I'm trying to translate a plugin, Dokan Pro, but I can't seem to find the correct .po file that my Wordpress site is using to translate. Part of it is already translated in Italian, but other parts are still in English. I've tried by placing the .po and .mo file for the plugin, named correctly as per documentation (dokan-it_IT and dokan-lite-it_IT) in the /wp-content/languages/plugins directory, but it won't take that files. Is there any other .po files from where it …
I am trying to make my own language switcher for my WordPress site. I am generating all labels using the _e and similar functions. So I am guessing the only thing I need to do is to change the locale used by WordPress. How can I do this programmatically? So in the ideal scenario when a user clicks on the desired language "this code" is run and WordPress uses the corresponding .mo file for the translation.
Short description: I try to translate strings in JS file. To test it I decided to create a simple test plugin. I have PHP and JS strings there. Translated PHP strings work fine, JS strings don't work. Tools and environment: WP-CLI 2.4.0 Wordpress 5.5.1 Ubuntu 20.04 Original languange: English (United States) Translate language: German Plugin PHP file content: <?php /* * Plugin Name: Test * Text Domain: test * Domain Path: /languages */ /** * Init all */ function run() …
https://i.stack.imgur.com/tHTdu.jpg At my blogg / news is this line is coming at a new post. I use norwegian as language and then I want to change the word I marked yellow. In english is "published by:" In norwegian is would be "publisert av:", but I want it to say "Written by:" or in norwegian "Skrevet av:" How can I fix that ?
My WordPress blog is set up as nl_NL. This means that my bookly plugin is also displayed in nl_NL. In the Plugin directory there is a folder languages with loads of other languages. I have one page in three different languages nl_NL, de_DE, en_EN, on this page I would like the booking plugin to be displayed in the correct language. I changed the page language via page id from nl_NL to de_DE Via the function.php, but this had no effect. …
I have a parent theme and a child theme, I would like to override the spanish .mo and .po files in the parent theme (or add them if they are not present in the parent theme) with the es_ES ones in my child theme. I added the folder with the modified mo and po files in the child theme with the same folder name as in the parent theme but this is not working. How can I come about this? …
We are running a wordpress site with Greek content (political & economical analysis) and we want to set up an English site of our site. The English site will be running on its own wordpress installation in a subdomain of the main site. If the primary site is http://www.analyst.gr then English site will http://en.analyst.gr. My problem that I face is that I can not find a proper solution for the language switcher. Ideally I want a language switcher that recognizes …
My wordpress admin is in french. and my theme is in arabic. i have two files mo : arabic and french. i used this : add_filter( 'locale', 'change_locale' ); function change_locale(){ return 'pt_AR'; } load_default_textdomain(); load_textdomain('responsive', get_template_directory().'/languages/pt_AR.mo'); i have my site web in araic only if i deleted the file french pt_FR.mo if this file exit, my site web is will be in french not in arabic how can fixed it ?!
By default in a network install, when viewing a sub-site, the sub-site language is used for the admin bar (toolbar). How can I have the admin bar (toolbar) always use the language of the user?
How Can I Manually Fix & What is The Root Cause? The Site Language setting in Settings > General for my site, will not update. It is stuck on English (United States). I have done all the usually debugging procedures, such as disabling all my plugins etc, reinstalling WordPress etc. But the issue remains. Q: What is the best way to manually fix this, and what is the root cause of the issue likely to be?
The function is_rtl() checks the blog language direction if it is LTR or RTL. public function is_rtl() { return 'rtl' == $this->text_direction; } But I couldn't find where or who fills in the text_direction data. If I change the blog language to Arabic then text_direction becomes RTL. Where does it get the language direction information from? The language list data is retrieved from the trasnaltions api https://api.wordpress.org/translations/core/1.0/ but that doesn't include the language direction! Is there another API for this? …
We are running our WP site in Hungarian but nobody in our team understands this language. We successfully changed admin backend language to our native language but not everything changed. We are still getting notification emails in Hungarian. The top (black) admin bar is also in Hungarian. Woocommerce send orders in Hungarian to admin... Is there a way to change that?
I have a multi-site network site. The main site url is example.com (default Korean) and want to have the second language site (example.com/en/ for English) If a user visits the one of Korean page, let's say (example.com/aboutus/) if he clicks the language switcher on the top bar (such as flag buttons to direct English page) I want to redirect him to (example.com/en/aboutus/ <-> vice verse ). Simple as this. Is there any similar switcher plug-in for this? or do I …
I am working on a Wordpress theme using a template to manage sports team, matches, players, etc. I settled my local wordpress time in French. In the blog part, no problem the post are displaying date in French. But there is a all part with custom post types managed by a plugin. The dates displayed by this plugins remains in English. By checking the code, I can see the date part formatting is managed here : function team_get_match_start($match_id, $format = …
I am adding a section to my site in Pashto, which is a custom Arabic RTL language. I can figure out how to inject "rtl" into the html tag and body tag using add_filter('language_attributes', 'custom_rtl_dir_attr'); add_filter('body_class', 'custom_rtl_body_class'); ... but because is_rtl() still returns false, things like the bootstrap rtl css don't get added automatically: if (is_rtl()) wp_enqueue_style('bootstrap-rtl', "//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap-rtl/3.2.0-rc2/css/bootstrap-rtl.min.css", array()); } What I am really looking for is a way to SET is_rtl() to true, for these pages, so that WP …
My Wordpress admin language is partially in English and partially in Dutch. This causes some things (like events) to show in English on the site, which is not supposed to happen. I used 'admin menu editor' and hid several items in the menu. It seems tat those items are the ones that are now not being translated to Dutch. I removed the plugin but nothing changed. Hope anyone can help with getting the items to follow the setting of the …
The following scenario: An admin activates a function or similar for a user (in the WordPress frontend). Now the user should be informed about this by email. Therefore an AJAX call is sent to the WordPress backend. There, the mail should be sent in the language set by the user. Here is my code for this: add_action('wp_ajax_handle_action', 'handle_action'); function handle_action(){ $username = $_POST['username']; $user = get_user_by('login', $username); $user_id = $user->ID; $email = $user->user_email; // To check if user lang is …
WordPress is set to Dutch language. When I use get_the_archive_title() my theme correctly outputs "Categorie: Category-name" on a category archive page. However I'd like that to read "Sectie: Category-name". I do not want to change the Dutch language file in the wp-content/languages folder, because that will be updated by WordPress updates. I tried copying that translation file, altering the "category" translation and putting the new nl_NL.mo file into my-theme/languages. This did not have any effect. How can I achieve a …
I have a wordpress site in a language that aligns RTL, but some pages are in English. These pages look terrible, however, because the English text is aligned with the RTL language, and punctuation, etc. appear on the wrong the side. How can I set the language for a single page or several individual pages?
I have a website where the backend is english and the frontend is Arabic. My wordpress login is in English but i want to make it Arabic. I have tried the first solution listed here How do I change the language of only the login page? but it is not working for me. In the code by @Stephen Harris, i changed return 'en_US'; to return 'ar' but nothing happened to my login page.