number/?key=wc_order_key" instead. I would appreciate it if someone could help us in how we could notify Google Analytics that the checkout process is done in …
Currently my render code is… <li class="product type-product post-387 status-publish instock product_cat-uncategorized has-post-thumbnail shipping-taxable purchasable product-type-simple"> <a href="https://#/product/#/" class="woocommerce-LoopProduct-link woocommerce-loop-product__link"> etc… Which appears to be generated from the woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item function. I'd like to add an if condition within the anchor class to check if something exists. I've looked for this function within woocommerce but it doesn't appear to offer a way of editing the anchor classes?
I have products on woocommerce with 5 variants and I am trying to set the first variant as a default so when visitors/customers browse product pages they would see the first variant pre-selected. I have gone through some of the threads which are not useful anymore. If anyone could help to get this done with the recent version of woocommerce?
I want to add a back button to the Single Product page so that the page will be redirected to the relevant parent category page of the product upon clicking. I have managed to get this done for one category using the following code. Here it will redirect the page to the shirts category upon clicking the back to designs button. add_action( 'woocommerce_before_single_product', 'content_before_addtocart_button' ); function content_before_addtocart_button() { global $post; $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'product_cat' ); foreach ($terms as $term) …
I am Developing an online eCommerce website for my Business. I wanted to make the add to cart button replaced to product increment decrement buttons just like Bigbasket and Grofers and reflect the product change to my cart page automatically. This means that when someone will visit my website and click on Add to Cart Button to add the product the add to cart button will get replaced with product increment decrement buttons and the product change will get reflected …
I'm creating a WooCommerce theme from scratch, and I'd really like to change the HTML that wraps the default WooCommerce messages on the Cart and Checkout pages. I am specifically talking about the default messages that appear in this element, when the cart is updated - or items are removed: <div class="woocommerce-message" role="alert"> Your cart has been updated / Product was removed. Undo? </div> I have tried several things; I am overriding the default error.php, success.php and notice.php templates in …
Going a bit mad here on how complicated they have managed to make changing the language in WooCommerce. My site is in Spanish (Mexico), interface admin is in Spanish.I have also managed to set Storefront (theme) in Spanish (Mexico). I then proceeded to visit this URL to download the po file for WooCommerce: https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/woocommerce Download the latest stable version as: wp-plugins-woocommerce-stable-es-mx.po I tried placing this file inside: wp-content/languages/woocommerce wp-content/languages/plugins wp-content/languages/plugins/woocommerce And it just does not show up on Spanish. I …
So I've been integrating WooCommerce with Stripe checkout and set everything up correctly, but when it comes to paying I get this response after hitting 'Place Order': No such customer: 'cus_Hu9exn9bPLd3SA'; a similar object exists in test mode, but a live mode key was used to make this request. I've set the test mode keys (and client ID) correctly in the backend - set woocommerce to 'enable test mode'. Everything seems ok. When viewing stripe test mode it creates the …
I am creating a dedicated WordPress ecommerce website without using WooCommerce for myself. I created the custom post type called 'products' but now I am stuck on how to add specific terms like SKU, price, variations, short description, and related products section in it. Can you please help me know. I don't know if I can specifically make sections to update such terms in the product post type.