How do I get the trackback count of a post in wordpress without writing an SQL query? I tried searching Brave Search and I couldn't find anything helpful. To fetch the amount of comments a post has, get_comments_number() is the wordpress protocol function for it. But what if I want to fetch the amount of trackbacks a post has? And also, do I have to be inside "the loop" to do this? What if I'm outside the loop?
I'm trying to disable all functionality related to pingbacks/trackbacks in WordPress and so far I have this: add_action( 'pre_ping', 'disable_pingback' ); function disable_pingback( &$links ) { foreach ( $links as $l => $link ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $link, get_option( 'home' ) ) ) { unset( $links[ $l ] ); } } } However when I open up the page options and enable discussion, I still see this: I found this answer (method 2), but it is over …
I want to use the pingback.extensions.getPingbacks Method with parameters in the url, like post_type or page. I use the code below, but it doesn't work when I want to add a parameter and I get a fault code of 0 and an empty fault string, but it seems to work when I only pass the url without any parameters. Can anyone help me? <?php require_once 'class-IXR.php'; $rpc = new IXR_Client('http://localhost/wordpress/wordpress/xmlrpc.php'); $result = $rpc->query('pingback.extensions.getPingbacks','http://localhost/wordpress/wordpress/2018/01/17/hallo-welt/&post_type=something'); if(!$result) { echo 'Error [' . $rpc->getErrorCode() …
I host a Wordpress site and wanted to fine-tune my firewall. Therefore I blocked all outgoing NEW connections, except to the wordpress servers for updates. This works fine - but I noticed, as soon as I publich a post with links in it (with <a> tags) my computer wants to connect to the IPs, where these links are hosted. So in my logs I see failed NEW connections to all IPs, to which I link. Despite blocking these, my post …
I'd like to make good use of the ole pingback on a multi-author site, but with some alterations and concerns. They should be only available internally, no external pingbacks accepted. If I understand right, disabling them in the general options while leaving them open on each post should do it - is this correct? I want to alter their format. Right now the reffering page title becomes the author which is not cool. I'd rather have the actual post author …
While there is an option to bulk edit posts, and disable trackbacks on your published posts, I don't see this option for pages. So how does one disable trackbacks on pages that you've already published, that have comments enabled? Even if I edit a page manually, I only have option to allow/disallow comments, but where is the option to disable pings?
I deleted all my pingbacks and wanted to generate them again. I found a some code on WordPress's site, which showed the function pingback($Content, $ID) It send pings to all links mentioned in content. I tried to use it for of my 800 posts. <?php require_once( 'wp-config.php'); require_once( 'wp-load.php'); set_time_limit(3600); $Creations = get_posts( array('numberposts' => -1, 'post_type'=> array('post','download' ))); foreach ( $Creations as $Creation) { $content = $Creation->post_content; $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content); pingback($content, $Creation->ID); } ?> It works, but only …
I use wordpress for my Social Media site. WordPress Pings allow other blog posts to appear in comments when they link to us. I want to limit it to only blog posts created on my own site. Basically I only want SELF-PINGS/Trackbacks. If Other site tries to send ping reject it then and their, but if my own site's post tries to send a ping readily accept it and show it in comment section. I tried, wp-admin -> discussion …
Maybe this is a silly question, I actually want to know what is this URL? It's present in my website. <link rel="pingback" href="" /> My questions are: What is the use of this? Can this link cause any problems?
I'm trying to disable pingback / trackback email notifications and was wondering if there's a PHP file I can edit to prevent them? I've disabled them in the main WordPress settings (which I think just changes the default on new posts?) but still getting notifications of trackbacks on a post that's actually not a real post but a portfolio item in a portfolio plugin (with no option of disabling them on a per-post basis).
When using the pingback feature of WordPress, why does it cap the number of attempted pingbacks? For example, if you link to multiple other posts on your own blog, it will only do one or two pingbacks per publish operation (ie when you 'publish' (and/or it goes live, if it's scheduled), or when you edit and save a published post). It would seem that processing all pingbacks/trackbacks would be better behavior. How can that be accomplished?
Does anyone know if it is possible to "notify" a Jenkins VI server whenever a new post is made on a headless wordpress installation? The reason why I'm asking this is because I'm using gatsby to fetch data from a headless wordpress endpoint and I always need to trigger a new build manually whenever there is new content to be pushed. That's fine for me, but marketing and hr people don't know how to use jenkins (to be fair they …
I have implemented my own pingback client and sent out pingbacks to different hosts. Some wordpress instances responded to the XML-RPC pingback request with a faultCode of 0 and an empty faultMessage. What can be the cause for that?
I installed two WordPress instances on my site. One is and the other is Now, I made a post on wp1 and then linked to it on wp2. I didn't see anything about pingbacks. I tried several pages/posts and saw no pingbacks. Why? Where should I be seeing them, and why don't I see them? I saw someone mention "enabled for that post" and I checked if there are any post settings for pingback. I didn't see any. …
I know this question has been asked and answered 1000 times. However, I've never truly found a solution that removes pingback link tag from "wp_head". While there are several ways to block xml-rcp/pingback/trackback from wordpress I'm trying to add to that by blocking it from the head So basically I don't want this showing up in the rendered html: Closest solution I've ever found was this: add_filter( 'bloginfo_url', 'pmg_kt_kill_pingback_url', 10, 2 ); function pmg_kt_kill_pingback_url( $output, $show ) { if( $show …
When a Post/Page is published, WP helpfully informs Google about it. But it has happened few times that someone accidentally publishes a product Page before the launch, they of course unpublish it in the same minute, but it's already beamed into Google (if I'm not mistaken). Is there a way add a few minute delay to that? Related: I know it's possible to add a delay to RSS feed publishing. I've also installed the plugin "Confirm Publishing Actions" which remedies …
Does anybody know how to exclude pingbacks from this query? I tried to add AND post_type = 'comment' after AND post_password = '' but this didn't work. $query = "select wp_posts.*, coalesce(( select max(comment_date) from $wpdb->comments wpc where wpc.comment_post_id = AND comment_approved = 1 AND post_password = '' ), wp_posts.post_date ) as mcomment_date from $wpdb->posts wp_posts where post_type = 'post' and post_status = 'publish' and comment_count > '0' order by mcomment_date desc limit $limit"; Happy New Year! Even if …
I have high Google Page Rank, and as a result of that, lots of spammers make trackbacks. Every day I have to delete them. Will those trackbacks negatively affect my site's SEO? How can I disable all trackbacks on my site? I have run the following code in my MySQL admin and using the WordPress Manage DB plugin, but it shows me an error. UPDATE wp_posts SET ping_status='closed' WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'post'; UPDATE wp_posts SET ping_status='closed' …
I use disqus to handle comments on my blog. I also like to have pingbacks from various posts back and forth to each other (and from outside sources. However, I noticed today that while the comment count at the bottom of a post will show the total number of "comments" (including pingbacks), only the Disqus comments are actually displayed. How can I get pingbacks to appear as well as Disqus comments?
I'm using the following code to defer all JavaScript files on my site but have struggled with pingbacks and trackbacks; they don't work anymore. It seems that WordPress is using some JavaScript to detect or send pingbacks and trackbacks out. Does anyone know how the write an exception for pingbacks and trackbacks, or why its not working with this code snippet? function defer_parsing_of_js( $url ) { if (FALSE === strpos($url, '.js')) { return $url; } if (strpos($url, 'jquery.js')) { return …