How to integrate google cloud with dropbox and jupyter notebook using tensorflow

So I opened up a google cloud account and have access to global and local (us east 1) resources (Compute Engine API , NVIDIA K80 GPUs) and connected it to my dropbox. Next, I followed this youtube video to try to connect it to my jupyter notebook. The code to be entered into the google cloud platform is as follows: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get - -assume-yes upgrade sudo apt-get - -assume-yes install software-properties-common sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev build-essentials …
Category: Data Science

Disallow author with robots.txt

I would like to disallow the authors (of posts for example) in the file robots.txt. In fact, I noticed that for some of my sites, Google indexed the authors of articles, which I don't want to. Someone thinks is it possible ? (I tried something like Disallow: /author/ but I'm not sure it works...) Thank you in advance, ArbreMojo.
Category: Web

How to load numerous files from google drive into colab

I am trying to load in 30k images (600mb) from Google drive into Google Colaboratory to further process them with Keras/PyTorch. Therefore I have first mounted my Google drive using: from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/gdrive') Next I have unzipped the image file using: !unzip -uq "/content/gdrive/My Drive/" -d "/content/gdrive/My Drive/path/" Counting how many files are located in the directory using: len(os.listdir(path-to-train-images)) I only find 13k images (whereas I should find 30k). According to the output of unzip, the files appear …
Category: Data Science

Google flagged a wp-admin redirect as phishing

I woke up this morning to find my website flagged by google, the standard "deceptive site ahead" appears when visiting it. The website is in active development and is usually hidden under the "under construction" screen, but I guess google had enough time to crawl it when I turned it off. In my webmaster tools google reported deceptive pages with the following sample URL: This is the only sample page that was reported. Is this not the standard redirection …
Category: Web

Google NLP AutoML

I am doing research for Google NLP AutoML, What methodologies they have used, techniques, models, feature selection, hyper parameter optimization, etc. I could not find any paper on how google built their NLP AutoML. Can anyone guide me on that? how to find google's research on that field for academic research? Any paper you may have will help. Thanks
Category: Data Science

How to use google api for wordpress login

I am using Google OAuth API to create a login system and fetching youtube channel data in Wordpress. I have done to get channel data and email id also get access_token, token_type, expires_in, refresh_token and id_token but I have no idea how to achieve login system in Wordpress can anyone guide me how to do that and also let me know my below code is correct or can be shorten. Thanks $client_id = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; $client_secret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; $redirect_uri = 'http://localhost/mysite/oauth2callback'; …
Category: Web

WordPress User Meta value variable into Google Gauge Chart

I am trying to insert a Google Gauge chart on my WordPress site created with Elementor using data from WordPress user meta (current logged in user). Using the code below, the chart is displayed with a hard-coded value of "50", however I need that value to be retrieved from the current user's user meta data field named 'sleepscore'. My coding experience is very novice, so am not sure if I need to insert something into my theme's functions.php file, and …
Category: Web

Wordpress site for increase SEO ranking in other e-commerce store

My question don’t have to do with code but with information if an expert can help. We have a e-commerce store which is very hard to work its SEO. So I though to build a Wordpress site which will operate as a lookbook. Also it will host all categories and some few products which have have back links to the eshop. Are all the above safe for better ranking or it will hurt the e-commerce store? Any help much appreciated!
Category: Web

How to use Kaggle Api in Google Colab for directly using dataset?

I know that we can use Kaggle's api directly in google colab which downloads the dataset. The commands are : !mkdir .kaggle !echo '{"username":"somename","key":"apikey"}' > /root/.kaggle/kaggle.json !chmod 600 /root/.kaggle/kaggle.json !kaggle competitions download -c bluebook-for-bulldozers -p /content But I need to do this process of making .kaggle file and pass the apikey in google colab gpu everytime. And sometimes the echo command run saying no file called .kaggle but after say 2 mins without restarting the kernal, it works. It sounds …
Category: Data Science

Remove Noindex?

I'm having issues getting Google to index my site, because there is a noindex on the homepage. <meta name='robots' content='max-image-preview:large, noindex, follow' /> I have removed all SEO plugins, how do I remove this noindex? The url is
Category: Web

How to combine data from multiple Google Trends queries effectively?

As you might know, Google Trends works by normalising a random sample of the search term data, with the sample changing at least once per day, from my experience. This is not an issue for western countries, but I am trying to conduct research based on search frequency in developing countries and here the lack of data makes some of the search samples very small and the data very scarce (sometimes as small as 0-2 data points for a period …
Category: Data Science

How Google Trends is normalized?

I have a daily series from Google Trends, using the range "today 3-m", but it comes that the last day is not available from this query. For example, today is March,24th and the last day using this query is March, 22th and I expected that it would be March, 23th. If I take the series using the range "now 7-d", the day comes hourly and there is March, 23th. I would like to aggregate it and put it in the …
Category: Data Science

How to add height and width to images on a page(using WP Bakery) to improve Google's CLS score?

In Google's page speed insights my CLS Score for some pages is low because of the following. "Image elements do not have explicit width and height" Set an explicit width and height on image elements to reduce layout shifts and improve CLS. Learn more. I have added a regenerate thumnbnails plugin and also using very specific image URL in the page builder // where the image is to be displayed. Even then the page speed insight shows all the images …
Category: Web

How to automatically mount my Google Drive to Google Colab

I have recently discovered Google Colab and I am wondering if there is an option to permanently authorize Google Colab to access and mount my Google Drive. from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/drive') Go to this URL in a browser: Enter your authorization code: ·········· Mounted at /content/drive Right now, I need to all the time insert manually the authorization code and I want when I start a new Google Colab to have my drive mounted. Is there an option …
Topic: colab google
Category: Data Science

How find what plugins load google Font and block it

I'm currently using Zeen theme and a couple of other plugins. I've checked all the settings of the plugins and I've disabled all the voices about Google Font. Now, my theme loads a font via CSS but, checking my GTMetrix the site load more than 10 .woff fonts from . At the moment I'm delaying the load of the fonts via this JS script <script type="text/javascript"> WebFontConfig = { google: { families: [ 'Playfair+Display:700,italic,400|Open+Sans:400,700|Montserrat:400,700' ] } }; (function() { …
Category: Web

Google analytics custom dimensions into data studio

I'm looking at tracking custom dimensions that have been set up in google analytics within data studio. I can find the custom dimensions that in analytics but I cannot find how to get them in data studio unlike the other metrics. These dimensions are tags coming from drupal. An issue I have with this is that tags are coming in with commas in them. Two separate tags Topic1 and Topic2 would be able to be 3 different tags as it …
Category: Data Science

Is this a potentially acceptable way to compare Google result quantities?

I’ve been recently trying to compare internet presence of a species to trend data I have collected. After reading a stack of papers on hit count estimates, I’m well aware that the number of results are, at best, an estimate. My question is, how far off would it be to compare terms that produce drastic differences in the number of results? For instance: “White-throated jay” OR “scientific name” yields roughly 7-14,00 results depending on the day/amount of time the query …
Category: Data Science

Woocommerce Checkout Page Total Price Inside Google Pay Script

I have the following Google Pay script below and I am trying to replace the 1.00 for totalPrice with the total price (number) on the checkout page of my standard Woocommerce/Wordpress website: <script> let paymentsClient = null; function getGooglePaymentsClient() { if ( paymentsClient === null ) { paymentsClient = new google.payments.api.PaymentsClient({environment: 'TEST'}); } return paymentsClient; } function onGooglePayLoaded() { const paymentsClient = getGooglePaymentsClient(); paymentsClient.isReadyToPay({ apiVersion: 2, apiVersionMinor: 0, allowedPaymentMethods: [ { type: 'CARD', parameters: { allowedAuthMethods: ["PAN_ONLY", "CRYPTOGRAM_3DS"], allowedCardNetworks: ["AMEX", …
Category: Web


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