Hi I have now managed to plot various points on a map and interpolate with ordinary kriging. However, my data does not look anything like it should. Do I need to use an algorithm to fill in the missing data? Does anyone know how the RCWIP2 model does this? My data looks like this: and it should look like this: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Global-mean-annual-average-leaf-water-d-18-O-and-d-2-H-isoscapes-for-the-sites-of_fig1_226462314 Does anyone have an idea where to get an algorythm (open source) for this? Or is it possible to …
How does pandas' DataFrame.interpolate() work in relation to the amount of rows it considers: is it just the row before the NaNs and the row right after? Or is it the whole DataFrame (how does that work at 1 million rows?) Or another way (please explain) each of the methods is relevant. ‘linear’: Ignore the index and treat the values as equally spaced. This is the only method supported on MultiIndexes. ‘time’: Works on daily and higher resolution data to …
what exactly is the "order"-parameter in pandas interpolation? it is mentioned in the doc: ‘nearest’, ‘zero’, ‘slinear’, ‘quadratic’, ‘cubic’, ‘spline’, ‘barycentric’, ‘polynomial’: Passed to scipy.interpolate.interp1d. These methods use the numerical values of the index. Both ‘polynomial’ and ‘spline’ require that you also specify an order (int), e.g. df.interpolate(method='polynomial', order=5).
This is the first time I attempt to use machine learning with Keras. In contrast to others I need to use one of the disadvantage of such algorithms. I need a function that accepts an angle and distance to an object and output a new angle and power (imagine aiming for an object with a bow for example and the algorithm tells me how far up my arm should go and the bow's power). There's nothing predictive in this configuration. …
I'm performing some interpolation comparison and, of course, "the quality" of the training sample is a key parameter to survey. In this case I can create the dataset. For this reason, I try to create a good dataset ( = the minimum of sample that help me to have a predictive model). What is the quantity of experiments required to generate a predictive model? To answer this question I managed to see how the data are nicely sparse in the …
I have electrical consumption data between 2016-2019. The data was recorded every 30 minutes for 4 years. There is no data between 13/03/2019 - 31/03/209. I started with pandas.DataFrame.interpolate and I almost tried all methods without any fix for this problem. You can see below some of the results. df.interpolate(method="nearest") df.interpolate(method="akima") df.interpolate(method="time") Now, I am thinking to use the same data of the last year March 2018 to fill the missing values in March 2019. Do you think it is …
I'm training a CNN with images which have lots of horizontal black lines (due to the nature of the sensor). I'm thinking in removing this artifacts by some kind of preprocessing (interpolation, median filters...). The thing is: does it make sense, since the CNN tries to apply optimal filtering? (if some 2D filtering is intended to be done just before the CNN, is just adding a deterministic layer at the beginning of the net...)
My question is: how can I mask or crop the results, using R, of IDW interpolation to only the area containing the original set of data points? In the example below, 20 random points are used to interpolate a surface using the IDW function in gstat. A convex hull is obtained from the points set and plotted on the interpolated map. But, I would like to crop the map so only areas within the point cloud show the interpolation result. …
I have spectral data which is poorly aligned. It was taken from two different devices, such that some spectral data is between, say, 1 kHz and 3 kHz with 0.1 kHz steps, and other data is between 1.1 kHz and 3.3 kHz with 0.2 kHz steps. What's the best way to interpolate these data such that I get an 'aligned' dataset, e.g. all data is between 1 kHz and 3.3 kHz with 0.1 kHz steps?
I have an array of coordinates each one with an associated timestamp. Something like: [ { x: 100, y: 150, ts: 56 }, { x: 110, y: 145, ts: 75 }, { x: 105, y: 150, ts: 103 } ] The timestamps tss are the amount of milliseconds since the start of the measurements. The coordinates x, y correspond to interactions of an user in a screen. I need to build a heatmap of where the user interacted. For example, …
How often may algorithms improve on the quality of input data? Or i.e. extrapolate in information? I've sometimes thought that it might seem like it's possible to "add data points" by some well-informed interpolation or "random draw" procedures on top of real-world data, but I wonder how common or reasonable is this in general? Since someone else could view that input data is somehow "bandwidth-limited" and all processes that follow must necessarily be limited to this resolution. And that there's …
I have several GeoTIFF images with one band (time-series of vegetation values) for one area however, taken from different orbits (positions), so I need to do either scipy.interpolate.griddata or probably use GDAL spatial interpolation for fitting all images to same coordinations (i.e. pixels of all images will have same latitude and longitude). After that, I would like to apply Savitzky-Golay filter (scipy.signal.savgol_filter) for every pixel. What approach is best to use? I am not sure if there is a necessity …
Background Continuation of Spline interpolation - why cube with 2nd derivative as following Cubic Spline Interpolation in youtube. The example in the youtube is below. Implemented using scipy.interpolate.splrep and try to understand what the returns of the splrep function are. Given the set of data points (x[i], y[i]) determine a smooth spline approximation of degree k on the interval xb <= x <= xe. Returns tck : tuple A tuple (t,c,k) containing the vector of knots, the B-spline coefficients, and …
Someone gave me a tip to use kalman filter for my dataset. How time intensive is it to get a good kalman filter running, compared to simple interpolation methods like df.fillna(method="") which takes basically no effort. If one or two iterations is enough to get useful results, which come very near the real missing value, then I am willing to take the effort to implement it. (Dataset length 100.000 up to 200mio rows) If it needs to be optimized like …
I have a database which has measurements of objects every day every hour. However, some data is missing and I don't have measurements for all the hours. in order to get over this challenge I have used different interpolations methods in order to create this missing data (with pandas). So now I have several databases with those interpolations methods, and I need only one. My question is how can I determine which interpolation is the best interpolation method? I have …
I'm a beginner, so sorry if my question could be basic. Reading on internet I've found example written in python that makes the reverse of my questions (covert from daily to monthly). My problem is that. I've develop an ANN which requires hourly weather data (temperature, humidity, precipitation). However I've only daily weather data for each day. (averange temperature, averange humidity, averange precipitation). Is it possible retrieve from daily data the hourly data in python? if yes, how?which libraries? Daily …
In the above sample data, I have empty fields and now the task is to fill the fields with previous values. my columns are dates and the values are a number of items present for that particular article for the specific date. which would be a faster way to interpolate the missing fields. Any suggestions to build the function is appreciated.
This is a cute little clustering problem that was probably solved a million times over, but I couldn't find a good reference for it. I have 20 1D datasets with 400 entries each. In the picture they are denoted by different colors. As you can see, they are also pretty continuous. However, for each index i the datasets have been re-ordered by magnitude, i.e. instead of nice continuous lines, the color now jumps at every intersection of each two datasets. …
I was reading the gist on the reward function used in OpenAI Five, but I didn't understand the way they calculate health's reward. This is what they state: Hero health is scored according to a quartic interpolation between 0 (dead) and 1 (full health) to force heavier weight when the agent is near dying. I tried googling but didn't manage to find an easy enough explanation for me to understand. What exactly is quartic interpolation and how is it calculated? …
Reading definition of interpolation below how are the O terms defined? Is this a value that is set manually? Example P( Sam | I am ) = count( Sam I am ) / count(I am) = 1 / 2 Interpolation using N-grams We can combine knowledge from each of our n-grams by using interpolation. E.g. assuming we have calculated unigram, bigram, and trigram probabilities, we can do: P ( Sam | I am ) = Θ1 x P( Sam ) …